请问哪位英文很厉害的大侠能帮我看看这段话里有没有什么语法用词错误并更正吗?如果看出来用心了会追分的In 30 ascitic fluid samples,PMN was ≥250,26 samples of them were correct diagnosed by leucocyte esteras

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/02 09:46:41

请问哪位英文很厉害的大侠能帮我看看这段话里有没有什么语法用词错误并更正吗?如果看出来用心了会追分的In 30 ascitic fluid samples,PMN was ≥250,26 samples of them were correct diagnosed by leucocyte esteras
In 30 ascitic fluid samples,PMN was ≥250,26 samples of them were correct diagnosed by leucocyte esterase reagent strips.We define the degree 1+ in the colormetric scale as the cutoff point for the diagnose of infectious ascites,Multistix 10 SG had sensitivity of 96.67%,specificity of 98.5%,NPV of 87.88% and PPV of 98.65%.But leucocyte esterase reagent strips can not be applied to Deep dyeing ascities like Bloody ascites and chylous ascites.
Conclusion According to our basically research ,the use of leucocyte esterase reagent strips is a rapid,accurate tool for diagnosis of ascitic fluid infection,worthing more research on it.
130 ascitic fluid samples were collected from115 consecutive patients,including 96 cases from cirrhotic patients and 34 cases of other reasons.

请问哪位英文很厉害的大侠能帮我看看这段话里有没有什么语法用词错误并更正吗?如果看出来用心了会追分的In 30 ascitic fluid samples,PMN was ≥250,26 samples of them were correct diagnosed by leucocyte esteras
第二段第一行: basically →basical(形容词修饰名词).

请问哪位英文很厉害的大侠能帮我看看这段话里有没有什么语法用词错误并更正吗?如果看出来用心了会追分的In 30 ascitic fluid samples,PMN was ≥250,26 samples of them were correct diagnosed by leucocyte esteras 英语选择题.能帮我看看那些红笔改的吗.错的很厉害,谢谢 沧海什么意思.请问哪位大侠能帮我指点一下,“沧海”的正确理解意思.爱问知识人. 哪位大侠能帮我看看这个吗?我在cisco上设置router ospf的时候总是提示Ip Routing not enabled这是怎么回事呢? 英语翻译有没有那么一瞬间,你心疼过我的执着哪位大侠能帮我翻译成英文?最能表达那个语境和情绪的 哪位英文厉害的能帮我解释下!You are the only for me but I always benefit这话怎么理解!网上查的就别来了! 哪位大侠能帮我翻译一下一个简介?中文翻译成英文的!请Q我306819828或邮箱[email protected],在线等!谢谢 急求卓别林简介的ppt文件,要有英文注释英语课要用啊,哪位大侠能帮我做一个,有多少分都给~ 哪位大侠能帮我把这几个翻译成英文.贷款初审、评级授信系统管理员、项目评估、评级授信 ,谢谢!银行的,用于制作名片 〖意外事故的应急处理〗!哪位大侠能帮我总结一下下! 请问哪位大侠可以告知,魏晋南北朝有什么厉害的人物吗 哪位大侠帮我看看 08:00:00 UTC 是北京时间几点 哪位高人能帮我看看我的英语自我介绍有没有语法错误,怎样改正 哪位大神能帮我看看这些字写的是什么,我看不懂,连笔字太多了. 昨天晚上做梦梦见地震!昨天晚上做梦梦见地震,而且是2次,只是很明显的感觉房子颤动的很厉害,2次都是.我好像还从高层楼上跳下去了一次,不过没有伤到.请问,哪位懂得的大侠帮小弟分析一下 请问哪位大神帮我看看这几个词语的意思? 哪位大侠能帮我看看这电路图 S1,S2负载应该是两个接近开关,但为什么不用接正极线呢?接线图中是两个接近开关吗?是几线的?新手啊,不懂啊, 麻烦帮我看看选择题,英语的,错的很厉害,