
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/01 10:05:18


The Forbidden City was the Chinese imperial palace from the mid-Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty.
Traditionally,the Forbidden City is divided into two parts.
The Outer Court (外朝) or Front Court (前朝) includes the southern sections,and was used for ceremonial purposes.
Entering from the south,there are the Ti'an Men,the Duan Gate,the Meridian Gate(午门),the Hall of Supreme Harmony (太和殿),the Hall of Central Harmony (中和殿),and the Hall of Preserving Harmony (保和殿) together on the central axis.
In the south west and south east of the Outer Court are the halls of Military Eminence and the Literary Glory.To the north-east are the Southern Three Places (南三所) ,which was the residence of the Crown Prince.
The Inner Court (内廷) or Back Palace (后宫) includes the northern sections,and was the residence of the Emperor and his family,and was used for day-to-day affairs of state.
At the centre of the Inner Court from the south,these are the Palace of Heavenly Purity (乾清宫),Hall of Union(交泰殿),and the Palace of Earthly Tranquility(坤宁宫),and the Imperial garden(御花园) .
Distributed to the east and west of the central axis are a series of self-contained courtyards and minor palaces,where the Emperor's concubines and children lived.


Forbidden City as the Ming and Qing dynasties of Miyagi Prefecture, also divided into the North Korea, Neiting two parts. North Korea is the emperor of the local office. Jufan country's major activiti...


Forbidden City as the Ming and Qing dynasties of Miyagi Prefecture, also divided into the North Korea, Neiting two parts. North Korea is the emperor of the local office. Jufan country's major activities and various rituals are held outside North Korea. North Korea, from Tiananmen Square - side door - the door afternoon - Taihe Dian - and in the Palace - Hall of security and the axis and the axis on both sides of the Dian-ge Gallery Wu composition. Neiting is the emperor Houfei life, including axial line of stem Qinggong, the TAC Thai Palace, Kunning Gong, Yu Huayuan and Liugong things on both sides of the palace group, and other components.


英语翻译紫禁城作为明清两代的宫城,也分为外朝、内廷两个部分.外朝是皇帝办公的地方.举凡国家的重大活动和各种礼仪,都在外朝举行.外朝由天安门——端门——午门——太和殿——中和 英语翻译紫禁城作为明清两代的宫城,也分为外朝、内廷两个部分.外朝是皇帝办公的地方.举凡国家的重大活动和各种礼仪,都在外朝举行.外朝由天安门——端门——午门——太和殿——中和 紫禁城是明清两代皇帝的住处麼?SHI “故宫位于北京市中心,是明清两代的皇宫,又叫紫禁城”.这话怎么翻译成英语 汉朝皇宫有名字吗?明清两代的皇宫又叫做紫禁城,请问汉朝的皇宫有专门的名字吗? 明清两代加强中央集权的主要措施有那些 明清两代戏剧代表作有( )的( ),( )的( )和( )的( ) 故宫是明清两代的皇宫,故宫前后一共经历过多少个皇帝? 明清两代文化一方面是文化专制主义的空前强化,什么盛行, 结合有关史实说明明清两代中国没有能够产生现代科学的原因 明清两代加强中央集权的主要措施有哪些?急 紫禁城内建筑特色和明朝北京城布局特点,体现了明清建筑设计的什么思想? 天坛是明清两代皇帝用来干什么 故宫是明清两代的皇宫,故宫前后一共经历过多少个皇帝?( )故宫是明清两代的皇宫,故宫前后一共经历过多少个皇帝?( ) 明清两代加强中央集权的主要措施有哪些?那位好人帮帮忙 找找呀 小弟找不着呀 紫禁城为什么要改叫故宫”紫禁城”那么有气势,如果要改名也要有气势的啊 紫禁城明朝有多少位皇帝、清朝有多少们皇帝在此生活居住?故宫博物院原名“紫禁城”,是明清两朝的皇宫,距今已有580年的历史.明朝有多少位皇帝、清朝有多少们皇帝在此生活居住? 紫禁城是皇城还是宫城