it is (no)good 后面加to do 还是doing 是不都能意思不同

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/10 15:46:13

it is (no)good 后面加to do 还是doing 是不都能意思不同
it is (no)good 后面加to do 还是doing 是不都能意思不同

it is (no)good 后面加to do 还是doing 是不都能意思不同
只能是no good doing sth


It is no good asking her for a date.
It's no good complaining.
All his riches are of no good to him if he is so ill.
it is no good doing.

It is no good doing. It is not good to do. 只要记好这两个就行了哦。

it is (no)good 后面加to do 还是doing 是不都能意思不同 there is no use(need/good/bad...)+?it is no use(need/good/bad...)+?这两个句型后面应该分别加不定式还是动名词啊,我甚至还看到了 to doing的用法(There is no use to looking back or wondering),好晕啊 it is no good (smoking).it is no good to smoke为什么不对? It is no good to talk to him求改错 He has no place to go to.there is a good place to go .为什么前者加介词,后面不加?这两个可以互换么? It is a good place to go to,后面应该加to吗?何时应加to,合时不加,要说的详细一点 It's no pleasure 后面加doing 还是to do practise与exercise区分It is no good learning without practise.practise后面为什么不加s? 2.She is doing spelling exercises . 为什么不是practise? I think it important for children to have a good habitit 后面不加is 语法是不是正确的? she has no house to live in.the lake is a good place to swim.这两句话中,为什么前者后面要加介词,后 need用法没必要是there is no need还是it's no need?后面加doing还是to do?请指教 there's no use/need/good后面加什么,to do 还是doing 英语~~The box is too heavy to lift.lift后面加it麽?老师说lift 后面不加代词it是因为to lift做的是too heavy的状语、整个句子是主系表.所以不加.但如果是It is too heavy to lift呢?是不是该加啊?就像It is good f it is good manners to wait in line.既然是is 后面为什么是manners (manner的复数形式) 初中英语几道题(在线等,快)1.They had a good time last Sunday.变感叹句What a good time last Sunday they had it is!这里it多余吗?2.The teacher is talking to the boy over there,变反义疑问句后面加isn't it不知性别用it It is considered no good( )without understand.括号内填reciting,为什么?可以填to recite吗? 用it is no good 造句? there is noting后加动词形式帮忙和There is no good (或use等) doing It is no good (或use等) doing区别