减少这条款短语或文字:he takes a cold shower every morning before he goes to work我将谢谢你的回答

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 15:06:33

减少这条款短语或文字:he takes a cold shower every morning before he goes to work我将谢谢你的回答
减少这条款短语或文字:he takes a cold shower every morning before he goes to work

减少这条款短语或文字:he takes a cold shower every morning before he goes to work我将谢谢你的回答
he takes a shower ,cold是定语,every morning before he goes to work是时间状语.所以呢,留下主谓宾语,只能剩下这句话啦

减少这条款短语或文字:he takes a cold shower every morning before he goes to work我将谢谢你的回答 He takes down the door and puts the door on the back翻译?以及固定短语 He takes the medicine every other day中的every other 或者找出几个同义短语, he takes some food 根据下面的文字写有关“鼎”的成语或短语 英语翻译甲方和乙方违反上述条款,双方均有权按照违约条款及其他相似或近似条款执行. 用所给的词或短语改写句子He takes photos.(look)She sings a beautiful song for the old.(listen)The students lie in the sun,(at this time)The teacher has a lesson.(it is nine o’clock) He (takes) photos of the animals in the zoo?这句话有问题么?takes应该怎么改 用形容词或副词填空(首字母已给出) He often takes an a____ part in the sports meeting. term 条款或限期的区分用法term of the contract是合同条款 还是合同期限term 什么时候做条款,什么时候做期限呢?TERM OF THE CONTRACT; TERMINATION AND SUSPENSION PROVISIONS在这句话里面呢? 关于一些海运条款我要搜集一些关于海运的条款,像喜马拉雅条款或新杰森条款这样的大条款也可以,大条款一下的小条款也可以,只要是关于海运的一些条款要具有实际的意义! 下面这段文字中与郦道元《三峡》中的哪些描写的句子或短语是一致的峡中碧水奔流,奇峰耸立,竹木葱茏,猿声阵阵、野趣横生.有山皆翠,有水皆绿,有峻皆奇,有泉皆飞、云雾缭绕. I think that takes care of the first item是会议中谈论的条款的意思 “He takes care of pets”这句英文的意思是什么? he takes on the software giant Microsoft.这句怎么翻译? He takes off his riancoat.这句中的take off的take为什么是用复数? He often takes care ______his little sister he often takes his dog for w