
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/27 16:19:34



对两人:Will you now clasp your right hands?
对新郎:Do you, 男方名字, take 女方名字 to be the wife of your days, to love and to cherish, to honor and to comfort, i...


对两人:Will you now clasp your right hands?
对新郎:Do you, 男方名字, take 女方名字 to be the wife of your days, to love and to cherish, to honor and to comfort, in sorrow and in joy, in hardship and in ease, to have and to hold from this day forward?
新郎说:I do.
对新娘:Do you, 女方名字, take 男方名字 to be the husband of your days, to love and to cherish, to honor and to comfort, in sorrow and in joy, in hardship and in ease, to have and to hold from this day forward?
对新郎:男方名字,what pledge do you offer in token of these vows?
新郎说:This ring,As you place this ring, symbol of your commitment in marriage, on the third finger of Laura's left hand, repeat after me: With this ring, I marry you and pledge my faithful love.
新郎于是就重复遍:With this ring, I marry you and pledge my faithful love.
神父再继续说:Brian and Laura have consented together in wedlock, and have pledged themselves each to the other in the presence of this company, I do now pronounce that they are husband and wife. Let all others honor their decision and the threshold of their home.
May these people, now married, fulfill this covenant which they have made. May they openly give and take from each other, encouraging each other in whatever trials may befall them, sharing in each other's joys, helping each other as each occasion requires.
We who are present, and those not here who care, hope that the inspiration of this hour will not be forgotten. May they ever seek to achieve the perspective of serenity amidst conflict and of courage amidst any twilight of despair.
男方名字 and 女方名字, let your new life begin in the spirit of this Apache wedding blessing:
"Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter to the other.
"Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other.
"Now there is no loneliness for you: Now you are two persons, but there is one life before you.
"Go now to your dwelling place, to enter into the days of your togetherness, and may your days be good and long upon the earth."
You may kiss the bride.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you 男方名字 and 女方名字, husband and wife.


教堂举行结婚典礼时教父说的那几句话英文是什么? 新人在教堂结婚,教父会问的那几句话是什么.急. 在教堂结婚时,牧师说的那段话是什么啊!要回答我愿意的那段. 结婚时在教堂里神父说的“无论……你都愿意娶**为妻吗?”英文怎么说?. 在教堂里神父用英语说的那段结婚的话! 怎么写啊?thank you “结婚典礼”翻译成英语是? 离婚协议应该怎么写?领了结婚证没有举行结婚典礼,婚前买的东西应该怎么算啊?是男方提出的离婚. 结婚时教堂里神父那套台词怎么说要全面的 完整的 少年强则国强.那几句话是怎么说的来着? 教堂教父问题我想知道教堂里的教父是如何产生的,还有教堂是不还分区总教,国家总教?这些教区的负责人又是如何产生,是梵蒂冈总教任命的吗? 结婚请柬怎么写?急我把格式写在下面,送呈 台启谨订于 年 月 日星期 为 举行结婚典礼敬备喜酒恭候 光临 敬约时恭候时入席(请柬是竖的,我这不方便写竖的,但是上面格式和竖的是一样的,空 结婚喜帖的写法外页为:送呈 台启内页为:谨订 公(农)历 年 月 日 星期 为 举行结婚典礼 是日假座 敬备喜酌 恭候光临 敬约 时恭候(入席)席设 上面空格地方为需要填写的内容,主要是 教堂结婚时神父问新郎新娘的问题,顺便麻烦帮忙翻译成英文!中英文对照哦!Thank you! 英语翻译教父1临近结尾处麦克在教堂参加自己妹妹的儿子的施洗仪式时,牧师用意大利语念了一段很长的祈祷词,求这段祈祷词的翻译.嗯,是拉丁文.那就按拉丁文翻译吧. 曾国藩读书时爱护书籍的那几句话是什么?大概有类似不要折书什么的,那几句话是怎么说的了? 谁有结婚典礼词? 教堂英文 教父用英文怎么说