英语语法 of 怎么用

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英语语法 of 怎么用
英语语法 of 怎么用

英语语法 of 怎么用
介词 prep.
One of the legs of the table is broken.
Mr.Brown is a friend of mine.
The house is of stone.
Of all the students in this class,Tom is the best.
He came to New York at the age of ten.
He gave a lecture on the use of solar energy.
We waited for the arrival of the next bus.
I have the complete works of Shakespeare.
He was a graduate of the University of Hawaii.
Her son died of hepatitis.
My aunt is hard of hearing.
It is a matter of importance.
  out of 由于;离开;在…外;在……外   regardless of 不顾;不管;不惜;无论   Of course 当然;自然;当然可以;自是   approve of 满意;赞成;赞赏;获准   glimpse of 瞥见;一瞥   hear of 听说;听到;知道;耳闻   capable of 敢于;能;能够;有…能力的   inclusive of 把…包括在内;把……包括在内;包括的   critical of 挑剔;对…苛求的;对…持批评态度   at the end of在…的末尾
  1.This is the best trip of my life.  这是我这一生中最棒的一趟旅行.  2.I had a cup of coffee.  我喝了一杯咖啡.  3.She had a bow of red ribbon in her hair.  她的头发上有一个用红丝带打的蝴蝶结.

1: 表示剥夺,除去
  deprive sb. of his right
  denude sb. of his possession (hope)
  divest the baby of his clothes
  rid him of this fear rob sb. of his wallet


1: 表示剥夺,除去
  deprive sb. of his right
  denude sb. of his possession (hope)
  divest the baby of his clothes
  rid him of this fear rob sb. of his wallet
  defraud sb. of gold ring
  cure sb. of cancer heal sb. of cancer
  purify the nation clean the jar of crust
  clarify the river of flowing rubbish
  --get rid of, rid of, dispose of
  2: of接直接宾语
  -告诉-tell sb. of sth. inform sb. of sth warn sb. of fire
  remind sb. of his duties acquaint sb. of sth. notify of..
  -其他,劝服-persuade sb. of honesty assure sb. of the best seats convince sb. of sth.
  -法律词汇-accuse sb. of burglary ; convict sb. of murder; suspect sb. of a theft
  -reassure his wife of his safe arrival
  3: of接间接宾语
  request sth. of sb. expect sth. of sb. require sth. of sb.
  ask a question of sb. be fearful of mistakes be jealous of wealthy persons be reminiscent of his past be patient of
  the enormous noise be guilty of robbery be innocent of robbery
  4: of表示人物的特性,籍贯,特性或出生等
  He is of Irish descend (ascent)
  People of obscure origin (humble /noble)
  Man of keen perception a man of moral integrity
  5: 固定词组
  -say of, tale of, hear of, think of, learn of, savor of
  The room smells of stale cabbage.
  -brag of his achievements. Boast of his children
  beware of pickpockets approve of the program
  doubt of success complain of poor management
  -be sure of be suspicious of be aware of
  be confident of be proud of be ashamed of
  be afraid of be capable of be lack of
  be critical of be shortly of be conscious of
  be ignorant of be wary of be cautious og
  be appreciative of your advice
  -regardless of , irrespective of ,不管….无视
  in favor of
  decide on three most popular leisure
  activities irrespective of age


of 用法大致分两种:1、当表示属于某人或某物的时,可用of......; 2、当表示并列关系时,可用

1. PREP 介词(用于连接两个名词,其中前者表示后者的特定方面) You use of to combine two nouns when the first noun identifies the feature of the second noun that you want to talk about. The average age of the women interviewed ...


1. PREP 介词(用于连接两个名词,其中前者表示后者的特定方面) You use of to combine two nouns when the first noun identifies the feature of the second noun that you want to talk about. The average age of the women interviewed was only 21.5.参加面试的女性平均年龄才21.5岁。
2. PREP 介词(用于连接两个名词或名词与现在分词,其中后者对前者进行界定或补充信息) You use of to combine two nouns, or a noun and a present participle, when the second noun or present participle defines or gives more information about the first noun. Would you say what you felt was a feeling of betrayal?...你是否觉得有一种被人出卖的感觉?
3. PREP 介词(用于指称动作的名词后说明该动作的对象或主体) You use of after nouns referring to actions to specify the person or thing that is affected by the action or that performs the action. For example, 'the kidnapping of the child' refers to an action affecting a child; 'the arrival of the next train' refers to an action performed by a train.
...the assessment of future senior managers.对未来高级经理的评估
4. PREP 介词(用于指称数量或组群的词和短语后表示计量的对象) You use of after words and phrases referring to quantities or groups of things to indicate the substance or thing that is being measured.
...a few kilometres of new roads.几公里新修道路
5. PREP 介词(用于人或事物的名称后引出其所属或相关的机构或地方) You use of after the name of someone or something to introduce the institution or place they belong to or are connected with.
...the superb rock-hewn Cave Temples of Badami.巧夺天工的巴达米石窟庙群
6. PREP 介词(用于指称容器的名词后,说明容器及其所含物) You use of after a noun referring to a container to form an expression referring to the container and its contents. We could all do with a cup of tea...要是能给我们都来杯茶就好了。
7. PREP 介词(用在可数名词后、不可数名词前表示某一单个物品) You use of after a count noun and before an uncount noun when you want to talk about an individual piece or item. a blade of grass...一片草叶
8. PREP 介词(表示材料或成分)由…制成(或组成)的 You use of to indicate the materials or things that form something.
.local decorations of wood and straw.用木头和稻草制成的本地饰品
9. PREP 介词(用于名词后表示其为某事物的一部分) You use of after a noun which specifies a particular part of something, to introduce the thing that it is a part of.
We had almost reached the end of the street.我们几乎到了街的尽头。
10. PREP 介词(用于某些动词后表示动作所涉及的人或事物)关于,由于 You use of after some verbs to indicate someone or something else involved in the action.
He'd been dreaming of her...他一直梦见她。
11. PREP 介词(用于某些形容词后表示与情感或特性相关的事物)对,为 You use of after some adjectives to indicate the thing that a feeling or quality relates to.
His father was quite naturally very proud of him...他父亲自然为他感到无比骄傲。
12. PREP 介词(用于指称施动者的单词前说明对该动作的看法)出自…,在…一方 You use of before a word referring to the person who performed an action when saying what you think about the action.
This has been so nice, so terribly kind of you...您这么做真是太好心,太令我们感激不尽了。
13. PREP 介词(用于描述名词后引出所指的人或事物) You use of after a noun which describes someone or something, to introduce the person or thing you are talking about.
14. PREP 介词(表示程度)更大/较小程度上的… If something is more of or less of a particular thing, it is that thing to a greater or smaller degree.
Your extra fat may be more of a health risk than you realize...多余的脂肪对健康的威胁可能比你意识到的要大。
15. PREP 介词(表示某人或某事物具有的特点或特性) You use of to indicate a characteristic or quality that someone or something has.
...the worth of their music.他们音乐的价值
16. PREP 介词(用于be动词后表示某人或某事物具有的特点或特性) You use of after the verb 'be' to indicate a characteristic or quality that someone or something has.
The crisis faced over the next few months is of an entirely different scale...接下来几个月内将要面临的危机规模将是无法相比的。
17. PREP 介词(用于说明数量、价值或年龄) You use of to specify an amount, value, or age.
Last Thursday, Nick announced record revenues of $3.4 billion...
18. PREP 介词(用于年、月等名词后表示状态或活动的持续时间) You use of after a noun such as 'month' or 'year' to indicate the length of time that some state or activity continues. The project has gone through nearly a dozen years of planning.该项目已历经近12年的规划。
19. PREP 介词(表示时间离某一钟点差几分)在…之前 You can use of to say what time it is by indicating how many minutes there are before the hour mentioned.
We got to the beach at five of one in the afternoon.我们下午1点差5分的时候到达海滩。


1: 表示剥夺,除去
deprive sb. of his right
denude sb. of his possession (hope)
divest the baby of his clothes
rid him of this fear rob sb. of his wallet
defraud sb. of gold ring


1: 表示剥夺,除去
deprive sb. of his right
denude sb. of his possession (hope)
divest the baby of his clothes
rid him of this fear rob sb. of his wallet
defraud sb. of gold ring
cure sb. of cancer heal sb. of cancer
purify the nation clean the jar of crust
clarify the river of flowing rubbish
--get rid of, rid of, dispose of
2: of接直接宾语
-告诉-tell sb. of sth. inform sb. of sth warn sb. of fire
remind sb. of his duties acquaint sb. of sth. notify of..
-其他,劝服-persuade sb. of honesty assure sb. of the best seats convince sb. of sth.
-法律词汇-accuse sb. of burglary ; convict sb. of murder; suspect sb. of a theft
-reassure his wife of his safe arrival
3: of接间接宾语
request sth. of sb. expect sth. of sb. require sth. of sb.
ask a question of sb. be fearful of mistakes be jealous of wealthy persons be reminiscent of his past be patient of
the enormous noise be guilty of robbery be innocent of robbery
4: of表示人物的特性,籍贯,特性或出生等
He is of Irish descend (ascent)
People of obscure origin (humble /noble)
Man of keen perception a man of moral integrity
5: 固定词组
-say of, tale of, hear of, think of, learn of, savor of
The room smells of stale cabbage.
-brag of his achievements. Boast of his children
beware of pickpockets approve of the program
doubt of success complain of poor management
-be sure of be suspicious of be aware of
be confident of be proud of be ashamed of
be afraid of be capable of be lack of
be critical of be shortly of be conscious of
be ignorant of be wary of be cautious og
be appreciative of your advice
-regardless of , irrespective of ,不管….无视
in favor of
decide on three most popular leisure
activities irrespective of age


用法太多,常见在两个名词之间“A of B”,多数情况下理解为“B的A”,即A与B为所属关系。