我的疑问是 Isnt it a pleasure to have peace of mind whild reading?中的 have peace of mind为什么have 后面不用加a?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 16:45:15

我的疑问是 Isnt it a pleasure to have peace of mind whild reading?中的 have peace of mind为什么have 后面不用加a?
我的疑问是 Isnt it a pleasure to have peace of mind whild reading?中的 have peace of mind为什么have 后面不用加a?

我的疑问是 Isnt it a pleasure to have peace of mind whild reading?中的 have peace of mind为什么have 后面不用加a?
pleasure在这是可数名词意思是an activity or experience that you enjoy very much即"非常喜欢享受的一种活动或一次经历“
pleasure作为不可数名词时候意思是the feeling of happiness,enjoyment,or satisfaction that you get from an experience 即“在一次经历中的幸福、享受或满足的感觉”
而peace作为不可数名词,首先不可能加不定冠词a,peace作为不可数针对于除了“和平”的意思以外,有两种意思:1.no noise or interruptions,a very quiet and pleasant situation in which you are not interrupted即“安静不受打扰的令人愉悦的一种环境” 2.calm or not worried,a feeling of being calm,happy and not worried 即“平静、安心、宁静、快乐的感觉”
通过上面那句话,peace of mind中的mind应该确定peace应该取以上第二种意思

peace n.和平;和睦;治安;安心
欢迎追问。我们老师说 a 可以表示抽象概念 比如说a pleasure。pleasure是有抽象概念不假,但是它前面+a了就是表示一件令人愉...


peace n.和平;和睦;治安;安心


我的疑问是 Isnt it a pleasure to have peace of mind whild reading?中的 have peace of mind为什么have 后面不用加a? it isnt easy being a teenager,being 什么用法我知道being 是作为的意思但是是什么语法现象 this car isnt worth the money you paid for it.有没有it,这个句子是我自己想的. one step at a time 的反意疑问句是用doesnt it 还是isnt it?或是其他? could i use your mobile phone ----------.it isnt working的答语是i am sorry吗 征求意见To learn english and french isnt easy反义疑问用is it?还是do you? 对于这个经典的求最大公约数,最小公倍数的C语言程序,我有疑问.输入两个正整数m和n,求其最大公约数和最小公倍数.1.程序分析:利用辗除法.2.程序源代码:main() { int a,b,num1,num2,temp; printf(plea Here is your coat.A.Thanks B.No,it isnt.C .Yes,it is. It is a wonderful trip ,isnt it?yes ,I was never forget这句话对吗 一般疑问句的回答it she he指什么?is this your pencial?yes,it is./no ,it isnt.这里的it是指的问句中的this还是pencial?this就是对方给我看的this;your pencial是指的我的.按外国人的思维,指那种是合适的 Isnt that a funny thing?什么I like it very muah How's the weather there?A.It's good.B.Sunny.大家都说选sunny,我的疑问是:A为什么不对?天气好,为什么是错误答案? Rarely in the case of armed robbery do we hear a plea of no contest越狱里的句子,谁能帮我分析一下,好像没有动词啊! 语法有没错?On the contrary,there are some people infavor of smoking,they believe that there is no harmful for it,and they considered that is cool我老师说我写的there is 要改成it isnt?还说considered that这里是错的!你们怎么 我弄不懂这段话啥意思,omegleStranger:know something i dont?Stranger:thats not a languageStranger:hahaYou:understand?Stranger:cantonese?mandarin?Stranger:no i dontStranger:but it isnt chineseYou:but it is chineseStranger:no such thingYou:what there is little milk in the bottle,A isnt there B is there C doesn t it D does it can i get you a drink?it's really nice of you.but i have got____.A.this B.that C.it D.one A和D为什么选D 这是我疑问的地方 我要一篇600字的作文,关于中国历史文化遗产的,急!请快一点plea