英语翻译我是送快递的,经常会有外国人收快件.而且有些都要求送前先联系收件人.我英语不好~求英语达人帮我翻译一下下面的话 您好~我是某某快递.请问您是某某某吗?您有一件包裹请问您

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 02:44:31

英语翻译我是送快递的,经常会有外国人收快件.而且有些都要求送前先联系收件人.我英语不好~求英语达人帮我翻译一下下面的话 您好~我是某某快递.请问您是某某某吗?您有一件包裹请问您
请问您现在在哪里?如果不远的话 我想我可以给您送到那里
对不起 我去不了那里,已经超过我的派送范围了

英语翻译我是送快递的,经常会有外国人收快件.而且有些都要求送前先联系收件人.我英语不好~求英语达人帮我翻译一下下面的话 您好~我是某某快递.请问您是某某某吗?您有一件包裹请问您
Hi-I () Express.Will you ()?»
You have a package
Where would you now » If the near what I think I can give you where to
I am sorry I can not get to where I have over the delivery of the
The address has not signed for other people to do »
I can sign for prospects to the hall?

Hi, I am from ____ Express Delivery Company. May I ask if you are ___?
You have a package for delivery.
Can you tell me where you are right now? If it isn't far, I can deliver it to you.


Hi, I am from ____ Express Delivery Company. May I ask if you are ___?
You have a package for delivery.
Can you tell me where you are right now? If it isn't far, I can deliver it to you.
I am sorry, I cannot go there because it exceeds my delivery area.
Are there anyone else who can sign for the packages at this address?
Can I give the package to the reception desk for signature?


您好~ 我是某某快递。请问您是某某某吗?
Hello! This is xxx Express.May I speak to xxx?
Here is an parcel for you.
请问您现在在哪里? 如果不远的话 我想我可以给您送到那里
So I wonder where you are? If it is not far, I w...


您好~ 我是某某快递。请问您是某某某吗?
Hello! This is xxx Express.May I speak to xxx?
Here is an parcel for you.
请问您现在在哪里? 如果不远的话 我想我可以给您送到那里
So I wonder where you are? If it is not far, I will deliver it to you now.
对不起 我去不了那里,已经超过我的派送范围了
Sorry but we can not go that far. It's beyond my border.
When I reach in the address you mentioned, is there anyone gonna sign the receipt?
What if I deliver it to the front receipt?


营业员 Would you like to mail it by air or sea?


简 How long will it take to mail things to the USA by air?


营业员 About 10 da...


营业员 Would you like to mail it by air or sea?


简 How long will it take to mail things to the USA by air?


营业员 About 10 days. You can send it express mail if you need it faster. It will only take three or four days.


简 I want to send it by express mail. The faster, the better.


营业员 OK, the postage is 325 Yuan.


简 Here you go.


营业员 This is the receipt, please keep it.
[font=Times New Roman]Dialogue;1[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]A: Hello, is this ABC company?[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]B: Good morning. Yes, this is company .may I help you?[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]A: My name is Liufang from M&H company .I would like to speak with someone[/font]
[font=Times New Roman] Who is responsible for imports.[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]B: I suppose the person you want is Bill smith of our international Marketing [/font]
[font=Times New Roman] Department. Please wait a minute, I’ll put you through.[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]A: Thank you . I will speak to him.[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]B: He is on the line.[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]A: Mr. smith, My name is liufang from M&H company, a company in Chine.[/font]
[font=Times New Roman] Have you heard about our “tapestry”?[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]C: Yes, I have read about it in a trade journal.[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]A: I will send you some brochures, if you are interested.[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]C: That will be good. Thank you.[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]A: After you study them, would I have an opportunity to meet you and discuss[/font]
[font=Times New Roman] Various possibilities in the American market? [/font]
[font=Times New Roman]C: Fine. Let’s do that and see how it goes.[/font]
[font=Times New Roman][/font]
[font=Times New Roman]A[/font];你好。请问是[font=Times New Roman]ABC[/font]公司吗?
[font=Times New Roman]B[/font]:是的,早上好。这里是[font=Times New Roman]ABC[/font]公司。请问你有什么事吗?
[font=Times New Roman]A[/font]:我是[font=Times New Roman]M&H[/font]公司的刘芳。我想找你们负责进口人员。
[font=Times New Roman]B[/font]:你应该是要我们国际销售不的比尔[font=Times New Roman].[/font]史密斯。请稍等,我将为你转接。
[font=Times New Roman]A[/font]:谢谢你。我就找他。
[font=Times New Roman]B[/font]:请通话。
[font=Times New Roman]A[/font]:史密斯先生,我是中国[font=Times New Roman]M&H[/font]公司的刘芳。你听说过本公司的挂毯吗?
[font=Times New Roman]C[/font]:听说过,我曾在商业杂志中看过。
[font=Times New Roman]A[/font]:如果你有兴趣话,我可以寄一些简介产品的小册子。
[font=Times New Roman]C[/font]:那很好。谢谢。
[font=Times New Roman]A[/font]:在你了解产品以后,我们能否有机会见面并讨论商品进入美国市场可能性?
[font=Times New Roman]C[/font]:好的,了解以后再定。
[font=Times New Roman][/font]
[size=3][font=Times New Roman]Dialogue[/font][/size]
[font=Times New Roman][size=3]A: [/size]How do you do? I am from China Textile Import and Export Company, I am Peter .Bill once told [/font]
[font=Times New Roman] me about you.[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]B: How do you do? I just talked to him on the phone.[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]A: Our company is considering establishing a branch department in America.. [/font]
[font=Times New Roman]B: Well, Bill once mentioned it before.[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]A: I want to discuss with you about the branch department .If possible, can you tell me the time [/font]
[font=Times New Roman] Available to you ?[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]B: How about next Tuesday? I am quite busy this week.[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]A: Well, I’ll come to you next Tuesday.[/font]
[font=Times New Roman][/font]
[font=Times New Roman]A: [/font]你好,我是中国纺织品进出口公司的,我是彼得。比尔先生跟我说起过你。
[font=Times New Roman]B[/font]:[font=Times New Roman] [/font]啊,你好。刚才我还接到比尔先生电话呢。
[font=Times New Roman]A[/font]:[font=Times New Roman] [/font]我们公司决定要在美国设立分部。
[font=Times New Roman]B[/font]:[font=Times New Roman] [/font]嗯,我听比尔先生说过。
[font=Times New Roman]A[/font]:[font=Times New Roman] [/font]关于分部的事我想和你[font=Times New Roman] [/font]好好谈谈,不知道你何时方便?
B: 下个星期二怎么样呢?这周我很忙。
A: 好的,下星期二我再来拜访。
I’d like to make an appointment to see you.
Would it be possible for me to talk to you in person about that?
Could we meet and discuss the matter in a little more detail.
[size=3][font=Times New Roman]Dialogue[/font][/size]
[font=Times New Roman]A: I would like to make an appointment with you, possible the later part of May. [/font]
[font=Times New Roman] What do you think?[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]B: Let me check my calendar. Unfortunately ,I have plants to travel around that [/font]
[font=Times New Roman] time. How about the first week of June . [/font]
[font=Times New Roman]A: We would like to meet with you on June 2nd. Is that all right with you.[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]B: June 2nd is fine with us. Will you come alone? Do you need accommodations[/font]
[font=Times New Roman] of any kind?[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]A: I will be accompanied by one my colleagues. Could you kindly send me a map[/font]
[font=Times New Roman] Showing how to get there from the airport? And could you be kind to reserve two [/font]
[font=Times New Roman] Single rooms for us for the night of June 1st and 2nd! [/font]
[font=Times New Roman]B: No problem.[/font]
[font=Times New Roman][/font]
[font=Times New Roman]A[/font]:[font=Times New Roman] [/font]我想和你约在[font=Times New Roman]5[/font]月底,不知道你意下如何?
[font=Times New Roman]B[/font]:[font=Times New Roman] [/font]让我查下行程表。很抱歉,我的行程表已经安排了出差。[font=Times New Roman]6[/font]月的第一个星期怎么样?
[font=Times New Roman]A[/font]:[font=Times New Roman] [/font]我们希望安排在[font=Times New Roman]6[/font]月[font=Times New Roman]2[/font]号。你方便吗?
[font=Times New Roman]B[/font]:[font=Times New Roman] [/font][font=Times New Roman]6[/font]月[font=Times New Roman]2[/font]日没有问题,请问只有你一位吗?需要相关帮助吗?
[font=Times New Roman]A[/font]:[font=Times New Roman] [/font]我和我同时共两位。你可以提供机场至贵公司的地图吗?除此之外,能帮我们定[font=Times New Roman]6[/font]月
[font=Times New Roman] 1[/font]日及[font=Times New Roman]2[/font]日两单人房吗?
[font=Times New Roman]B[/font]:[font=Times New Roman] [/font]没问题。
[font=Times New Roman] [size=3] [/size]I’ll be out of town tomorrow, but almost anytime after that would be fine with me.[/font]
[font=Times New Roman] [/font]明天我将出城外去,不过之后的任何时间,几乎都可以。
[font=Times New Roman]Dialogue[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]A[/font]:[font=Times New Roman]Good morning ,textile Export Company .[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]B: Hello, this is Jack. I’m calling about the appointment with Mr. Zhang for this afternoon. Something’s Just come up ,I’m afraid be appointment will have to be rescheduled .I’m very sorry change
A: That’s all right. Maybe we can make another arrangement.
B: You’re very kind to say so. Thank you. Do you think tomorrow morning would suit him.
A: I’m afraid there’s a bit of a problem. In fact, he’s booked up the whole week except tomorrow afternoon
B: Tomorrow afternoon? Um.. you see, I’ve make an appointment with Mr. Green for tomorrow afternoon. In order to meet Mr. Zhang, I’ll have to cancel the appointment with Mr. Green, I’m afraid.
A: I’m terribly sorry, Sir, but Mr. Zhang is really busy this week.
B: I understand. When do you think I can come and see him tomorrow afternoon?
A: Please let me check…, Tomorrow afternoon… Yes, he’ll be free from 2:00 on tomorrow afternoon. Do youThink it’s convenient for you?
B: Yes, that’s quite all right for me
A: Excuse me, I’d like to make an appointment with Mr. Smith. Can you fit me in on his schedule.
B: Let me see. Oh, the whole morning is booked up, but he is free this afternoon. Is that all right with you?
A: Well, I’ll have an appointment at that time. Maybe another time would be better.
B: How about 10 on Tuesday morning?
A: I’m sorry, won’t be free until 12 on Tuesday. Can I see him at three in the afternoon that day?
B: Let me see… No problem. 3 p.m Tuesday then.
A: Hello. Mr. Li It’s Mary
B: Yes, Mary?
A: I’m afraid we’re really under staffed this week, Mr. Li. I’d like to meet you, but I’m sorry,I really can’t。
B: Are you telling me you’re not going to meet with me。
A: Not at all, sir. I’d just like to delay our meeting to sometime later。
B: Well, I don’t like it, but I guess I don’t have choice.
A: I’m terribly sorry, Mr. Li, I am really busy.
B: I understand. It doesn’t matter, then I could arrange other thing
A: 你好,李先生。我是玛丽。
B: 玛丽,什么事?
A: 恐怕这个星期我们的确实没有人手,李先生,我其实很想见你,可是却没有时间了。
B: 你的意思是不大算见我了吗?
A: 绝对不是,李先生,我只是想挪到以后再说。
B: 好吧,虽然不愿意这样,不过我想也别无选择了。
A: 我非常抱歉,李先生,但我确实很忙了。
B: 我能理解。我也可以安排另外的事情了。没关系。
A: Excuse me, but aren’t you Mr. Johnson from America?
B: Yes, I’m Paul Johnson from Boston.
A: I’m Wu Li. May I introduce you to our manager, Mr. Zhang? He has come to meet you. Mr. Zhang, this is Mr. Johnson. And Mr. Johnson, this is Mr. Zhang
B: how do you do? Mr. Zhang. I pleased to meet you.
C: how do you do? I’m very glad to meet you too. Have you ever been to Beijing before?
B: No. This is my first trip here.
C: welcome to Beijing
B: Thank you, I’m very glad to have this opportunity to visit China。


英语翻译我是送快递的,经常会有外国人收快件.而且有些都要求送前先联系收件人.我英语不好~求英语达人帮我翻译一下下面的话 您好~我是某某快递.请问您是某某某吗?您有一件包裹请问您 英语翻译这句话,不要翻译器翻译的谢谢.她在和外国人聊天的时候,经常会有很多不会说的. 英语翻译2.我是外国人, 经常出去旅游,所以会经常碰到外国人,我想让英语口语提升有没有什么更捷径的办法! 请问快递中经常使用的单词有哪些如题如果在世界上最大的快递公司那么内部经常使用的单词有哪些 求英语翻译“送快递的人在下午打电话给我,让我来取快递.” 求一句英文翻译:(我是XX快递公司的,你有一份从美国寄过来的快递) 求一首女生唱的英文歌,歌词里面有sunshine我是街上的店里偶然听到的,歌曲挺快的,比较活泼,就是好多地方经常会放的快歌.很好听的. 帮我提供一些西餐厅的常用英语?我是在一家咖啡点上班经常都有外国人去.经常语言都有点障碍想说的都知道怎么说.你可以先给我提供一点吗? 为了提高她的英语口语,她经常和外国人进行交流 英语翻译 我是肯德基员工,有关英语的日常用语的问题.我是肯德基的前台,给人点餐什莫的.由于经常有外国人.但是我英语又不是很好.所以需要一些英语的对话什莫的.求达人帮忙... 求英语好的教几句英文我是卖名表的 经常来外国人 自己会的也不多 找大家教几句1.想看些什么手表吗?2.有喜欢的可以试一下 3.我们这里打九折 4.我们这里打九点二折 5.是喜欢皮表带的吗?6. 我想学会一口流利的英语 我是个英语白痴 我很想学好英语在广州这个城市里 经常会有外国人玩 跟他们交流是件非常有趣的事 于是我萌发了学英语的决心 请问从零开始学 陕西省 渭南市 华县 有什么快递公司?我是TB上卖运动鞋的.包了邮费.想找个便宜点的快递.EMS不划算 英语怎么说?语气词 外国人经常用的~ 英语翻译请求中文翻译英语,您的包裹,现在快递员正在派送中.我会马上打电话给这个快递员,催他尽快送到您处. 英语翻译快递单号为A的这票货今天会送到,快递单号为A暂时还不能查询,要到明天才能查到 英语翻译“在寄出快递之前,我是确定了可以到你们的城市,我才寄出的.”