关于英语:when will he arrive 和when will he get to(为什么arrive后面不加at或者in get后面加to)还有类似的句子我都不懂,还有就是when了,为什么有时候when后面明明应该是指曾经的事情,却不用过去式,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/09 06:31:14

关于英语:when will he arrive 和when will he get to(为什么arrive后面不加at或者in get后面加to)还有类似的句子我都不懂,还有就是when了,为什么有时候when后面明明应该是指曾经的事情,却不用过去式,
关于英语:when will he arrive 和when will he get to(为什么arrive后面不加at或者in get后面加to)
还有现在完成时和被动语态啦- -

关于英语:when will he arrive 和when will he get to(为什么arrive后面不加at或者in get后面加to)还有类似的句子我都不懂,还有就是when了,为什么有时候when后面明明应该是指曾经的事情,却不用过去式,
(1)WHEN WILL HE ARRIVE 这个句子ARRIVE 作及物动词使用,表示到达,抵达意思 如果后面接表示地点名词,需要加IN 大地点, 加AT 小地点;WHEN WILL HE GET TO , GET TO 是个固定短语搭配,也是到达,意思,后面直接接表示地点名词作宾语
(1)while意思是:与….同时,在….期间 while引导从句动词常用延续性动词或状态动词
【1】He visited a lot of places while he was traveling. 他在旅行期间参观了许多地方.
【2】They rushed in while we are discussing the complicated problem
【3】Father was cleaning the car while Tom was playing the computer games
【4】I like playing football while you like playing basketball.
【5】She thought I was talking about her daughter, while, in fact, I was talking about my daughter.
(表转折,对比,when, as都不能代替它)
【6】While the alien was buying a souvenir, the girl called the police.
【7】Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁.
【8】Will you watch my clothes while I have a swim. 我游泳的时候,请你照看一下我的衣服.
【9】While my wife was reading the newspaper, I was watching TV.
( reading是延续性的动词, reading和 watching同时发生)
【10】Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially as (when/ while) father was away.
(此时as ,when, while可通用)
第三节:条件状语从句(Adverbial clause of condition)
条件状语从句定义:在主句中作条件状语的句子称为条件状语从句,其位置可以句首、句尾,有时候还可以在主语和谓语之间,常用引导词有 if 、unless、as/s long as 、once、in case 、on condition that 、Supposing that 、providing that、provided (that)、given (that) 条件从句用一般现在代替一般将来,主句用将来时态,一般过去代替过去将来,主句用过去将来时态

(一)if 是引导条件状语从句最常用连词,表示在某种条件下某事很可能发生,从句一般现在时,主句一般将来时态
【1】If it snows tomorrow , we will build a snowman 如果明天下雪,我们就堆雪人
【2】If you fail in the exam, you will let him down 如果你考试不及格,你会让他失望
【3】If it does not rain tomorrow, we will go hiking. 如果明天不下雨, 我们就去远足.
【4】You will get good grades if you study hard. 如果你努力学习,就会取得好成绩.
【5】He will not leave if it is not fine tomorrow. 如果明天天气不好,他不会离开
【6】They are going to have a picnic if it does not rain next week.

3. 现在完成时(have done)
  A) 表示动作到现在为止已经完成或刚刚完成.
  例:I bought a new house, but I _________ my old one yet, so at the moment I have two houses.
  A) didn't sell B) sold C) haven't sold D) would sell
  答案是C) haven't sold.
  B) 表示从过去某时刻开始,持续到现在的动作或情况,并且有可能会继续延续下去.此时经常用延续性动词.时间状语常用since加一个过去的时间点,或for 加一段时间,或by加一个现在时间.
  例:Great as Newton was, many of his ideas ___________ today and are being modified by the work of scientists of our time.
  A) are to challenge C) have been challenged
  B) may be challenged D) are challenging
  全句的意思是:“虽然牛顿是个伟大的人物,但他的许多见解直到今天还在受到挑战,并且被现代科学家的工作所修正.”challenge是及物动词,在本句中应当是被动语态;其动作延续到今天,所以要用现在完成时态.可见答案是C) have been challenged.A) are to challenge和D) are challenging都是主动语态,不可能是答案.B) may be challenged虽然是被动语态,但意思与全句内容不合,所以不对.
  C) 表示发生在过去,但对现在仍有影响的动作或情况.通常用点动词,如:arrive, begin, find, give, lose等.
  例:John has broken his left leg.(约翰摔断了左腿.)
  A) 现在完成时是联系过去和现在的纽带.现在完成时和过去时的区别在于:现在完成时强调动作的动态,或受动态的影响,是动态的结果,对现在有影响;过去时只表示过去的某个具体时间里发生的动作,与现在没有联系.
  例:He worked in that hospital for 8 years.(他曾经在那家医院工作了8年.这只是讲述一个过去的事实,他现在已经不在那家医院了.)
  He has worked in that hospital for 8 years.(他已经在那家医院里工作了8年.表示他从过去开始工作,一直工作到现在,现在仍在那家医院工作.)
  B) 因为含有for加一段时间或since加一个时间点这样的时间状语的完成时,有动态和延续性的特点,所以不能使用终端动词或瞬间动词.
  例:My sister has been married for 5 years.(过去分词做表语表示状态,可以延续)
  My sister has married. Don't disturb her.(终端动词)
  C) 在"this is the first/ second/ third…… time that……"句型里要求用完成时.
  例:This is the second time that the products of our company have been shown in the International Exhibition.(这是我公司产品第二次参加国际展览会.)
  D) 句型"It is/ has been……since"所使用的两种时态都正确.
  例:It is/ has been 10 years since I last saw him.(从我上次见到他以来已经10年了.)
  E) 在"no sooner than"、"hardly/ scarcely ……when"、"before"、"prior to"等句型中,主句要求完成时.
  例:I haven't met that professor prior to today.(以前我从未见过那位教授.)

arrive 和 get 都是不及物动词,前者较正式,后者则较口语化。两者之后均不可接宾语,但可接 here, there, home 之类的表地点的副词作状语。如: What time does the train arrive? 火车什么时候到? We got [arrived] here last night. 我们昨晚到这儿。 要表示“到达某地”,需借助适当介词: 1. arrive 之后...


arrive 和 get 都是不及物动词,前者较正式,后者则较口语化。两者之后均不可接宾语,但可接 here, there, home 之类的表地点的副词作状语。如: What time does the train arrive? 火车什么时候到? We got [arrived] here last night. 我们昨晚到这儿。 要表示“到达某地”,需借助适当介词: 1. arrive 之后通常接介词 at (一般用于较小的地方)或 in (一般用于较大的地方)。如: We arrived at the station five minutes late. 我们到车站晚了 5 分钟。 They will arrive in Paris next Monday. 他们将于下周星期一到达巴黎。 2. get 之后通常接介词 to.如: When we got to the park, it began to rain. 我们到达公园时,就开始下雨了。 在谈到火车、汽车等或乘客等到站时,通常用 get in.如: The bus gets in at five thirty. 汽车五点半到站。 ■reach 通常是及物动词(较 get 更正式),其后可直接跟地点名词作宾语(不能用介词)。如: He reached Beijing yesterday. 他昨天到达北京。 注:reach 之后也可接 here, there, home 等词。如: When did he reach home yesterday? 昨天他什么时候到家? 顺便说一句:reach 除可表示到达某地外,还用于其它意义的到达。如: Your letter reached me last week. 我是上周收到你的信的。 He has reached school age. 他已达到上学年龄。 You can guess it when you reach the end of the chapter. 当你读到这末尾时,你就可以猜到了。


when will he arrive ?
如果到达某地的话, 需要加at或者in
比如: when will he arrive in Beijing?

when will he get to XXX?
get to 有达到的意思, 介词to后面要带宾语。

如:Have we got to the zoo yet?



When he will come back I will tell you when he will come back改病句.英语改病句 英语句子:He asked when the will go to the zoo.是will还是would,为什么? 关于英语:when will he arrive 和when will he get to(为什么arrive后面不加at或者in get后面加to)还有类似的句子我都不懂,还有就是when了,为什么有时候when后面明明应该是指曾经的事情,却不用过去式, 有关于英语的几个问题 把里面的知识点和 语法都说出来谢谢1.Do you know when Dr.White ( )for dinner this eventhing No,but I think he ( ) when he is free A .will come ,comes B.will come ,will come C.comes ,comes D.comes ,will 英语高手请进:关于when和if He is going to japan next week.__________ he is there,he will visit a friend of his.(填if/when)We can eat at home or,_____ you prefer,we can go to a chinese restaurant.(填if/when)when,if但我看不出区别来 he who will not learn when he is young will regret it when he is old When will he come to see you? 英语选择填空may,maybe,perhaps,may be,possible,probably1()he knows the answer2that doctor ()forty years old3I think it() snow next sunday4you are ()right5It is ()that he will become a scientist6There ()snow the day after tomorrow7()my parents ar When will he be back when will he come back When he came back 他什么时候回来,都是什么动态 英语同义句转换:He will tell you the secret when she comes backHe will tell the secret ___ you _____ _____ _____ he comes back When will he get back to school?同义句When will he _____ _____ school帮个忙 he will cross that bridge when he comes to He will come here when he _____(be) free. 去年中考英语选择题一道 说明原因 He want to know______the English party.A when will we have B when will we have C when would we have D when we should have ar英语怎么发音 He Ne Ar 哪个稳定 大学英语(一)那位大哥大姐帮忙作哈,1.When () again?When he (),I’ll let you know.A.he comes,comesB.will he come,will comeC.he comes,will comeD.will he come,comes2.During the following year the president paid much()to imp