英语翻译十九世纪初英国女作家Jane Austen (1775~1817)一生共写了六部长篇小说,作为英国汉普郡史蒂文顿教区牧师的女儿,Austen的视野往往集中于乡镇中产阶级的家庭和社交生活里,准确,逼真地描

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/02 16:31:10

英语翻译十九世纪初英国女作家Jane Austen (1775~1817)一生共写了六部长篇小说,作为英国汉普郡史蒂文顿教区牧师的女儿,Austen的视野往往集中于乡镇中产阶级的家庭和社交生活里,准确,逼真地描
十九世纪初英国女作家Jane Austen (1775~1817)一生共写了六部长篇小说,作为英国汉普郡史蒂文顿教区牧师的女儿,Austen的视野往往集中于乡镇中产阶级的家庭和社交生活里,准确,逼真地描画了她那个时代生活圈子十分狭窄的有闲阶层的日常生活和精神风貌,其小说最集中表现的一个主题,则是年轻小姐们猎取夫婿的喜剧经历.从她的小说中,一方面表达了自觉而明确的女性意识,另一方面,其人物视野,婚姻模式和爱情规则均打上了父权文化的鲜明烙印.这种双重性,使拥有独特个性及睿智的女主人公们在父权文化的背景下,选择婚姻时显得举步为艰.
作为Austen成功塑造的女性人物之一的Charlotte,身处于中产阶级的家庭,虽拥有一定的社会地位,但却永远无法与当时的大资产阶级和封建贵族同日而语.Miss Lucas 的父亲,有“爵士”头衔,却是靠做生意起家发迹的.阶级偏见,门第观念,头衔爵士等等,形成了一道道无形的枷锁,代表着传统的力量,现实的力量,桎梏着她对个人理想和爱情的追求.中产阶级要想真正提高自己的社会地位,最好的办法就是联姻,这种攀附上层社会的婚姻观念已经成为举世公认的真理.Mrs.Bennet自己正是一个以身实践之人,她带着自己的一小笔嫁妆嫁给了财产多于她却属于中产阶级的Mr.Bennet ,从此变脱离了自己微贱的家庭.Charlotte要想从根本上改变中产阶级的社会地位,某捷径就是“高攀”一门亲事.

英语翻译十九世纪初英国女作家Jane Austen (1775~1817)一生共写了六部长篇小说,作为英国汉普郡史蒂文顿教区牧师的女儿,Austen的视野往往集中于乡镇中产阶级的家庭和社交生活里,准确,逼真地描
at the beginning of the 19th century British woman of letters Jane the Austen (1775~1817) life has altogether written six novels,took British Hampshire county pastor Steven church parish the daughter,the Austen field of vision often concentrates in the villages and towns middle class family and in the social life,accurate,clearly drew her time life circle very narrow to have leisure the social stratum daily life and the spiritual outlook,an its novel most concentrated expression subject,was young young ladies seeks husband's comedy experience.From hers novel,on the one hand expressed the determination and explicit feminine consciousness,on the other hand,its character field of vision,the marital pattern and love rule have gotten the father right culture bright brand mark.This ambiguity,enables to have the unique individuality and the wisdom heroines under the father right culture background,chooses when the marriage appears takes a step for jian.
Has established the huge god race evolution since heavenly father Zeus on Russia forest Persia mountain,the humanity then entered the patriarchy time.The father right culture through the custom,the order and various kind of taboos,lowers standards the feminine this dissident sex community is “the second nature”.the 18th century to 20th century's Britain,the status of women were still low.The male has dominated society's economy,political and all ideology domain,but regards as the woman the brains to be deficient,intelligence low different races,beside repel and public life.Young young ladies are encouraged to be engaged in only then play a stringed musical instrument,sing,dance and so on many kinds of talent and skill,for the virtuous young woman renowned young woman who will become the upper circles of society in the future prepares.The family,has become the women “suitably” stage.Their primary responsibility includes “and contributes every day each hour for the husband,the parents,Brother sisters ``````in the family each kind of relations contact,looks after their easy and comfortable and the comfort.”Since woman's duty is acknowledged that he inborn is one step below others,must suppress any ability which one have possibly,therefore in that time.Is regarded as is humbly the main female virtues is nothing unusual.
However,Austen believed that the female and the male has the equally developed intelligence and the rationality.In the novel many feminine image molds,including both sexes relations' structure,have demonstrated the writer to the feminine intelligence confidence.In "the Mansfield Manor" and "Advising",is fragrant Nepal.Place and peaceful.Ai Luete,acted as has loved the German Mongolia.Bert Ram and the cultural spy moisten naval captain Si the energetic guide."Arrogant with Prejudice" Darcy this was beautified by the writer the children of the nobility,is also under Elizabeth denounced severely only then changed in disposition many flaws.This kind to the feminine value's new understanding,has decided in the family and in the marriage ties woman's new status.
Austen success mold's feminine characters of Charlotte as,places in the middle class family,although has certain social position,but actually forever was unable with the big bourgeoisie and the feudal aristocracy is mentioned in the same breath.The Miss Lucas father,has “knight” the title,is actually depending on does business builds up the gain of fame and fortune.The class prejudice,the family status idea,title knight and so on,has formed invisible shackles,is representing the traditional strength,realistic strength,shackles she to individual ideal and love pursue.If the middle class wants to improve own social position truly,the best means are marry,this kind of social climbing upper classes of society's marital idea already became the universally acknowledged truth.Mrs.Bennet are precisely one person of by the body practice,she brought her small trousseau to marry gives the property to be more than her actually to belong to middle class Mr.Bennet,henceforth changed has been separated from the lowly family.If Charlotte wants fundamentally to change the middle class the social position,some shortcut is “seeks friendships” a marriage.

