
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 11:22:49


1-5 DACBC 6-10 CDDCA
11-15 BDBCA 16-20 BADCB
21-25 CADCB 26-30 BADDC
31-35 BCAAC 36-40 ABDCB
41-45 ACDBA 46-50 BCBDD
51-55 EBAGC
56. She has shared her photos on the web.
57. Prince Hashem.
58. At 40.
59. Not alive but still being respected. / He is respected though he is dead.
60. Simple and plain. / Normal.
61. ... call a meeting ... call → called
62. ... what to deal with ... what → how或deal → do
63. ... the conclusion which ... which → that
64. ... to raise it ... it → them
65. ... still found inside . inside → outside
66. ... to three meter. meter → meters
67. ... free to going ... going → go
68. They were surprising ... surprising → surprised
69. ... go on to raising ... 去掉to
70. ... fasten cage door.” cage前加the
One possible version:
Nowadays some students in our school often keep up with the Joneses. They ask their parents to buy them expensive things, such as nice clothes, the latest cellphones and laptops, etc.
In my opinion, it's not right for them to do so. Firstly, students should always put their studies in the first place. Keeping up with the Joneses is bound to shift their attention away from their studies. Secondly, following fashion will encourage an unhealthy attitude towards consumption, which has a negative effect on their future lives. Finally, their behavior may add to their parents' financial burdens.
It is a virtue to practice thrift, and everyone should stick to it whether they are rich or poor.
1. D.to visit my grandparents ... I am 是真正的宾语,故此处用it作形式宾语.
2. A.题意:简执意要在桌子旁梳头发,即使她知道我并不喜欢她这样做.will 可以表示施事者执意要做某事,符合题意.
3. C.由why ... now可知,after 从句中的动作尚未发生,且现在完成时用于时间状语从句中表示将来某时以前已完成的动作,故选C项.
4. B.由had known 可知,题干用了虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反,故主句谓语要用“would have +过去分词”结构.
5. C.由worked all afternoon on the car 以及but 可知,那位修理工并未修好车,且car 与run 之间在逻辑上是主谓关系,故用running 作宾语补足语.get sth. doing意为“使某物开始做”.
6. C.题意:没有人明白汤姆如何(how)在这么短的时间内变得如此富有.
7. D.decision 后接taken today 作其定语,表示特指,故第一空填the;to the benefit of 是固定表达,意为“对……有利”,故第二空填the.
8. D.plan 与make 之间是被动关系,且由yet 可知,make 所表示的被动动作发生在asked 之前,指过去的过去,故用过去完成时.
9. C._____ she hadn't ... years 是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词Joe,且因为关系词在从句中作met 的宾语,故用whom引导.
10. A.答话者肯定了上句的内容,应由so引起倒装句,因为上句中用了would like,故要用So would I.
本文是记叙文.Teresa Search 用刚学到的急救技能救了同事一命.
11. B.下段中的the skills we learnt 提示了本题答案.
12. D.根据第三段中的Forty-eight hours可知,Teresa Search 在参加完急救课程两“天(days)”后就救了别人一命.
13. B.在课程上学的技能自然是让参加者“做好准备(prepared)”救人.
14. C.根据上文中的course, tutor 可知,这里是指“培训(training)”结束的时候.
15. A.指导老师希望学员们在“用到(used)”这些急救技能的时候能给他反馈信息.
16. B.参加完课程48 小时后就面临紧急情况,Teresa Search 的技能面临“考验(tested)”.17. A.根据本空后的地点the Pet one Working Men's Club 及colleagues 可推测,这次紧急事件发生在Teresa Search的“工作场所(workplace)”.
18. D.根据全文内容我们不难推断,Teresa Search 的同事是“突然(suddenly)”倒地的.
19. C.根据下文中的The man showed some signs of life 可推测,Teresa Search的同事当时已经没有“生命(life)”迹象了.
20. B.下文中的until an ambulance arrived提示了本题答案.
21. C.当时情况危急,Teresa Search 和另外一名同事先为倒地的同事做心肺复苏,电击器一到,他们就开始抢救,故选Once.
22. A.此时救护车还未到,所以这里指Teresa Search 与“另外一位(another)”同事一起抢救倒地的同事.
23. D.24. C.根据but 的转折语气可知,虽然Teresa Search 的同事有了生命迹象,但是仍然“不能(unable)”顺畅呼吸,所以Teresa Search“继续(continued with)”做心肺复苏.
25. B.根据下文内容可知,Teresa Search并没有随救护车去医院,所以救护车在路上花费的时间只是她自己“估计(figured)”的.
26. B.Teresa Search 的同事是被救护车送去医院的,所以transported 符合此处语境.
27. A.同事醒过来了,Teresa Search 应该感到“宽慰(relieved)”.
28. D.同事通过电话与Teresa Search“交谈(talk)”.
29. D.在鬼门关走了一圈的同事感慨“活着(alive)”真好.
30. C.Teresa Search 成功挽救了同事一命,所以她处理紧急事件的“信心(confidence)”增加了.
31. B.细节理解题.根据第一段中的by offering delicious ... a very generous part of fries 可知,5 Guys备受人们青睐源于它提供给顾客的美食.
32. C.推理判断题.根据第二段中的5Guys does such an amazing thing, such a cool little business trick, that I didn't catch on until I really thought about it recently 可知,吸引作者注意力的是5 Guys的经营之道(做生意的方式).
33. A.推理判断题.根据第三段内容可知,店员先用纸桶装薯条,然后再给顾客一大勺子额外的薯条,由此可知,孩子们感叹的“extra fries”就是指纸桶外送的薯条.
34. A.推理判断题.根据倒数第二段中的the truth is that they planned on giving that amount of fries out anyway, and budget for that 可知,5 Guys 的定价其实包含了额外的薯条.他们所谓的送顾客薯条只是借助人的心理因素换了包装方式从而让顾客觉得得到了额外的薯条.
本文是应用文.文章是Circuit of Change招募新成员的广告.
35. C.推理判断题.根据文章对Circuit of Change 的介绍,尤其是HAVE FUN!部分中的Listen to your body, go at your own pace, and let the sweat pour 可知,Circuit of Change 应该是一个健身中心.
36. A.细节理解题.根据文章BASICS部分中的We do not ... offer towels 可知答案.
37. B.细节理解题.由SIGNING UP &PURCHASING CLASSES 部分可知signing up 必须在Circuit of Change 的网站上进行,因此B项正确.
38. D.写作目的题.本文是一则广告,提供了有关Circuit of Change 的很多详细信息,特别是新加入者应该注意的事项以及如何加入等,因此,其目的就是吸纳更多的新成员.
39. C.细节理解题.根据第一段中的Today, cheerleading has developed into a competitive activity full of Olympics-worthy stunts可知答案.
40. B.词义猜测题.根据划线词后括号中的those causing permanent damage or disability 可知,能造成永久性伤残的应该是很“严重的”伤害.
41. A.细节理解题.根据第三段内容,尤其是第一句中的the AAP now recommends that cheerleading be legitimized as a sport so that participants can be given benefits such as qualified coaches, better access to medical care, and injury surveillance可知答案.
42. C.作者态度题.根据最后一段中的helping protect kids against serious injury is definitely something to cheer for 可知,作者对拉拉队运动“合法化”持肯定态度.
43. D.推理判断题.由第一段中的Although I assumed I was well-qualified for the job 可知,作者一开始把观察鲸鱼这件事看得很简单.由本段后半部分可知,作者一开始看到波浪拍击水下的石头就以为鲸鱼出现了.由此可知,观察鲸鱼并不像作者原来想象的那么容易.
44. B.细节理解题.由第二段中的without a good pair of binoculars I definitely would have missed out on lots of amazing sea life 可知,作者在本段提到了双筒望远镜对观察鲸鱼的重要性.
45. A.细节理解题.由第四段中的I recommend having a notebook and pencil nearby to record details ... at the time 可知,作者建议在观察鲸鱼的时候要做记录.
46. B.标题归纳题.作者作为志愿者参加了一项观察鲸鱼的环保项目,这项活动是激动人心的.文章最后一句Nothing can compare with the secret thrill and the peacefulness of seeing a wild animal just doing its own thing是依据.
47. C.推理判断题.由本段后讲到的在院子里躺着的Charlie 引起了一名艺术家的注意可知,作者家的砖房并没有被完全忽略,它引起了某些人的注意.
48. B.细节理解题.由文章第三段末句He'd just bicycled the 150miles ... 可知,Charlie 是因为太累了就在草坪躺椅上睡着了.
49. D.细节理解题.由第七段中的April and we became friends and kept in touch 可知,作者一家和April因为这幅画成了朋友.
50. D.主旨大意题.通读全文可知,作者讲述了一幅与自己家庭有关的油画的来历:一位画家看到作者家院子里挂着的衣服,产生了创作灵感,画家征得作者家人的同意之后,创作了这幅画.
1-5 CDDDB 6-10 BBDCA
1. C.篇章结构题.根据第一段中的The best room is the library. Flowers, masks ... on the walls 可知,图书馆装饰很考究,所以作者说有人花费了很多力气装饰“那间房间”.
2. D.细节理解题.根据第三段中的Dad and I took a virtual visit to Mars 可知答案.
3. D.细节理解题.文章第三、四段介绍的都是作者一行人昨天在渥太华的行程,再根据第四段的We spent the evening ...及We finished up by going to the IMAX movie theatre可知答案.4. D.推理判断题.根据最后一段中的It sure made you think, and we were all pretty quiet when we came out of the War Museum into the bright sunshine. Even Rachel was silent, for exactly 3 minutes and 35 seconds 可知,作者在参观完战争博物馆后沉默,而且觉得外面的阳光很明亮,就连作者的小妹妹也沉默了一小会,这些都说明作者参观完战争博物馆后心情比较沉重.
5. B.推理判断题.根据文中出现的时间标记词first day, yesterday, today 不难得知,作者一行人在渥太华旅游了三天.
6. B.主旨大意题.本文是一篇议论文,论题是那些没必要给心脏病人植入的支架.第一段中的the procedure they were doing was only necessary 10 percent of the time they did it是提示.
7. B.写作目的题.作者在第一段向读者提出了一系列问题,目的是引起读者的兴趣,引出本文的论题——没必要给心脏病人植入的支架.
8. D.推理判断题.由第三段中的and the patient agrees ... and finally the patient leaves with a bill for tens of thousands of dollars 可以判断,病人非常信任医生,完全遵照了医生的建议.
9. C.篇章结构题.本句的that 与上一句 的this 指代的都是本段第一句Maybe that patient needs stents and maybe not.
10. A.推理判断题.作者认为,某些心脏 支架植入手术效果虽然似乎比药物治疗好一些,但是成本太高了.这就好比开私人飞机去超市买牛奶.联系上一 句they cost money that patients and insurers don't need to spend 和下一句It might get me there, but at what cost?可 知作者用这个比喻说明心脏支架植入 手术的费用很高.