谁能帮我回答下面几个问题.No 1.Let's suppose you are using a DHCP server and obtained an IP address.Looking at the network properties on a Windows system won't tell you the exact IP address given to your computer.Explain by which mechanism

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/30 06:43:27

谁能帮我回答下面几个问题.No 1.Let's suppose you are using a DHCP server and obtained an IP address.Looking at the network properties on a Windows system won't tell you the exact IP address given to your computer.Explain by which mechanism
No 1.Let's suppose you are using a DHCP server and obtained an IP address.Looking at the network properties on a Windows system won't tell you the exact IP address given to your computer.Explain by which mechanism you can obtain it's exact value.
No 2.Each specific Windows application comes with all the libraries it depends on,while a specific Linux application rely on standard system libraries.What are the strengths and weaknesses of these two approaches to software distribution?
No 3.Describe the content of each of these directories in linux system :
Bin dev ect home lib mnt
Proc root sbin tmp usr var.

谁能帮我回答下面几个问题.No 1.Let's suppose you are using a DHCP server and obtained an IP address.Looking at the network properties on a Windows system won't tell you the exact IP address given to your computer.Explain by which mechanism
Because we know the DHCP server.So it is easy to find out "router" address.logging on the router we can find the exact IP value.(in multi-network should be the same way).
No.2 No.3
(Sorry!I am not familiar with Linux system.But i think that should be same basic question.It is easy to search them on internet or ask your friends.)

请帮忙回答下面几个问题 谁能帮我回答下面几个问题.No 1.Let's suppose you are using a DHCP server and obtained an IP address.Looking at the network properties on a Windows system won't tell you the exact IP address given to your computer.Explain by which mechanism 请大家用西班牙文帮我回答几个问题.Texto:Los familiares de TobiasTobias tenia unos familiares en el extranjero.Un dia recibio un telegrama de ellos en el que le decian que,como hacia tanto tiempo que no se veian,estaban deseando ir al p 英语学霸快来,回答我几个问题,急用 请大家用西班牙文帮我回答几个问题.Texto:Tobias en la plazaUn dia estaba tobias en la plaza,esperando el autobus,cuando se le acerco un muchacho muy joven que le dijo:__por favor,¿puede usted darme fuego?_Enciende del mio -le 求一首桑巴舞曲——英文的 其中好像有段 le lo lo le lo le le lo lo le lo le e有兴趣前来回答我想应该是桑巴曲吧.我都查不到 请了解社会心理学的亲们帮我回答这几个问题 我问了好几个问题都没人回答 回答这几个问题, 请回答几个问题哈哈哈哈 急,把下面几句话翻译成英语外贸英语面试,我估计会问这几个问题,我准备好一些回答.请将问题和回答都翻译成英语1.你的教育背景我2004年毕业于南京农业大学,工商管理系.2.你平时有什么业 我已经回答了好几个问题,怎么在我的回答里面一个也没有显示? 几道题,速答.1.A s() is a kind of fruit.2.I like to eat t()as fruit.3.Nancy ()(not watch)news on TV.4.()strawberries orange? NO,they().拜托再帮我回答几个问题..eat,where,his sister,does,lunch(连词成句)the old American people,do ,eat 我提问有几个问题无人回答,你回答就立刻采纳! (西班牙语)A este nino no le gusta comer el huevo ni tomar leche?1.中文:那孩子即不喜欢吃鸡蛋也不喜欢喝牛奶我的翻译:Este nino no gusta comer el huevo ni tomar lecheA este nino no le gusta comer el huevo ni tomar leche LED灯接电阻.我有红、蓝、绿、白的LED灯,我的输入电压是12V,需要接电阻,下面有几个问题:1.LED灯的正负极性是不是全都长脚正,短脚负?2.电阻应该接在LED的正极好呢还是负极好呢?确切回答!3. 我要问几个问题,9月12号前回答才给分 这里先上五分,1.蜗牛的嘴长在什么下面?2.蜗牛有味觉吗?3.建设中的大运村算社区吗?大运之后交给深圳信息学院使用,在附带一个我不确定的:地图上的三 我想请问下大神们几个问题 必须回答-.-我就是想问下大神们几个问题啊No.1:我是近卫 我们团灭了 天灾推塔推到内塔(有兵线),全部推完了,然后转其他路(天灾没有兵线),他们照样打,这算不算偷