
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/10 09:39:38


1.The idea may sound strange, but really a little truth.
2.If he started talking about the past,you would never be out of him to escape.

1、The idea sounds maybe some strange, but also really a little sense
2、If he starts talking about the past, you'll never can get away from him

1.The idea may sound strange, but really a little truth
2.If he started talking about the past, you will never be his to get out

It Seems little wired, but reasonable. If he starts talking about his past, you can not get rid of him anymore. 希望有帮助

1.This idea may sound out of line, but it holds some fractions of truth.
2. You can never get rid of him once he starts telling you about his past.

1.This idea sounds wired,but reasonable.
2.You can never get rid of him if he talked the past from the beginning.

1 . This thought/idea may sound weird /strange, but it does make sense.
比较不规范但更贴切的美式口语措辞会说 but it sure make sense.
还有一种比较直接: This idea may sound strange, but really a point.
2. If he sta...


1 . This thought/idea may sound weird /strange, but it does make sense.
比较不规范但更贴切的美式口语措辞会说 but it sure make sense.
还有一种比较直接: This idea may sound strange, but really a point.
2. If he started talking about the past, you will .......
如果按照楼下的意思,补全省略号的部分,完整的为:If he started talking about the past, you will never get away from him no law.(如果他一开始谈论过去,你就永远都没法从他那儿脱身。)
