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朱元璋像(19张)南宋灭亡五十余年后,元朝统治者日益残暴黑暗,终于爆发了元末农民起义.朱元璋参加了当时的濠州大帅郭子兴领导的红巾军分支,经过多年的南征北战,1364年,朱元璋自称吴王独霸一方,史称西吴政权.1368年,朱元璋称帝,以应天府(南京)为京师,国号大明,年号洪武,建立了明朝,朱元璋即为明太祖.不久他又命徐达、常遇春等北伐,攻占大都(北京),蒙元统治者首领北逃,结束了在中原98年的统治,中国再次回归到汉族建立的王朝——明朝统治中.   明朝初年国力强盛,经洪武、建文、永乐三朝励精图治,至明宣宗的近百年间,明朝北进蒙古高原,南征安南,伐锡兰,羁縻马来诸岛族.明初天下大治,洪武之治、永乐盛世、仁宣之治一个接一个,一派盛世景象.   至明英宗幼年即位时,朝中有“三杨”杨溥、杨士奇、杨荣主持政局,“海内清平,万邦来朝”.1442年后,宦官王振开始擅权,1449年发生震惊天下的土木堡之变.明英宗的弟弟景泰帝果断任用于谦击败瓦剌,取得北京保卫战的胜利.后又经历景泰、天顺两朝的经营恢复,国力有所回升,到明朝中叶孝宗时期再次大治,此时政治清明,民生安康,对外复立哈密等卫,历史上称为“弘治中兴”.    明朝疆域(宣德时期)
正德朝出现中衰,至嘉靖初期时重新推行新政,政治及国力一度有所恢复,但因嘉靖末年,君臣矛盾突出,社会各种矛盾萌发,倭寇闹事,鞑靼常犯边境,国力再次出现中衰.至隆庆年间徐阶,高拱等人推行新政,罢海禁,册封鞑靼俺答汗等人,史称隆庆新政.到万历朝,在内阁首辅张居正的辅政之下实行改革,再度中兴.此时海内清平,又先后平定甘肃,贵州叛乱,并援救朝鲜击败侵朝日军,史称万历中兴.万历年间,经济繁荣,中国出现资本主义萌芽.   万历朝中期始,皇帝怠政,官员更加腐化,地主阶级疯狂搜刮民脂民膏,导致江南民变的发生.万历末年,关外建州女真努尔哈赤起兵,明朝开始走向衰亡.天启年间,魏忠贤宦官集团的专政加快了这一进程的发展.至崇祯年间,当时连年灾荒,明廷因财政破产,无力镇抚,人民纷纷揭竿而起,后金的军队也突破长城防线,五入关内.崇祯十六年(1643年),京城闹“黑死病”,大批官民染病死去,次年春李自成率农民军攻克北京,明朝最后一位皇帝——崇祯帝在煤山(今景山)自缢殉国,时年崇祯十七年(1644年),明朝在全国统治性的政权结束.同年吴三桂引领清军入关.   在南方,一些明朝大臣拥立明朝宗室建立几个政权,史称南明.1662年,吴三桂将南明永历帝绞杀于云南昆明.台湾郑氏政权继续沿用永历年号,1683年清朝派汉人降将施琅进攻台湾,郑克塽投降,监国宁靖王朱术桂自杀殉国,明朝残余势力覆灭.
朱元璋像(19张)南宋灭亡五十余年后,元朝统治者日益残暴黑暗,终于爆发了元末农民起义.朱元璋参加了当时的濠州大帅郭子兴领导的红巾军分支,经过多年的南征北战,1364年,朱元璋自称吴王独霸一方,史称西吴政权.1368年,朱元璋称帝,以应天府(南京)为京师,国号大明,年号洪武,建立了明朝,朱元璋即为明太祖.不久他又命徐达、常遇春等北伐,攻占大都(北京),蒙元统治者首领北逃,结束了在中原98年的统治,中国再次回归到汉族建立的王朝——明朝统治中.   明朝初年国力强盛,经洪武、建文、永乐三朝励精图治,至明宣宗的近百年间,明朝北进蒙古高原,南征安南,伐锡兰,羁縻马来诸岛族.明初天下大治,洪武之治、永乐盛世、仁宣之治一个接一个,一派盛世景象.   至明英宗幼年即位时,朝中有“三杨”杨溥、杨士奇、杨荣主持政局,“海内清平,万邦来朝”.1442年后,宦官王振开始擅权,1449年发生震惊天下的土木堡之变.明英宗的弟弟景泰帝果断任用于谦击败瓦剌,取得北京保卫战的胜利.后又经历景泰、天顺两朝的经营恢复,国力有所回升,到明朝中叶孝宗时期再次大治,此时政治清明,民生安康,对外复立哈密等卫,历史上称为“弘治中兴”.    明朝疆域(宣德时期)
正德朝出现中衰,至嘉靖初期时重新推行新政,政治及国力一度有所恢复,但因嘉靖末年,君臣矛盾突出,社会各种矛盾萌发,倭寇闹事,鞑靼常犯边境,国力再次出现中衰.至隆庆年间徐阶,高拱等人推行新政,罢海禁,册封鞑靼俺答汗等人,史称隆庆新政.到万历朝,在内阁首辅张居正的辅政之下实行改革,再度中兴.此时海内清平,又先后平定甘肃,贵州叛乱,并援救朝鲜击败侵朝日军,史称万历中兴.万历年间,经济繁荣,中国出现资本主义萌芽.   万历朝中期始,皇帝怠政,官员更加腐化,地主阶级疯狂搜刮民脂民膏,导致江南民变的发生.万历末年,关外建州女真努尔哈赤起兵,明朝开始走向衰亡.天启年间,魏忠贤宦官集团的专政加快了这一进程的发展.至崇祯年间,当时连年灾荒,明廷因财政破产,无力镇抚,人民纷纷揭竿而起,后金的军队也突破长城防线,五入关内.崇祯十六年(1643年),京城闹“黑死病”,大批官民染病死去,次年春李自成率农民军攻克北京,明朝最后一位皇帝——崇祯帝在煤山(今景山)自缢殉国,时年崇祯十七年(1644年),明朝在全国统治性的政权结束.同年吴三桂引领清军入关.   在南方,一些明朝大臣拥立明朝宗室建立几个政权,史称南明.1662年,吴三桂将南明永历帝绞杀于云南昆明.台湾郑氏政权继续沿用永历年号,1683年清朝派汉人降将施琅进攻台湾,郑克塽投降,监国宁靖王朱术桂自杀殉国,明朝残余势力覆灭.自动检测中英文中译英英译中百度翻译.
翻译结果(中 > 英)
Zhu Yuanzhang (19 ) the Southern Song Dynasty extinction of more than 50 years, the rulers of darkness is cruel, finally broke the Yuanmo peasant uprising. Zhu Yuanzhang attended the Haozhou marshal Guo Zixing led the Red Army branch, after years of fight north and South on 1364, Zhu Yuanzhang Wu Wang, to lord it over a district, known as the West Wu regime. In 1368, Zhu Yuanzhang proclaimed himself Emperor, to be Tianfu ( Nanjing) as the capital, the country Ming, the Hong Wu, founded the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang is the first emperor of the Ming dynasty. Soon he commanded Xu Da, Chang Yuchun and captured most of Northern Expedition, (Beijing ), Meng Yuan rulers princes fled north, ending up in China 98 years of rule, China once again return to the Han Dynasty -- Ming rule. The early Ming Dynasty, the national strength is powerful, the Hong Wu, Jianwen, Yongle three toward good governance, to the Ming Dynasty of nearly hundred years, the North Mongolia plateau, south of Ceylon, Annan, Jimi Malay islands group. The world order, Hong Wuzhi treat, Yongle spirit, Ren Xuan cure one by one, send flourishing picture. As Ming Yingzong was when he was the" Three Yang," Yang Pu, Yang Shiqi, Yang Rong presided over the Council," the Qingping, all States and". After 1442, the eunuch Wang Zhen began to be right, shocked the world in 1449 Fort civil engineering change. Ming Yingzong's brother Jingtai Dili decisive appointment Yu Qian beat oyrad, made in Beijing to defend the war victory. After the experience, Jingtai Tianshun two towards the business recovery, power picks up somewhat, to the Ming Dynasty middle period again when making order, political pure brightness, the livelihood of the people in Ankang, Hami and other foreign compound Wei, historically known as the" Hongzhi zte". Ming territory (Xuan de period )Zhengde towards appeared in decline, and in early to carried out a new policy, politics and national power had recovered somewhat, but because the Jiajing Dynasty, Jun is contradictory and outstanding, all kinds of social contradictions germination, pirates often make trouble, Tatar border, national power appears again in decline. To Longqing years Xu Jie carried out the new deal," et al," ban, canonized tartar I a. Khan et al, known as Longqing deal. The Wanli Dynasty, in the first Zhang Juzheng cabinet and strengthened under reform again, zte. At this time the Qingping, and successively in Gansu, Guizhou insurgency, and rescue the North defeated Japanese invasion in history called Wanli, zte. Wanli, economic prosperity, China appears the bud of capitalism. In the middle of Emperor Wanli, political danger, more corrupt officials, landlords and the fat of the people in Jiangnan crazy search, popular uprisings occurred. Wanli Dynasty, outside the Jianzhou Jurchens Nuerhachi revolted, Ming Dynasty began to decline. The group revealed years, Wei Zhongxian dictatorship has accelerated the process of development. To the Chong Zhen years, when the famine years in, Ming Ting due to financial ruin, weak Zhenfu, people in succession rise up in arms, although the army also broke through the Great Wall of defense, five in china. Chong Zhen sixteen years ( in 1643 ), while a "Black Death", a large number of official and people infected died, next spring rate of Li Zicheng peasant army captured Beijing, the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty -- Emperor Chong Zhen in Meishan (now in Jingshan Hill ), martyred at the age of seventeen years, Chong Zhen ( 1644), the Ming Dynasty in the ruling regime ended. That same year Wu Sangui lead qingjunruguan. In the south, some Ming minister hold Liming towards the clan to build several regime, known as the Nanming. In 1662, Wu Sangui will be the Nanming Yongli emperor strangled in Yunnan Kunming. Taiwan Zheng regime continued to use permanent calendar year, in 1683 during the Han Chinese who sent Shi Lang to attack Taiwan, surrender Zheng Keshuang, supervise the country peace king Zhu Shugui Dutch act martyred, Ming remnants.


Zhu yuanzhang like (19 zhang) fifty years after the southern song dynasty perish, the yuan dynasty rulers increasingly brutal dark, finally broke out at the end of the yuan peasant uprising. Zhu yuanz...


Zhu yuanzhang like (19 zhang) fifty years after the southern song dynasty perish, the yuan dynasty rulers increasingly brutal dark, finally broke out at the end of the yuan peasant uprising. Zhu yuanzhang played her guard the leadership of the state GuoZiXing red towel army branch, after the DuoNian have conquered, 1364, zhu yuanzhang dominated the party claiming 13, was said WuZhengQuan west. In 1368, zhu yuanzhang proclaims oneself emperor, to tian (nanjing) should be for capital, dongxia daming, hongwu period nianhao, established the Ming dynasty zhu yuanzhang is to MingTaiZu. Soon he and life, such as regular book managed the northern expedition, mostly conquered (Beijing), Mongolian yuan chief rulers fled north, over 98 years of dominance in the central plains, China's return to the establishment of the han nationality again-the Ming dynasty dynasty rule. Early Ming national strength strong, and the hongwu and yongle where, from hard work, to nearly years of the Ming xuang zong, the Ming dynasty north into Mongolia plateau, NaZheng kofi annan, cut Ceylon, away from the Malay archipelago clan. The Ming great order, HongWuZhi cure time, RenXuan and yongle reign of one by one, the heyday of a scene. To the British ancestors youth when the throne, and to the in the "three Yang" YangPu, YangShiJi, YangRong presided over the political situation, "of collecting, and all the heathen to the qingping". 1442 years later, the eunuch, wang started to ShanQuan, happened in 1449 under the shock of civil fort change. The Pope's brother JingTai Ming emperor decisive YuQian beat WaLa appointment, obtain Beijing the victory of the resistance. And JingTai experience, two of the operation restore character, national strength have rebounded, middle period to the Ming dynasty filial piety Pope again great order, this time the political clarity, the livelihood of the people in good health, such as foreign after made hami guard, history is known as "HongZhi zte". The Ming dynasty's (the "xuan-de period")
The decline of zhengde appear, to implement the early Ming again when New Deal, political and national strength had been restored, but due to the late Ming, favorable king-subject contradiction, the social contradictions germination, Japanese make trouble, tatar often make border, national strength again in failure. To XuJie longqin years, high arches of people pushing New Deal, in order to ", such as the aletanhan code issued conferring the tatar, history said that celebrated New Deal. To all who, in the cabinet of the head member zhang juzheng side of the reform under, zte again. At this time of collecting qingping, and successively putting down the gansu province, guizhou rebellion, and rescue north Korea beat the Japanese army invade, history of wanli says zte. In wanli, economic prosperity, China appear capitalist germination. Middle handed the beginning, the emperor idle administration, officials more corruption, the landlord class crazy MinZhiMinGao search, leading to the occurrence of jiangnan rebellion. Fifth wanli, the commissioner of statehood nuzhen nuerhachi, arise, the Ming dynasty began to decay. Apocalypse years, WeiZhongXian eunuch, group the dictatorship of the accelerating the development of a process. To chongzhen years, years of famine at that time, because of financial bankruptcy resisted, unable to town stroke, people's rebellion in succession, the army also break through the Great Wall paved defence, five in feb. Chongzhen sixteen years (1643), city to "make the black plague", a large number of official and disease die, the following year spring rate peasant army li conquer Beijing, the Ming dynasty last emperor chongzhen emperor-in MeiShan (now jingshan) XunGuo hanged himself in, was chongzhen 17 years (1644), the Ming dynasty in the end of the court regime. In the same year WuSanGui lead at the army. In the south, the Ming dynasty imperial clan of the Ming dynasty put some minister building several regime, Ming history says. In 1662, WuSanGui Ming emperor strangulation society calendar will forever in kunming, yunnan. Taiwan zung regime continue to use ever and the number, 1683 han Chinese qing dynasty sent ShiLang drops attack on Taiwan, ZhengKe Shuang surrender, NingJing ZhuShuGui king prison countries XunGuo suicide, the Ming dynasty remnant ruin.
Zhu yuanzhang like (19 zhang) fifty years after the southern song dynasty perish, the yuan dynasty rulers increasingly brutal dark, finally broke out at the end of the yuan peasant uprising. Zhu yuanzhang played her guard the leadership of the state GuoZiXing red towel army branch, after the DuoNian have conquered, 1364, zhu yuanzhang dominated the party claiming 13, was said WuZhengQuan west. In 1368, zhu yuanzhang proclaims oneself emperor, to tian (nanjing) should be for capital, dongxia daming, hongwu period nianhao, established the Ming dynasty zhu yuanzhang is to MingTaiZu. Soon he and life, such as regular book managed the northern expedition, mostly conquered (Beijing), Mongolian yuan chief rulers fled north, over 98 years of dominance in the central plains, China's return to the establishment of the han nationality again-the Ming dynasty dynasty rule. Early Ming national strength strong, and the hongwu and yongle where, from hard work, to nearly years of the Ming xuang zong, the Ming dynasty north into Mongolia plateau, NaZheng kofi annan, cut Ceylon, away from the Malay archipelago clan. The Ming great order, HongWuZhi cure time, RenXuan and yongle reign of one by one, the heyday of a scene. To the British ancestors youth when the throne, and to the in the "three Yang" YangPu, YangShiJi, YangRong presided over the political situation, "of collecting, and all the heathen to the qingping". 1442 years later, the eunuch, wang started to ShanQuan, happened in 1449 under the shock of civil fort change. The Pope's brother JingTai Ming emperor decisive YuQian beat WaLa appointment, obtain Beijing the victory of the resistance. And JingTai experience, two of the operation restore character, national strength have rebounded, middle period to the Ming dynasty filial piety Pope again great order, this time the political clarity, the livelihood of the people in good health, such as foreign after made hami guard, history is known as "HongZhi zte". The Ming dynasty's (the "xuan-de period")
The decline of zhengde appear, to implement the early Ming again when New Deal, political and national strength had been restored, but due to the late Ming, favorable king-subject contradiction, the social contradictions germination, Japanese make trouble, tatar often make border, national strength again in failure. To XuJie longqin years, high arches of people pushing New Deal, in order to ", such as the aletanhan code issued conferring the tatar, history said that celebrated New Deal. To all who, in the cabinet of the head member zhang juzheng side of the reform under, zte again. At this time of collecting qingping, and successively putting down the gansu province, guizhou rebellion, and rescue north Korea beat the Japanese army invade, history of wanli says zte. In wanli, economic prosperity, China appear capitalist germination. Middle handed the beginning, the emperor idle administration, officials more corruption, the landlord class crazy MinZhiMinGao search, leading to the occurrence of jiangnan rebellion. Fifth wanli, the commissioner of statehood nuzhen nuerhachi, arise, the Ming dynasty began to decay. Apocalypse years, WeiZhongXian eunuch, group the dictatorship of the accelerating the development of a process. To chongzhen years, years of famine at that time, because of financial bankruptcy resisted, unable to town stroke, people's rebellion in succession, the army also break through the Great Wall paved defence, five in feb. Chongzhen sixteen years (1643), city to "make the black plague", a large number of official and disease die, the following year spring rate peasant army li conquer Beijing, the Ming dynasty last emperor chongzhen emperor-in MeiShan (now jingshan) XunGuo hanged himself in, was chongzhen 17 years (1644), the Ming dynasty in the end of the court regime. In the same year WuSanGui lead at the army. In the south, the Ming dynasty imperial clan of the Ming dynasty put some minister building several regime, Ming history says. In 1662, WuSanGui Ming emperor strangulation society calendar will forever in kunming, yunnan. Taiwan zung regime continue to use ever and the number, 1683 han Chinese qing dynasty sent ShiLang drops attack on Taiwan, ZhengKe Shuang surrender, NingJing ZhuShuGui king prison countries XunGuo suicide, the Ming dynasty remnant ruin. Automatic detection in Chinese and English translation from Chinese to English baidu translation.
Translation results (in English >)
