
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 22:41:28


rush 1
1 v
[I,Ipr,Ip,It,,Tn.p,Dn.n,] (cause sb/sth to) go or come with great speed (使某人[某物])急速去或来:Don't rush:take your time.别急忙忙的,慢慢来.* Water went rushing through the lock gates.水流经水闸时十分湍急.* The children rushed out of school.孩子们飞快跑出学校.* Don't rush away/off -- I haven't finished.别急着要走--我还没完呢.* People rushed to buy the shares.人们抢着购买股票.* Ambulances rushed the injured to hospital.救护车把受伤的人火速送到医院.* Relief supplies were rushed in.救济品已急速送到.* Please rush me (ie send me immediately) your current catalogue.请将你方现有目录尽速寄来为盼.
[I,Ipr,Tn,] (sb) (into sth/doing sth) (cause sb to) act hastily (使某人)仓促行事:regret rushed decisions 对贸然做出的决定感到懊悔 * rush into marriage 仓促结婚 * Don't rush me -- this needs thinking about.别催我--这事得考虑考虑.* rush sb into signing a contract 催促某人匆匆签署合同.
[Tn] attack or capture (sb/sth) by a sudden assault 突袭(某人[某事物]):rush the enemy's positions,defences,etc 向敌人的阵地、 防御工事等突然发起进攻 * Fans rushed the stage after the concert.音乐会结束后乐迷涌向舞台.
[Tn,] sb/sth (for sth) (infml 口) charge (a customer,etc) a high or exorbitant price 向(顾客等)索高价,敲竹杠:How much did the garage rush you for those repairs?汽车服务站敲了你多少修理费?
(idm 习语) run/rush sb off his feet => foot1.rush into `print publish sth without proper care or consideration 草率出版某物.
(phr v) rush sth out produce sth very quickly 匆促生产某物; 赶制某物:Editors rushed out a piece on the crash for the late news.编辑迅速将失事消息编入晚间新闻.rush sth through (sth) cause sth to become official policy,etc very quickly 使某事物很快通过成为官方政策:rush a bill through Parliament 使一项法案在议会中仓促通过.
rush 2
2 / n
[sing] (instance of) rapid headlong movement or swift advance 急促的动作; 冲; 奔:The tide comes in with a sudden rush here.这里潮水来势汹涌.* make a rush for the door 冲到门前 * People were trampled in the headlong rush.大家拼命向前涌,踩着了很多人.
[sing] sudden onset or surge of sth 突发; 突现:a rush of blood to the cheeks 脸一下子红起来 * work in a rush of enthusiasm 凭着一股热情工作 * a rush of cold air,eg as a window is opened 一股冷空气(如开窗时).
[sing,U] (infml 口) (period of) great activity 繁忙的活动(时刻):Why all this mad rush?为什麽要这样急忙忙的?* the Christmas rush,ie the period before Christmas when crowds of people go shopping 圣诞节前的购物热 * I'm in a dreadful/tearing rush (ie hurry) so I can't stop.我忙得不可开交.* have a bit of a rush on 要忙一阵子 * [attrib 作定语] a rush job,ie one done as quickly or as soon as possible 要尽快做妥的工作.
[C] on/for sth sudden great demand for goods,etc (对货物等的)大量急需,争购:a rush on umbrellas,eg when there is heavy rain 争购雨伞(如下大雨时).
rushes [pl] (infml 口) first print of a cinema film before it is cut and edited (电影)样片(未经剪辑者).
# `rush-hour n time each day when traffic is busiest because people are going to or coming from work (上下班时的)交通拥挤时间,高峰时刻:morning/evening rush-hours 早上[晚上]交通拥挤时间 * [attrib 作定语] I got caught in the rush-hour traffic.我遇上了高峰时刻的车辆,寸步难行.
rush 3
3 /n marsh plant with a slender pithy stem which is dried and used for making chair-seats,baskets,etc 灯心草(乾燥后用於编制椅面、 篮子等):[attrib 作定语] rush matting 灯心草编织的席子.
> rushy adj full of rushes 长满灯心草的.