strain and stress翻译成什么?

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strain and stress翻译成什么?
strain and stress翻译成什么?

strain and stress翻译成什么?
当单位圆柱体被拉伸的时候会产生伸长变形∆L,那么圆柱体的长度则变为L+∆L.这里,由伸长量∆L和原长L的比值所表示的伸长率(或压缩率)就叫做“应变(strain )”,记为ε.



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应力和应变嘛 这个不是机械类专业的专业英语里会有的嘛

strain and stress翻译成什么? under a lotta stress翻译成什么 strain of stress到底是什么意思?压力的压力?strain也有性质的意思 可以翻成压力的性质吗? 什么是shear stress?什么是shear strain? stressor,stress与strain的区别 tension,strain,intensity,stress有什么区别 求Napoleon’s life was one of strain and stress from his cradle to his grave的中文翻译 请问什么是stress strain?什么是normal stress normal strain?如能回答万分感激 求将下面英文翻译成中文 谢谢Fig. 11 shows the circumferential stress curve vs. radius, due to interference and internal pressure action. A comparable crack propagation behavior for the die and the stress ring can be obtai 改写句子,原意不变.用英文 Rousakis et al.(2007) also presented an analytical stress-plastic strain model as a strain-hardening-softening Drucker–Prager constitutive model for the assessment and calibration of the elastoplastic behaviour o stress & strain求这两个词的辨析,谢谢! pressure,stress,strain,burden都表示压力,什么区别? 英文中stress pressure strain 有什么不同? terminal speed,tensile stress,tensile strain都是什么意思 请帮忙翻一下 要人工翻译3.1 Analysis of flow stress during thixotropiccompressive deformation processThe stress-strain curves of semi-solid SiCp/AZ61composites with various volume fractions of SiCparticles are shown in Fig.3. The tendency o 英语翻译Thefundamental concepts of stress and strain can be illustrated by a prismatic bar that is loaded by axial forces F. 英语翻译Although this expression for the tangent modulus value could be employed incremental stress analyses,it has one significant shortcoming:The value tangent modulus,Et,is related to both stress difference and strain [(σ1-σ3 ) and ε],which Strain and filter...怎么翻译?