
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/17 16:12:11

7.在取消或延长租用 时或之前甲方应提前一个月提供一份通知书。
8.所有费用以支票方式支付给 支付时间在当月日历30号后30-35天内支付。
11.甲方支付 租金作为押金。

1.Party EX330 excavator is responsible for the cost of transport to the construction site,and Party B is responsible for return shipping costs EX330 excavator.Party B shall be responsible for return costs.
2.This agreement is valid for 6 months.
3.Party during the construction period is only responsible for providing diesel and other oil materials by second party.
4.excluding all taxes,but Party B shall provide proof of payment receipt.
5.The net mechanical work day is 8 hours,not including machinery and equipment maintenance time,working on 208 hours per month to work 26 days.26 days less absence days is less the rental fee.
6.Party A to Party B Tent drivers free diet resolved by the party at their own expense.
7.cancel or extend the lease on or before the employer shall provide a notice of one month in advance.
8.All the fees paid by check,payment time,the calendar month after 30 days of paid 30-35.
9.Even if the machine is in standby mode,the Party still pay the rental fee.
10.unable to work because of rain or the time,Party A shall pay the rental charge for this period,
11.Party to pay the rent as a deposit.
12.mechanical maintenance,including labor and materials costs paid by the Party.Party does not assume more than the number of calendar days each month during the maintenance of the rental fee.
13.Working time is the mechanical excavation of stone or loading and waiting time of vehicles,not including food,rest,maintenance of machinery,time,work time,the confirmation should be signed by the two sides recognized each day site management.
14.machine hand shall be subject to on-site engineering and technical management personnel management,such as the management arrangements are not subject to loss caused by the loss of working time,job-site loss for transfer,with the loss of mechanical work,by second party.
15.B machine hand may not be the reason for the holiday break.Eid al-Adha,Eid,National Day,except major holidays.
16,Party A Party B to cancel the agreement notice,the lease agreement to the notice from Party B the end,both credit and debt will not continue to occur,but the original creditor that debt.
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One. party a responsible for excavator ex330 to the construction field, the second party is responsible for excavator ex330 back to lift the transportation cost. return the party responsible. 2. this ...


One. party a responsible for excavator ex330 to the construction field, the second party is responsible for excavator ex330 back to lift the transportation cost. return the party responsible. 2. this agreement is valid for six months. three persons. during construction is only responsible for providing diesel oil and other material shall be borne by party b. 4. no taxes, party b shall the first place to provide proof of the establishment of the receipt. five days. the machinery of the working time for eight hours, excluding machinery equipment of time, monthlyWork for a monthly normal working hours of 208 26days. at the 26 day after day the absence of rent. 6. party a for the driver free provide tents and food, by the lessee. 7. in the removal or leased or before the party a shall provide a copy of a month in advance notice. 8. all expenses pay by cheque in payment of the calendar, the number 30 - 35 to 30 days after payment. 9. even in a spare Work for a monthly normal working hours of 208 26days. at the 26 day after day the absence of rent. 6. party a for the driver free provide tents and food, by the lessee. 7. in the removal or leased or before the party a shall provide a copy of a month in advance notice. 8. all expenses pay by cheque in payment of the calendar, the number 30 - 35 to 30 days after payment. 9. even in a spareWork for a monthly normal working hours of 208 26days. at the 26 day after day the absence of rent. 6. party a for the driver free provide tents and food, by the lessee. 7. in the removal or leased or before the party a shall provide a copy of a month in advance notice. 8. all expenses pay by cheque in payment of the calendar, the number 30 - 35 to 30 days after payment. 9. even in a spare


???在哪呢??14. 机手应服从现场工程技术管理人员的管理,如不服从管理安排而造成的误工损失,工作现场的调迁损失,配合工作机械的损失,应由乙方承担。 15. 乙方机手不得以节假日为理由要求休息。古尔邦节、开斋节、国庆节重大节日除外。 16、甲方通知乙方解除协议时,该协议租赁期从乙方按到通知时结束,双方将不继续发生债权债务,但原来的债权债务保留 。 我们正在帮助巴铁修战备道路,望您帮忙...




英语翻译1.甲方负责将EX330挖掘机运到施工现场的费用,乙方负责EX330挖掘机的返程运输费用。返程费用由乙方负责。2.此协议有效期为6个月。3.施工期间甲方只负责提供柴油,其他润滑油料 英语翻译定金将归甲方所有 用英语翻译一句话:将自己的潜力挖掘到底. 英语翻译,“谁将对这项任务负责?” 英语翻译1)乙方负责通过双方连接系统的方式向甲方发送预订通知;2)如果特定分销商对甲方预订系统发起恶意预订,乙方负责在收到甲方提供的相关证据后,协助甲方对该分销商采取及时、 英语翻译甲方按照乙方提供的内、外包装、塑料件、电脑板英文资料等印制,但须在交付订金前交付甲方.甲方负责协助乙方办理船运代理业务,费用由乙方支付.甲方负责报关、商检业务,费用 英语翻译乙方在下达正式订购单给甲方并经甲乙双方确认投产后,如因乙方单方面要求撤消该定单给甲方所造成的一切损失,乙方应对此行为完全负责 英语翻译乙方在现场设备安装调试期间对甲方现场的设备设施负有保护责任,如因乙方原因造成的损坏均由乙方负责赔偿(赔偿标准按甲方公司相关管理文件执行). 英语翻译1.乙方应当根据甲方的要求,为甲方指派符合条件的人员.如乙方为甲方指派之人员不符合甲方要求的条件或无法为甲方提供其所需之服务的,乙方应在收到甲方的书面通知后,为甲方重 英语翻译否则,甲方将按收到乙方书面通知之日计算收费截止日期. 英语翻译实践经历:负责贵宾理财业务.主要工作:负责客户经理的考核管理以及业务推动工作;策划银行理财产品的营销方案,扩大中高端客户群;对产品数据库进行挖掘,获取潜在贵宾客户; 英语翻译a.甲方应积极落实好营业点及相关手续,如营业执照、票据等.b.乙方应积极协助甲方搞好礼品店的环境陈设,及时根据市场需求调整、更换甲方所指定的物品.并负责就非认为因素所导 英语翻译租赁期间,非本合同规定的情况甲方擅自解除本合同,提前收回该房屋的,甲方应按月租金的—倍向乙方支付违约金.若支付的违约金不足抵付乙方损失的,甲方还应负责赔偿. 英语翻译甲方需将余下加工费在出货后2个星期内T/T汇款给乙方. 英语翻译由于乙方交付的产品质量或其他任何原因造成甲方在生产过程中受影响,引起甲方停产或甲方客户的质量投诉、质量索赔、交货成本增加时,乙方承诺将承担甲方的损失.具体赔偿金额 英语翻译回答者负责 英语翻译:他的能力得到了挖掘. 英语翻译1,负责市场的开拓.2,了解市场信息,挖掘潜在客户.3,负责商务拜访,维护与客户之间关系.4,制定销售策略及销售计划,完成销售目标.5,为OEM厂家提供技术及应用支持.6,协助工程师对样机