
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 17:15:28


A.Party A shall positively confirm the business location and all the related procedures,such as business registration,invoices,etc.
B.Party B shall actively assist Party A in the arrangement and display of the gift shop,implement timely adjustments to accommodate market needs,and shall be responsible for the replacement of sold goods if it was not caused by human error.
C.Party B shall actively organize the procurement of popular items,in order to enhance both Parties‘s profits.
D.All goods of Party B displayed in Party A’s gift shop are on consignment basis.

a.Party A should actively carry out th...


a.Party A should actively carry out the business and related procudures,such as business license,documents etc.
b.Party B should help Party A improve the environment of gift shop,adjust with the market demand and replace the goods by the designated goods by Party A. Party A should be responsible for the exchange of the after-sales commodities which caused by non-factor.
c. Party B should put the best niche product
on show to improve both parties' benefits.
d.products of Party B is selled by proxy in Party A's gift shop


a. Party A should actively implement the business point and relative procedures such as Business licenses, bills etc.
b. Party B should actively help to improve the environment and display of the ...


a. Party A should actively implement the business point and relative procedures such as Business licenses, bills etc.
b. Party B should actively help to improve the environment and display of the gift shop, arrange and change the gifts oppointed by Party A and what’s more take the responsibility of the exchange work of the sold-goods lead by non-reckon factors.
c. Party B should actively plan to put the proper products which are well required into the market in order to increase the selling benefits of the both parties.
d. Party A is supposed to sell goods in his gift shop on a commission basis of Part B.


Party A shall positively confirm the business location and all the related procedures, such as business registration, invoices, etc


Party A shall positively confirm the business location and all the related procedures, such as business registration, invoices, etc
Party B shall actively assist Party A in the arrangement and display of the gift shop, implement timely adjustments to accommodate market needs, and shall be responsible for the replacement of sold goods if it was not caused by human error.
Party B shall actively organize the procurement of popular items, in order to enhance both Parties’ profits.
All goods of Party B displayed in Party A’s gift shop are on consignment basis.


A. the party A part should positively carry out businessand the correlation procedure, like business license, bill and so on.
B. the party B should positively assist the party of the first part...


A. the party A part should positively carry out businessand the correlation procedure, like business license, bill and so on.
B. the party B should positively assist the party of the first part to dowell the gift shop the environment arrangement, promptly according tothe market demand adjustment, replaces the goods which the party ofthe first part assigns. And is responsible on must to think the factorcauses post-sale goods exchanging.
C. the party B should positively organize on the product which is suitablefor sale the cabinet, enhances the bilateral earning benefit.
D. the party B the product implements in the party of the first part giftshop sells goods for the state.


d.乙方的产品在甲方礼品店内实行代销: A. Client should a...


d.乙方的产品在甲方礼品店内实行代销: A. Client should actively implement the business and related procedures, such as business licenses, and other instruments.
B. Party A Party B should actively help improve the environment furnishings gift shop, timely adjustment according to market demand, by the replacement of Party A designated items. And for the non-factors that lead to the sale of commodities in exchange.
C. B should be readily marketable product pooled from the organization to improve both revenue benefits.
D. Party A Party B products in a consignment gift shop.


a.The first party should carry out a good business to order actively and related procedure, such as business license, note etc..
b.The second party should help the environment that the first part...


a.The first party should carry out a good business to order actively and related procedure, such as business license, note etc..
b.The second party should help the environment that the first party makes a good gift store to display actively, adjust, replacing the product that the first party specifies according to the market need in time.The goods transpose after being also responsible for thinking what factor cause to sell not.
c.The second party should organize actively proper sell a top a cabinet to the product of the road to raise both parties' earning performance.
d.The second party's product sells in the execution generation inside the first party's gift store.


英语翻译a.甲方应积极落实好营业点及相关手续,如营业执照、票据等.b.乙方应积极协助甲方搞好礼品店的环境陈设,及时根据市场需求调整、更换甲方所指定的物品.并负责就非认为因素所导 乙方应积极配合有关甲方在中国开展的业务 用英文怎么说? 小学语文第十二册应落实哪些语言训练点? 英语翻译模具确认后,如甲方需对模具进行更改,应及时通知乙方.需要时支付相应的改模费用.改模后的模具样品及部品须经甲方重新确认. 英语翻译中译英如下:1.甲方责任甲方应按照合同条款的要求向乙方支付服务费.甲方应向乙方雇员提供现场保安值班岗亭,必要地为完成工作所需的日常公用生活设施及文具等.= 英语翻译七、违约的处理:1、甲方违约的处理 甲方未按合同规定的时间将功能完备及附属完好的房屋提供乙方使用的.每逾期一天,甲方应按月租金的0.5%向乙方支付违约金,逾期7天仍不履行, 乙方应无条件的满足甲方发出的订单数量及供货日期.英语怎么说? 多选题一道应由企业负担,不记入“营业税金及附加”账户的税费有()A 教育费附加 B 增值税 C 城建税 D 所得税 英语翻译原文是作为抵押财产的全部产权或使用权凭证及其他有效证明文件和相应资料,如果乙方认为必要,甲方应提交给乙方保管.我的翻译是Party A should place all the properties which served as the mort 英语翻译1.乙方应当根据甲方的要求,为甲方指派符合条件的人员.如乙方为甲方指派之人员不符合甲方要求的条件或无法为甲方提供其所需之服务的,乙方应在收到甲方的书面通知后,为甲方重 英语翻译一、营业收入 减:营业成本 营业税金及附加 销售费用 管理费用 财务费用-净额 资产减值(损失)/损失转回 加:投资收益 其中:对联营企业和合营企业的投资收益 二、营业利润 加:营业 英语翻译第四条 乙方的义务、责任4.1 乙方就本协议及承担其作为物流服务供应商的义务.4.2 乙方保证自己具有提供物流服务的相关资质,可提供复印件给甲方留存.4.3 乙方有义务为甲方保守商 英语翻译要字字落实, 英语翻译要字字落实, 英语翻译要字字落实! 英语翻译字字落实 英语翻译字字落实 出租无形资产应交的营业税是记入其他业务成本还是营业税金及附加?