英语翻译主语从句翻译:that he won the first prize is surpeising.that he was chosen made us very happy.who will go is not important.how she became a great artist is known to all.why she did it wasn't quite clear.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/11 07:15:52

英语翻译主语从句翻译:that he won the first prize is surpeising.that he was chosen made us very happy.who will go is not important.how she became a great artist is known to all.why she did it wasn't quite clear.
主语从句翻译:that he won the first prize is surpeising.that he was chosen made us very happy.who will go is not important.how she became a great artist is known to all.why she did it wasn't quite clear.

英语翻译主语从句翻译:that he won the first prize is surpeising.that he was chosen made us very happy.who will go is not important.how she became a great artist is known to all.why she did it wasn't quite clear.


到底主句跟主语是怎么区别的呀?最近学了名词性从句里的主语从句,但有一点搞不清楚.复合句不是主句+从句吗?那主语从句又是主语又是从句,那主句是什么.比如:That he will come is certain.That he w 英语翻译请用主语从句翻译啊,不要在线翻译器 IT seems that he is very tired.是主语从句还是表语从句 The news that he told me was false.是什么从句为什么不是主语从句 英语翻译这有两个翻译,哪个正确?或者哪个更好?或者您有更好的翻译?(必须满足主语从句)1:The truth that he is a wolf in sheep's fur is clear.2:The truth came out at last that he was a wolf in sheep's clothing. why引导的主语从句why he didn't come is that he was ill. 对吗? 主语从句中 that表什么 如 It is certain that he will win the match. 英语翻译主语从句翻译:that he won the first prize is surpeising.that he was chosen made us very happy.who will go is not important.how she became a great artist is known to all.why she did it wasn't quite clear. 英语翻译不要在线翻译器啊 请用 主语从句+表语从句翻译 主语从句 真正的主语是哪个 It is certain that he will wi主语从句 真正的主语是哪个 It is certain that he will win the match 主语从句it is...that 中的that 这个是表语从句还是主语从句It was that he passed the exam surprised us.跟在be后的不就是表语从句吗?It surprised us that he passed the exam.这个才是主语从句吧 IT seems that he is very tired.是不是即可做主语从句又可做表语从句 it seem+that从句是主语从句还是表语从句 it做形式主语that引导真正主语那么that从句属于主语从句吗 that 在做从句时是不是主语 he prefer music that has great lythat 在做从句时是不是主语he prefer music that has great lyrics to misic is very loudly用that还是which 主语从句:That he is right is known to all of us.宾语从句:We all know (that) he is right.为什么主语从句中是known 而不是被动词knew 英语翻译1.用宾语从句 2.用主语从句三个,分别是what,It,that 置于句首来写3.表语从句 4.同位语从句,用fact这个词