
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/11 13:37:33


1.my main duty concerns such work as the maintenance of the high-end customers,development of the business opportunities,participation of the BU bidding activities of the sales department.
2.take charge of implementing the sales task of SIQSAQ and An Hui Inspection and Quarantine
3.mainly responsible for receiving guests,getting everything ready for the meeting and making arrangements for accommodation
4.open-minded,strong interpersonal skills and communication skills
strong teamwork and very strong sense of duty
capable of adapting to team and playing an active role
Be able to accomplish temporary task given by management

1, the company is mainly responsible for the maintenance of high-end customers, the expansion of sales operations, the cause of the BU participate in the tender and a series of work
2, is mainly ...


1, the company is mainly responsible for the maintenance of high-end customers, the expansion of sales operations, the cause of the BU participate in the tender and a series of work
2, is mainly responsible for completion of AQSIQ and Inspection and Quarantine Bureau in Anhui's sales tasks
3, is mainly responsible for business guests reception, the venue layout, food and accommodation arrangements for the guests, and so on
4, cheerful character, strong interpersonal skills and communication skills
Have a stronger team spirit and sense of responsibility
Can quickly integrate into the team and play an active role
Can be required to complete the task of leadership to


1、The company is mainly responsible for the maintenance of high-end customers, the expansion of sales operations, the cause of the BU participate in the tender and a series of work
2、Mainly respon...


1、The company is mainly responsible for the maintenance of high-end customers, the expansion of sales operations, the cause of the BU participate in the tender and a series of work
2、Mainly responsible for the completion of AQSIQ and Inspection and Quarantine Bureau in Anhui's sales tasks
3、Mainly responsible for business guests reception, the venue layout, food and accommodation arrangements for the guests, and so on
4、Cheerful character, strong interpersonal skills and communication skills
Have a stronger team spirit and sense of responsibility
Can quickly integrate into the team and play an active role
Can be required to complete the task of leadership to


1, the company is mainly responsible for the maintenance of high-end customers, the expansion of sales operations, the cause of the BU participate in the tender and a series of work
2, is mainly ...


1, the company is mainly responsible for the maintenance of high-end customers, the expansion of sales operations, the cause of the BU participate in the tender and a series of work
2, is mainly responsible for completion of AQSIQ and Inspection and Quarantine Bureau in Anhui's sales tasks
3, is mainly responsible for business guests reception, the venue layout, food and accommodation arrangements for the guests, and so on
4, cheerful character, strong interpersonal skills and communication skills
Have a stronger team spirit and sense of responsibility
Can quickly integrate into the team and play an active role
Can be required to complete the task of leadership to


www.google.com 有语言工具,翻了以后自己再看一下,可能会不怎么通,整理下就会好了!


英语翻译1、主要负责公司高端客户的维护,销售业务的拓展,参与事业部BU投标等一系列工作2、主要负责完成国家质检总局和安徽检验检疫局的销售任务3、主要负责会务来宾接待,布置会场,安 英语翻译实践经历:负责贵宾理财业务.主要工作:负责客户经理的考核管理以及业务推动工作;策划银行理财产品的营销方案,扩大中高端客户群;对产品数据库进行挖掘,获取潜在贵宾客户; 英语翻译1:IT网络设施:负责公司程控交换机及计算机网络等通讯设施设备的部署,主要体现在对公司IT 机房的建设和管理上2:服务器:负责公司内部各类服务器建立、迁移、日常管理及维护 英语翻译负责公司网络系统的规划,配置和管理;负责公司网络系统日常维护和监控,保证正常运行;负责公司网络系统运行故障处理和预防性维护;负责公司网络安全规则的制定,以及配置手 英语翻译开展店内外客户服务和销售工作、制定客户维护和发展计划、进行周边市场开拓.负责门店日常运营、维护公司品牌形象、管理门店客户资源.对员工进行组织培训、协调门店与公司 翻译:我公司的品管部主要负责公司产品的检查 ,以及对客户进行必要的服务等. 英语翻译主要工作是负责客户资讯的收集,开发、联系客户;会见客户并促成合作;组织,召开供应商大会及客户的研讨会. 英语翻译公司成立十多年,六十余人,为**最大的终合性广告公司,在**市综合排名位列前十.我负责公司客户的维护、各项目的跟进和新市场的发掘.期间服务了**、**等客户,参与了**区最大的中外 英语翻译下面一句话 主要的工作职责是开发和维护客户 负责路区内客户开发维护.英语 英语翻译1主要负责中东国家市场的开发,利用Alibaba,Made-in-China,和其他免费B2B网站、黄页和搜索引擎,并结合公司展会资源,积极开发新客户。处理跟踪日常客户询盘及报价。利用电话或 主要负责机器的维护工作 用英语怎么说, 英语翻译工作职责:开拓及维护设计院客户;向其推荐公司锚固产品.凭借与设计院的良好关系及突出的产品讲解能力,为公司销售业绩的上升做出了贡献.工作职责:负责《投资项目可行性研 英语翻译1、负责公司销售合同及文件资料的管理、归类、整理、建档和保管工作; 2、负责各类销售指标的报表和报告的制作、编写; 3、收集、整理、归纳客户和市场信息,制定销售计划,为 英语翻译除翻译以上两个词汇,最好能用英文写出几条这个职位的具体职责该部门为商业银行中的一个针对个人客户的营销部门,主要负责大客户的营销与维护、储蓄存款增存、销售保险与理 英语翻译1,负责市场的开拓.2,了解市场信息,挖掘潜在客户.3,负责商务拜访,维护与客户之间关系.4,制定销售策略及销售计划,完成销售目标.5,为OEM厂家提供技术及应用支持.6,协助工程师对样机 英语翻译1、负责国内对应省市的销售管理,落实公司制定的各项销售政策,负责区域内产品的售前、售中、售后相关事务; 2、负责区域市场的开拓、建设、维护和培训; 3、负责经销商管理, 英语翻译综观一年来的工作经验,主要有以下几项内容:一、公司物业的招商规划,包括现有客户的维护、商铺规划的制定、客户的引进、客户资质的评定、就租赁合同内容进行的谈判、合同