
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/30 06:24:15


the sport meeting which we've look forward to for a lomg time starts after all.
the sport meeting which inspired everyone lasted for 2 days.
there're 56 classmates of which mostly took part in the sport meeting in our class.
i speak highly of the people who try their best to do things.
after the sport meeting,we took pictures with the athletes who achieved medals.

Sports meeting which we have been expecting for a long time began.
The sports meeting which is inspiring lasted for two days.
There are 56 students in my class, most of which take part in Spor...


Sports meeting which we have been expecting for a long time began.
The sports meeting which is inspiring lasted for two days.
There are 56 students in my class, most of which take part in Sports meeting.
I praise those who try their best to the last moment.
After the sports meeting, we took a photo of ourselves with those athletes who won a medal.


The sports meeting which we had expected for a long time finally started.
The sports meeting which lasted for two days was quite inspiring.
There are 56 students in my class, most of whom took...


The sports meeting which we had expected for a long time finally started.
The sports meeting which lasted for two days was quite inspiring.
There are 56 students in my class, most of whom took part in the sports meeting.
I always spoke highly of those people who spared no effort.
After the sports meeting, we took photos with the athletes who won the awards.


The sports meeting that we expected for long finally begins/starts.
The sports meeting which was inspiring lasted for two days' long.
There are 56 students in our class, most of whom took part...


The sports meeting that we expected for long finally begins/starts.
The sports meeting which was inspiring lasted for two days' long.
There are 56 students in our class, most of whom took part in the sports meeting.
I praise those who always try their best to do things.
After the sports meeting, we took photographs with the athletes who won medels in the games.
这里sports meeting可以换成games,如果楼主觉得麻烦的话!


The sports meeting which we except long will be host soon.the meeting is that very cheer us up,it has been last two days.there are 56 classmates in which class of mine,most of them had took part in it...


The sports meeting which we except long will be host soon.the meeting is that very cheer us up,it has been last two days.there are 56 classmates in which class of mine,most of them had took part in it.it is very excellent for these who are try their best.we took some photos with the sporters who won the match,since the meeting ended.


The sports meeting which we have expected for a long time is finally launched.
The sports meeting which lasted for two days was inspiring.
或者:The sports meeting which was inspiring lasted for ...


The sports meeting which we have expected for a long time is finally launched.
The sports meeting which lasted for two days was inspiring.
或者:The sports meeting which was inspiring lasted for two days.
In our class there are 56 students, most of who participated the sports meeting.
I commend those people who always try their best.
After the sports meeting, we took photos with the athletes who won the medals.


The sports-meeting which have been expecting for a long time began at last.
The sports-meeting which inspires our spirits lasted for 2 days.
There are 56 students in my class, most of which ta...


The sports-meeting which have been expecting for a long time began at last.
The sports-meeting which inspires our spirits lasted for 2 days.
There are 56 students in my class, most of which take part in the sports-meeting.
I always speak highly of those who spare no efforts to do things.
We took photos with the players who won a medal after the meeting.


英语翻译我们期待已久的运动会终于开始了.运动会鼓舞人心,持续了两天.我们班有56个同学,大多数参加了运动会.我赞扬那些总是竭尽全力的人.运动会后,我们和夺得奖牌的运动员一起照相.全 英语翻译我们放假了内容:终于到了我们期待已久的寒假了,很开心,因为有足够的时间可以让我们休息和放松了,自从上了高中后,我觉得我们睡眠的时间根本就不够,所以这次长假,对我们来说 英语翻译不要用google翻译哦~google翻译出来语法不对的~不一定要字字落实~只要大概意思对就可以了~就是一篇关於奥运的英语作文~期待已久的奥运会终于在2008年8月8日晚上8时20点开始,激动人 盼望已久或期待已久的反义词, 亲爱的同学们,期待已久的暑假生活 开始了,你计划好怎么度一个充实的 暑假了吗 期待已久的2010年亚运会即将在广州开幕了 改病句 我言语中表达了期待已久的兴奋 英语怎么说 去人民公园过对日使我们盼望已久的一项活动,这个()望今天终于实现了怎么写? 期待已久英语怎么说 2010年5月,全国人民终于迎来了希望已久的世博会怎么改病句 他终于回到了阔别已久的故乡中的阔是什么意思?如题. 翻译一句话这是我期待已久的(英文) 令他感到很高兴的是,他期待的一天终于来了 英语翻译 求形容盼望已久终于到来的成语 英语翻译我们怀着无比激动的心情踏上了通往苏州西山的巴车,一路上欢声笑语接连不断,孩子们活泼天真可爱的稚气一瞬间全部体现了出来,这是因为我们期盼已久的外出实践活动终于到来了. 英语翻译2011年1月25日,是我一生难忘的日子.那天上午,我们终于到达了我向往已久的芬兰.我们将与芬兰罗素高中的师生做交流.罗素高中是当地有名的高等学府,那里的学生学习成绩都非常优异 金秋十月,丹桂飘香.在这秋高气爽的日子里,我们学校迎来了一年一度的校运动会.这是我是第一次参加运动会,心中满 运动会终于开始了.简短的开幕式,精彩、激烈、紧张的比赛都在我的心中 求篇小学生六一儿童节作文 大概400字到600字[一年级作文]快乐的‘六一儿童节’快乐的‘六一儿童节’孙 我盼望已久的‘六一儿童节’终于来到啦!上午我们班上开了联欢会,我还得到了‘红