
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/07 18:10:21


Before, very few foreigners visited the southem foot of Himalayas. Then, many Japanese went there. It is said that this is because of the honesty of a small boy.

One day, some Japanese photographers asked a local boy to buy some bottles of beer, which took the boy three hours.

The next day, the boy volunteered to buy for them. The photographer gave him a lot of money. But the boy did not return until the afternoon of the third day. So the photographers began to talk about it and thought they were cheated by the boy. The third night, the boy knocked the door of the photographer. The boy told them that he bought four bottles of beer at one store, and then he climbed another mountain and crossed a river to buy the other six. On the way back, three bottles of them were broken, he cried and brought the broken pieces of bottles to the photographer and gave him the small changes.

The people there were moved, which moved more people. Then more travelers came to the place.


一天,几位日本摄影师请当地一位少年买啤酒, 这位少年为之跑了3个多小时.

第二天,那个少年又自告奋勇地再替他们买啤酒.这次摄影师们给了他很多钱,但直到第三天下午那个少年还没回来.于是,摄影师们议论纷纷,都认为那个少年把钱骗走了.第三天夜里,那个少年敲开了摄影师的门.原来,他只购得四瓶啤酒,尔后,他又翻了一座山,趟过一条河才购得另外6瓶,返回时摔坏了3 瓶.他哭着拿着碎玻璃片,向摄影师交回零钱,在场的人无不动容.


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