自己写的六级英语文章请帮我看看,希望有好的建议和评价题目:1现在国内有不少人喜欢过西方的节日 2.谈谈产生这种现象的原因是 3. 这种现象可能带来的影响 The Celebration of Western Festivals

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/02 20:22:57

自己写的六级英语文章请帮我看看,希望有好的建议和评价题目:1现在国内有不少人喜欢过西方的节日 2.谈谈产生这种现象的原因是 3. 这种现象可能带来的影响 The Celebration of Western Festivals
3. 这种现象可能带来的影响
The Celebration of Western Festivals
Nowadays,more and more Chinese youngsters have a fever for the Western Fevitals. For an instance,boys will buy flowers and chocolate to their girlfriends at Valentine's Day,but do nothing when Lantern Festival.
What cause this phenomenon,maybe the following reasons can answer it.Firstly,the youngsters are influented by the western media nowadays,which make them think that the western festivals are much more interesting than the Chinese Festivals.Secondly,as the western festivals express that sending presents to friends and relatives is important,the public will think highly of them for they can stimulus the economy.
Through it can develop the economy,but our festivas will despair gradually as their place will be replaced by the western festivals.So we must advocate celebrating our festivals immediately.We must believe that our Chinese festival also can accelerate the consumption here.What's more,the media plays an important role in developing public's interesing of Chinese festivals.

自己写的六级英语文章请帮我看看,希望有好的建议和评价题目:1现在国内有不少人喜欢过西方的节日 2.谈谈产生这种现象的原因是 3. 这种现象可能带来的影响 The Celebration of Western Festivals
Generally speaking, it is a great effort. Good job man.
1)"have a fever for" Do not use that, even "be wild about" is better than "fever"
2)for instance
3)boys buy flowers... omit "will"
4)buy sth. for sb. Not "to sb."
5)do "nothing when lantern festival" What the hell are you talking about? I eat a couple of rice balls but I dont feel old.
6)What cause this phenomenon? Sounds weird.
7)influence - influenced
8)media 不可数 which makes them
9)much more interesting than OUR Chinese Ones.
10)as the western festivals express... Clumsy. Try as the gift-exchange is so important/essentail for festivals...
11)the public will think... Again, it really twists my mind
Try "the merchants will consider those festivals as golden opportunites of stimulating people's consumtion.
12)如过你用 though,后面别跟but
14) our traditional festivals will gradually ignored as people give more attention on western festivals
15)so we... do not use so, use therefore, 书面语
16)we advocate celebrating our own festivals. Omit immediately
17) Omit must.
18) also can---- can also
19) accelerate our national consumtion. Get rid of " here"
20)What more----Furthermore
21)develop public awareness
Here is an example based on my idea and some material I collected through some web links.
The Celebration of Western Festivals in China
No one can deny the fact that an increasing number of Chinese are fond of celebrating some typical western festivals today. For instance, at Valentine's day, many people exchange gifts to express the love and affection for their dear ones. On Christmas day, shops are decorated with Santa Claus pictures and Christmas trees, Products relative to Christmas are sold,restaurants are fully booked and people give out presents.
There are many reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly, thanks to the might of the advanced media technology, youngsters are significantly influenced by the overloaded information they receive from variety of media sources. Secondly, the greatly improved living standard stimulate people's consumption.
The negative impact is also obvious, the celebration of western festivals might lead to neglect of the traditional Chinese festivals.
Good work, man. Keep it up.
Good luck and all the best


"have a fever for the Western Fevitals"→have a fever on sth.
"buy flowers and chocolate to their girlfriends "→buy sth for sb.
"despair"?maybe you want to say"消失"?→disappear
The last parag...


"have a fever for the Western Fevitals"→have a fever on sth.
"buy flowers and chocolate to their girlfriends "→buy sth for sb.
"despair"?maybe you want to say"消失"?→disappear
The last paragraph seems a little illogical,especially the use of "what's more".I think,the sentence after "what's more" belongs to the resolution rather than the influence, so you can talk something more about the resolution in next paragraph,or remove the conjunction-"what's more",go on your ideas about influence in the third paragraph.
I hope my answers can really help you! Thank you! Best Regards!


at valentine's day --> on Valentine's day
when Lantern festival --> ???
what cause this phenomenon... --> what causes ... if u begin a sentence with what, it's better to end it with a quest...


at valentine's day --> on Valentine's day
when Lantern festival --> ???
what cause this phenomenon... --> what causes ... if u begin a sentence with what, it's better to end it with a question mark.
(just personal opinion...XD)
western media nowadays,which make them --> change make to makes because u are referring to "western media", which is singular
western festivals express that --> express ______ that, the blank could be filled in with phrases such as "the idea", "give the impression of"
they can stimulus the economy --> stimulus is a noun, thus should be replaced with stimulate, which is the verb
Through it can develop the economy --> it's better if you can define what the "it" is, never assume that the reader knows what you are talking about
despite the feel grammatical errors, u did an awesome job in getting the message across
lol, hope this helps in whatever u are trying to do^w^
Good Luck!
ps: i wrote a little intro based on my own interpretation of your essay...
In today's society,as more and more Western Festivals are introduced in our country, many youngsters have digressed from traditional festivals and adopted western ways. For instance, boys will show their affection to their girlfriends by various means on Valentine's day as they couldn't care less about the Lantern Festival.
There are many underlying causes for such digression, socially and economically. First of all....


自己写的六级英语文章请帮我看看,希望有好的建议和评价题目:1现在国内有不少人喜欢过西方的节日 2.谈谈产生这种现象的原因是 3. 这种现象可能带来的影响 The Celebration of Western Festivals 请英语好的帮我看看语法 能不能帮我看看自己写的英语小作文有什么错误之处, 写作文,请看看啊.帮我写一篇关于成功的文章,不超过200字. 请雅思大神帮我看看我写的这篇英语作文我感觉自己存在很多问题,请大神帮我看看,我的语法有没有问题,自己写的从句有没有问题,词汇用法有错误么.该删去些什么该添加什么.还有我的段落 我自己的语文不是很好,怎么办呢?我都高中了,多多看看文章有帮助吗?顺便帮我介绍几本好 请帮我看看,这算什么类的文章虽然麻烦了一点,但希望能够回答我, 请好文采的人帮我修改作文!急救以下是小弟的一篇文章 希望各位大侠帮我修改修改题目不能修改看看哪些地方可以写得更好些感激不尽!修改得好的追加.消逝着,美丽着叶子消逝的时候,它变 我自己写的一篇英语文章,请高手帮我看看哪儿有不妥的地方~A significant proverb for me~There is a proverb---I fear nothing in the face of adversity,because there's no adversity in my dictionery,and what is more,I don't have a di 请帮我看看这篇英语文章,有问题的地方请加以改正!这是自我介绍,我英语很烂,可能有很多问题,希望能帮我吧语法什么的改正确!hello everyone ,my name is ,i come from jingzhou ,it is a beautiful city and has a 急需一篇“how to speak english well”的文章.希望英语好的帮我一下. 英语好的朋友进来 帮我看看这张图写的是什么这是一张减肥食谱 有几个单词不认得 请帮我全部翻译一下 英语短文,请高手们帮我看看语法有没有错误地方这是一篇是我自己写的简单自我介绍,请高手们帮我看看语法有没有错误地方,Good evening everybody.Allow me to introduce myself.I'm from Guangzhou.My name is Xuj 在线求英语高手帮我看看好不好一篇短文章最好在精通语文好的 请大师们帮我造一个两个词的英语词组,第一个以D开头,第二个以T开头,最好励志一点,好读一点.是为了给自己写的一篇有关于温暖的家的英语文章做开头 有没有人英语好的帮我看看有没有错的, 初三英语作文,请帮我看看有没有毛病? 请大家帮我看看英语作文有没有错误