英语翻译生命的第一周受精卵经过多次分裂,形成一个细胞团 第二周脊椎形成了,脑组织、脊髓及神经系统,还有眼睛,都具有一定的雏形 第三周 胎儿的脑部组织也就开始形成了 第四周时出现
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/31 15:12:02
英语翻译生命的第一周受精卵经过多次分裂,形成一个细胞团 第二周脊椎形成了,脑组织、脊髓及神经系统,还有眼睛,都具有一定的雏形 第三周 胎儿的脑部组织也就开始形成了 第四周时出现
生命的第一周受精卵经过多次分裂,形成一个细胞团 第二周脊椎形成了,脑组织、脊髓及神经系统,还有眼睛,都具有一定的雏形 第三周 胎儿的脑部组织也就开始形成了 第四周时出现心脏,又过1周出现肢体萌芽,眼睛、耳朵随着出现,肺、肝也开始出现雏形 胚胎至第七周时,手足开始出现手指、足趾,眼睛清晰可见,胚胎开始伸直并在羊水中活动,整个外观近似幼儿,尾巴消失.l在怀孕第8周时,神经管便渐次愈合,l第八周初:胎儿的头占整个身体的l/2,以后生长加快,l开始被称为胎儿.胚胎已近3厘米,所有的器官已初具原形.以后的几个月就只待逐渐完善了.l第九周时,男女胎儿外阴大致相似.第十二周末,已显示成熟胎儿男女外阴的形态 l第四个月(12—15周),胎儿身长为16厘米,体重大约120克,生长非常迅速.l第五个月(16—19周),孕妇就会感觉腹内胎儿在踢自己以显示他的存在,这就是胎动.l胎儿已具备听力,能听见声音,可开始进行胎教了.第六个月(20—23周),两条胳膊弯曲在胸前,两只膝盖提到腹部.第七个月(24—27周),看起来像个小老头儿.这时出生虽能有浅表的呼吸和哭泣,但仍很难存活.l第八个月(28—31周),神经系统进一步完善,肺及其它内脏已发育完成.•第九个月(32—35周末),发育基本完成.•第十个月(36—40周),胎儿发育完成,一个新生命诞生啦
英语翻译生命的第一周受精卵经过多次分裂,形成一个细胞团 第二周脊椎形成了,脑组织、脊髓及神经系统,还有眼睛,都具有一定的雏形 第三周 胎儿的脑部组织也就开始形成了 第四周时出现
The first week of life after several fertilized egg split to form a cell group.In the second week , the formation of the spine , brain , spinal cord and nervous system , as well as the eyes, have a certain shape.In the third week , the fetal brain tissue will begin to form up .In the fourth week , the heart appears .After another week, the limb bud , eyes, ears, with the advent of the lung , liver also began to take shape.In the seventh week of embryonic , foot began to fingers, toes , eyes clearly visible, the embryo begins to straighten and activities in the amniotic fluid , the whole look like a baby , the tail disappears.In the first eight weeks of pregnancy when the neural tube will gradually heal , the eighth weekly : the fetus 's head accounted for half of the entire body , after growth accelerated,Began to be called a fetus.Embryonic nearly 3 cm , all organs have begun to take the prototype .After a few months only to be gradually perfected .In the ninth week , the male and female fetuses vulva similar.In the twelfth week, has been showing male and female genital morphology of mature fetus .The first four ( 12-15 weeks ) , birth length was 16 cm , weighing about 120 grams, grow very rapidly.The first five months ( 16-19 weeks ) , pregnant women, the belly will feel the fetus kicking himself to show his presence , which is fetal movement .Fetal already have hearing can hear the sound , you can begin prenatal it.The first six months ( 20-23 weeks ) , two arms bent in the chest, two knees bent to the abdomen .The first seven months ( 24-27 weeks ) , it looks like a little old man. Born at this time , although to have breathing and crying , but still difficult to survive .The first eight months ( 28-31 weeks ) , to further improve the nervous system , lungs, and other organs have been fully developed .The first nine months ( 32-35 weekend ) , developmental basically completed.The first ten months ( 36-40 weeks ) , fetal development is complete, the birth of a new life !