英语阅读题中的句子Her designs combine element of nature such as earth and water with witten language to express meaning.这里面的with witten language

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英语阅读题中的句子Her designs combine element of nature such as earth and water with witten language to express meaning.这里面的with witten language
Her designs combine element of nature such as earth and water with witten language to express meaning.
这里面的with witten language

英语阅读题中的句子Her designs combine element of nature such as earth and water with witten language to express meaning.这里面的with witten language
他用文字去描绘诸如土和水等大自然的组成要素,进而来传达他自己的意思.我觉得the written language 是文字的意思

英语阅读题中的句子Her designs combine element of nature such as earth and water with witten language to express meaning.这里面的with witten language designs 英语阅读中的一个句子,The Bismarck's first torpedo hit the Hood,which went dowm taking all but three of her 1,419 men with her.考卷上的,没打错 如何提高英语阅读水平?做好英语阅读题?词汇量不够,句子翻译不好,理解会出现偏差,失去耐心,开始应付习题.高中的英语水平该怎样提高? 英语题 高中的 A阅读 划线那句英语是怎么回事?高一英语阅读理解中的句子 英语小故事和英语趣味题英语小故事要求:不要太长,也不要太短,里面的句子词语要在小学5年级范围内英语趣味题:1至2道,如“The Statue of Liberty” designs by a person from_________.A.Italy B.France C.Engl 英语阅读时怎样句子? 填句子英语阅读试题, 考研英语阅读中的几个常有的句子结构,求举例. 英语中的句子结构 几题英语完成句子.懂英语的朋友帮个忙2.compare the two designs,____(你会发现)what proble there is with yours.(change)3.china is known___(变化)greatly in tems of its cultural values over the past few years.(change)4.not___给予a 几题英语完成句子.懂英语的朋友帮个忙1.you should keep her____(了解)what is on here.(infrom)2.compare the two designs,____(你会发现)proble there is with yours.(change)what proble there is with yours.(change) 英语阅读中的好词好句指什么 英语阅读中的gogo是什么意思 高中的英语阅读理解 如何解答现代文阅读中的句子问题 考研英语阅读中的一个句子解析?Employers wouldn't mind a little fewer bubbles in the job market. 【2004考研阅读】Q:1.句子意思?