还盘函怎么写(1) 感谢卖方发盘及寄来的相关资料谢谢贵方11月12日的发盘(2) 遗憾地发现,发盘条件不够理想虽然我方欣赏贵方高品质的产品,但却遗憾地发现贵方的价格似乎太高了.(3)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 17:57:52

还盘函怎么写(1) 感谢卖方发盘及寄来的相关资料谢谢贵方11月12日的发盘(2) 遗憾地发现,发盘条件不够理想虽然我方欣赏贵方高品质的产品,但却遗憾地发现贵方的价格似乎太高了.(3)
(1) 感谢卖方发盘及寄来的相关资料
(2) 遗憾地发现,发盘条件不够理想
(3) 告知还盘条件,并列举原因,说服卖方接受
Ø 本地的主板(mainboard)供应商占有很强的市场地位,2004年度拥有65%的市场份额,且今年保持继续扩大的势头.
Ø 为了能在市场竞争,我方必须以最低价位采购到优质产品.
Ø 贵国其他供应商提供给我方的报价更吸引人,价格比贵方低6%到10%.
Ø 我们的市场不能承受贵方所要求的价格.
Ø 我方的手上有约值10万美元的订单.
Ø 我方建议贵方仔细审核成本,给予我方8%的折扣.
Ø 如贵方同意,我方将立即下一个大订单,并且有信心在这一行业立足.
Ø 请卖方再考虑,接受买方条件,或重现报更为优惠的条件
After receiving your letter of Nov.12,2012.We haveto regret to reject it because yourprice has a long distance with our prospected ones..While we appreciate yourhigh quality products,but we regret tofind your price seems too high.We say this for some reasons.
Our suppliers have very strong market position,with a 65% market share,for the year 2004
and keep continue to expand the momentum of thisyear.In order to compete in the market,we must start with a minimum purchaseprice to high quality products.Your other suppliers give us offer more attractive,cost 6% to 10% less than you.In addition,our market cannot afford the price ofyour required.Our hands for about $100000 m of the orde.
We advise you to carefully review the cost,giveus a discount of 8%.If you agree,we will place a big order at once,and haveconfidence in the industry.Please consider again the seller accept the buyer'sconditions,or offer more favorable terms
Please try to reduce costs from various aspects,and let us know if you revised the new quotation as soon as possible.
I hope you can consider carefully,we are lookingforward to your reply.
Yours sincerely

还盘函怎么写(1) 感谢卖方发盘及寄来的相关资料谢谢贵方11月12日的发盘(2) 遗憾地发现,发盘条件不够理想虽然我方欣赏贵方高品质的产品,但却遗憾地发现贵方的价格似乎太高了.(3)
上海健龙进出口有限公司 中国 上海 番禺路888号Shanghai Jianlong Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd.888 Panyu Road    TEL: 0086-21-62485800Shanghai China    FAX: 0086-21-62485801--------------------------------------------------------------------------------DATE: MAR. 22ND628 2003Leisure International Trading Corporation 237 Johnson Rd. 39210Vancouver B. C.72 CanadaTEL: 01-11-4533212FAX:01-11-4533211 Dear Sir/Madame9 Thank you for your fax. To our regret, you think our offer unfavorable.In fact, you have received a reasonable quotation considering our product's famous brand, high quality and attractive design. We wish to draw your attention to the fact that the material we use compares favorably with similar materials of other manufacturers; and we do our best to keep prices as low as possible without sacrificing quality.Considering the above-mentioned reasons we do not feel that the prices we quoted are at all excessive, but bearing in mind the long-standing relationships between our firms in the futurevzdh we quote again as bellows: Huanle Brand Boa SlippersArt. No. SH226 US¥ 10.10 per doz. CIFC3 Vancouver Art. No. SH279 US¥ 12.70 per doz. CIFC3 Vancouver This offer remains valid for 3 days. Other terms and conditions remain unchanged.For your information, recently there have been a number of incoming orders for our shipment; if you wish the shipment to be effected in May 2003, you must make up your mind the quickest possible.Appreciating your prompt reply,Yours truly,Shanghai Jianlong Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd.x ......余下全文>>

还盘函怎么写(1) 感谢卖方发盘及寄来的相关资料谢谢贵方11月12日的发盘(2) 遗憾地发现,发盘条件不够理想虽然我方欣赏贵方高品质的产品,但却遗憾地发现贵方的价格似乎太高了.(3) 英语翻译翻译成英文 怎么翻译好 :每次打款按每批次发货数量3000吨的50%汇入,其余货款在发车前(装车前)一次汇入,不得拖欠买方全部以人民币结算,由卖方自行调汇,费用由卖方承担.注: 数学日记怎么写?发3篇较短的来. 英语翻译售货合同卖方:中国化工供销总公司买方:本合同由双方订立.根据本合同规定的条款,卖方同意出售,买主同意购买下列货物:1、商品名称、规格、数量、单价及总价:商品名称及规 感谢的作文怎么写 感谢的繁体字怎么写 《感谢》的作文怎么写? 感谢作文怎么写,写老师的 bill of lading(B/L)和 delivery order(D/O)的区别1)有人说B/L是船代给卖方2)由卖方扫描给买房3)然后卖方付款4)卖方再把B/L原件邮寄给买方5)最后买方拿着B/L去码头提货.又有人说D/O的前几步和B/L 国际贸易理论与实务作业(选修课)写出在国际贸易货物过程中 卖方和买方履行合同的过程,双方以信用是方式结算,卖方以cif贸易术语来履行合同 母亲节手抄报内容不要写母亲节神怎么来的些感谢的话 《国际贸易实务》多项选择题 下列对DES描述正确的有()A:它是真正意义上的到岸价B:卖方承担了货物到目的港的正常运费及保险费C:卖方承担了货物到目的港的额外运费D:卖方承担了 《国际贸易实务》多项选择题 下列对DES描述正确的有()A:它是真正意义上的到岸价B:卖方承担了货物到目的港的正常运费及保险费C:卖方承担了货物到目的港的额外运费D:卖方承担了 英语论文的感谢词怎么写(要英文) 《一个值得感谢的人》怎么写?(作文) 在《动物检疫合格证》(动物A或B)里边货主应该填写买方还是卖方?还有在《检疫申报单》里边的货主怎么填,应该填写买方还是卖方? 感谢的作文大概怎么写 感谢对手的作文怎么写?