英语纠错句子:Tim said he has finished the work last month.He said he will buy the computer.我只是个初二的学生,求为什么1.Tim said he has finished the work last month.2.He said he will buy the computer.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 22:31:58

英语纠错句子:Tim said he has finished the work last month.He said he will buy the computer.我只是个初二的学生,求为什么1.Tim said he has finished the work last month.2.He said he will buy the computer.
英语纠错句子:Tim said he has finished the work last month.He said he will buy the computer.
1.Tim said he has finished the work last month.
2.He said he will buy the computer.

英语纠错句子:Tim said he has finished the work last month.He said he will buy the computer.我只是个初二的学生,求为什么1.Tim said he has finished the work last month.2.He said he will buy the computer.
Tim said he had finished the work last month.
He said he would buy the computer.
afraid, glad, sure, confident, sorry,certain, conscious, aware等.一致的原则与宾语从句相同.
例如:I’m confident that I’ll pass the exam.我有信心通过考试.
He was lucky that he wasn’t killed.他很幸运没有被杀死.

英语纠错句子:Tim said he has finished the work last month.He said he will buy the computer.我只是个初二的学生,求为什么1.Tim said he has finished the work last month.2.He said he will buy the computer. 一道英语纠错题He said the bicycle belongs to Mike.这句的错误? 英语句子纠错!Neither I do want to know what he said,nor do I care about it.Neither do I want to know what he said,nor do I care about it.哪个对 ,答案上是第一个对 我觉得第二个对 老师说答案错了 英语纠错 英语纠错, 请大家帮我把这5个英语句子改写成转述句.例:Billy said that he loved football.Billy said,I love football. 1.Billy said thathe wanted to listen to some music then.2.Mark said that he didn't enjoy football at all.3.Larry said that h 改错:January is he birthday.五年级英语改错、纠错 英语句子纠错 Why not you ask the policman 英语句子纠错 What did they like?Thery were friendly. 英语句子的纠错At that time,we should calm down because it is he only way to help us go out of the trouble. 一个英语句子纠错她将会为她的话付出代价:she must pay for what she have said.有错请指出并告诉我为什么错了,3Q第二个she要不要改成her呢? 英语句子改错 It was said that that was all what he said .哪里错了?怎么改 英语大神来纠错 英语大神纠错. 把下列直接引语的句子转换成间接引语.The little boy said, I am hungry. My brother said, I am busy.He said, Someone is knocking at the door.She said, I am joking. Lily told me, Tim is waiting for you. 这是小学KOKO爱英语六年级上册的改写句子,使意思相同:1.Pat is lighter than Candy.Candy is[ ] [ ] Pat.2.Tim is stronger than he was last year.Tim is stronger [ ] [ ] .3.John and Peter are slower than Tim.Tim is[ ] [ ] John and Peter 英语句子,用的什么语法?It is that that was that he said. 英语句子改错 The old man said he jioined the army in 1965 错在哪里