
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/07 09:21:07

本文设计了一个由STC Micro 公司推出的单片机STC12C5A60S2为控制核心的声源机器人,实现了机器人可以自动搜索声音,并到达指定地点,同时发出警报的目标.在本文的总体设计中,声源搜索是关键.因此,为了克服两点法测试声源位置不准确的问题,本文采用三角形麦克风阵列结构进行声源定位,提高了定位的准确性.三角形麦克风阵列结构是通过三个声音传感器采集到声音的时间差不同,确定出声源的大概位置.为了克服机器人判断声音方向不准确的问题,本文提出对多个麦克风通道进行同步采样、同步处理的想法,并设计出了详细的电路方案.三端稳压集成电路的特点是可以同时为几个模块同时供电,因此本文的电源模块采用三端稳压集成电路,解决了一个电源只能给一个模块供电的问题.由于直流电机的控制简单,性能出众,直流电源也很容易实现,因此,本文设计的电机模块采用直流电机L298N控制.通过电机正转﹑反转和停止实现智能机器人的移动.本文选用一块超声波模块,置于智能小车的前端,通过发射电路和接受电路实现机器人的避障功能.本文设计的显示模块,当声源搜索机器人成功找到发出固定频率和一定幅值的声源时,单片机发出控制信号,点亮LED灯并使蜂鸣器发出报警信号.

With the rapid development of science and technology, the application of intelligent robot more widely. Sound source search robot is a kind of intelligent robot, it will be mobile robot technology and sound source search technology organically combined, realize the automatic search of sound source, has become one of research hotspots at home and abroad in recent years.
This paper designed a hold by STC Micro launch of the single chip microcomputer STC12C5A60S2 as the control core of the sound source robot, the robot can automatically search the voice, and get to the designated place, also sounded the alarm. In this paper the overall design, the sound source search is the key. Therefore, in order to overcome the problem of two point method testing the sound source location is not accurate, this paper adopts triangle microphone array structure for sound source localization, improve the precision of positioning. Triangle structure of the microphone array is formed by the three sound sensor collected time difference is different, the general location of sound source. In order to overcome the problem of inaccurate judging robot voice direction, this paper puts forward to multiple microphone channel synchronized sampling, the idea of synchronous processing, and detailed circuit are designed. Three-terminal voltage regulator integrated circuit characteristics can be for several modules and power supply at the same time, so in this paper, a three-terminal voltage regulator power supply module USES integrated circuits, solved a power supply can only give a module power supply problems. Because of the dc motor control is simple, performance outstanding, dc power supply is easy to implement, therefore, this article design module of motor is controlled by dc motor L298N. Through the motor forward, reverse and stop intelligent mobile robot. This paper chooses a ultrasonic module, in the front end, of the smart car by emitting and receiving circuit to realize the obstacle avoidance of robot functions. Display module designed in this paper, when the sound source search robots managed to find a fixed frequency and amplitude of the sound source, the SCM control signal, lit LED lights and signals alarm buzzer.
Experiments show that the robot can avoid obstacles, through three sound sensor receives the time to search the sound source, and provide an alarm. Achieve the robot can search and find the sound source design target sound.

英语翻译随着科技的快速发展,智能机器人的应用愈发广泛.声源搜索机器人是智能机器人的一种,它将移动机器人技术和声源搜索技术有机地融合起来,实现了对声源的自动搜索,近年来已成为 英语翻译随着经济的快速发展,科技越来越发达,人们的素质越来越高.一些人意识到,环境的问题十分严重. 随着科技的发展 用英语怎么说 智能灭火机器人的设计 英语翻译随着我国中小型高新技术企业快速发展,为其提供贷款的科技银行也迅速崛起,本文通过科技银行科技贷款风险管理的分析,引入布莱克——舒尔茨期权定价模型,并以中国建设银行高科 科技的智能发展 是人类的进化还是退化? 请英文好的朋友帮助翻译一下:随着科技的发展,可穿戴是智能设备已经不再是概念型的产品,现有的科技已经有能力将可穿戴式智能设备用于广泛的领域. 英语翻译请英语好的朋友帮助纠正一下我的翻译错误:随着科技的发展,可穿戴是智能设备已经不再是概念型的产品,现有的科技已经有能力将可穿戴式智能设备用于广泛的领域.With the developmen 形容科技快速发展的句子无 形容科技发展快速的四字词 英语翻译——随着科技的发展 注:不要用With the development of格式的 随着网络的发展 英语翻译 未来的机器人会不会主宰人类随着科技的发展和繁荣.出现了一些机器好比机器人但现在的机器人还是挺笨拙没什么危险.但几百年后机器可能大为发展.甚至超越人类智慧论机器人也不输会给 英语翻译随着经济的发展和科技的进步,智能楼宇不断涌现.由于人们对照明灯具节能和科学管理更高的要求,使得照明控制在智能化领域的地位越来越重要.本设计是图书馆智能照明系统设计, 智能机器人能有像人类一样有感情的机器人吗 智能机器人是怎么制作的 世界上最早的智能机器人是什么? 时代的发展科技的进步 英文怎么说?随着时代的发展科技的进步