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MAYDAY’s FINAL HOME(当我们混在一起) “因为玩音乐快乐,因为玩音乐的生活让我有存在感,有双脚踏在地上的感觉,直到听音乐入了神,才能脚尖一掂,轻轻飘飘地浮在太空.在太空中回过头,你会看到一颗蓝得令人心疼的大弹珠,那是我所有成长回忆的地方.我看着上面的岛屿山峦,密布着蛛网小径,发现了我遗忘已久的足迹和回忆.”——阿信 正文: Taiwan boy band Mayday make music with a happy-go-lucky attitude. You may find their music a bit noisy and childish but they do raise your spirits. This Saturday they are coming to Shanghai to deliver their 2005 Final Home Mayday Shanghai concert. “I hope she resembles a kipper” Mayday has recently released their new album “Contentment Just My Pride”. It has been six years since their debut, and the five boys think that it’s time to review their music careers. This album includes 15 popular songs from their previous albums and 6new singles. The band lead singer Ashin says the title of the album shows their thanks to their fans. Among new singles, “Kipper” was inspired from a dialogue in Stephen Chow’s film Shaolin Soccer: “If a person has no dreams, he is no better than a kipper.” Talking about his ideal girlfriend, Ashin says, “I hope she resembles a kipper, never rot, stay with me forever and goes well with rice!”“We fight!” A reporter once asked Mayday whether there were any conflicts between band members. “Well, we fight!” Ashin answered with a smile. “Just kidding. We’ve known one another for years so there shouldn’t be any problem. And if we do have different ideas on music, we will sit down and discuss them.” The best way to relax How did Mayday members spend their holidays? “We have no desire to travel around in holidays. The fact is, to us, the best way to relax is simply sleep! During holidays, Ashin sleeps 20 hours a day and spends the rest 4 resting. You know ,people get tired if they sleep too much…” Any sports activities? All band members are known as best sportsmen in terms of playing online games. 译文:台湾男孩乐团五月天在用一种逍遥自在的态度做音乐.你也许会觉得他们的音乐有点嘈杂和孩子气,但是它能提起你的精神.这个星期六他们要到上海巡演他们的2005final home的演唱会. 我希望她像咸鱼. 五月天最近才推出了他们的新专辑“知足”.自从他们出道已经有六年时间,这五个男孩觉得是时候回顾一下他们的音乐生涯了.这张专辑包含了15首他们过去专辑的受欢迎歌曲和6首新单曲. 乐团主唱阿信说取这个主题是为了向歌迷表示感谢.在新单曲中,“咸鱼”的灵感来自于周星驰电影《少林足球》中的一句话:“如果一个人没有梦想,他只不过是一只咸鱼.”谈到他理想中的女朋友,阿信说:“我希望她像咸鱼,不会腐烂,永远和我在一起,并且好下饭.” “我们打架” 一个报道曾经问五月天团员之间是否会有冲突发生,“是的,我们会打架.”阿信笑着回答,“只是开玩笑,我们认识彼此好多年了所以那不成问题.如果我们在音乐上有不同的意见,大家就坐下来讨论.” 休息最好的方法 五月天团员们怎么度过他们的假日呢?“我们不喜欢在假日到处走.事实上,对我们来说,休息最好的方法就是睡觉.在假日里面,阿信每天要花20个小时来睡觉,剩下的四个小时来休息.你知道,人如果睡太多就会累.”那么体育活动呢?所有的团员在网络游戏中都是最好的运动员.

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