以前做过一篇英语完型,好像叫ugly cat,希望能找到大概是讲了一只猫很丑被人欺负,后来好像死在作者怀里了.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/09 05:38:27

以前做过一篇英语完型,好像叫ugly cat,希望能找到大概是讲了一只猫很丑被人欺负,后来好像死在作者怀里了.
以前做过一篇英语完型,好像叫ugly cat,希望能找到

以前做过一篇英语完型,好像叫ugly cat,希望能找到大概是讲了一只猫很丑被人欺负,后来好像死在作者怀里了.
Everyone in the neighbourhood knew who Ugly was,the tomcat. He had only one eye and 36 the other should have been was a hole.He was also missing his ear on the same 37 ,his left foot appeared to have been badly broken 38 ,and his tail has long been lost.Every time someone saw Ugly there was the same 39 .“That's one UGLY cat!” All the children were 40 not to touch him,but whenever he 41 children,he would come running,meowing and bump his head against their hand 42 for their love.If you ever picked him up he would immediately begin sucking on your shirt,43 he could find. One day Ugly 44 his love with the neighbour's dogs.They did not respond 45 , and Ugly was badly bitten.From my apartment I heard his scream and rushed to his 46 .By the time I got to where he was lying,it was 47 that Ugly's sad life was almost at an end, As I 48 him up and tried to carry him home,I could feel him struggling. Then I 49 a familiar suck on my ear.Even in the greatest pain,that ugly battle scarred cat was asking’only for a little 50 .At that moment I thought Ugly was the most beautiful,loving creature I had ever seen.Never once did he try to bite or scratch me,or 5l try to get away from me.Ugly just looked up at me completely trusting me to 52 his pain.Ugly died in my arms 53 I could get inside,but I held him for a long time. Ugly 54 me a lot about loving and giving.He had been scarred on the outside,but I was scarred on the 55 ,and it was time for me to learn to love truly and give my total to those I eared for.
36.A.when B.where C.how D.why
37 A.side B.place C.part D.spot
38 A.in no case B.by all means C.at one time D.on the way
39.A.answer B.behaviour C.message D.reaction
40 A.invited B.forced C.warned D.refused
41 A.spied B.caught C.inspected D.reviewed
42 A.begging B.appealing C.preparing D.demanding
43 A.whichever B.whenever C.whatever D.wherever
44 A.divided B.distributed C.spread D.Shared
45 A.excitedly B.kindly C.sensitively D.coldly
46 A.service B.assistant C.aid D.partner
47 A.apparent B.doubtful C.sure D.uncertain
48 A.brought B.broke C.called D.picked
49 A.touched B.undertook C.found D.felt
50 A.action B.affection C.admiration D.attraction
51 A.even B.still C.so D.yet
52 A.relax B.relieve C.drop D.cut
53 A.after B.before C.as D.since
54 A.offered B.owed C.sent D.taught
55.A.head B.body C.inside D.point

以前做过一篇英语完型,好像叫ugly cat,希望能找到大概是讲了一只猫很丑被人欺负,后来好像死在作者怀里了. 琉球群岛以前是否是中国领土.好像以前台湾也曾经叫过琉球. 今晚月亮旁边有颗很亮的星星,它叫什么?这颗星星叫…?好像以前没见过呀! 伽利略有没有做过比萨斜塔实验?读者上看到过一篇好像叫《名人的谎言》说伽利略没有做过萨斜塔实验,还说不用做实验也想得出,是这样的吗? 英语ugly汉语是什么 为什么感觉这件事发生过了原来只要做过这件事就会感觉到 好像以前做过了 但是现在 过一天才感觉到 昨天的那件事 我好像做过 哪里有胡萝卜,鸡蛋,咖啡豆的英语完型填空我要的是关于这篇文章的完型填空题,以前做过,但找不到了. 我为什么常常感觉一件事正在做的时候好像以前发生过,医学能解释吗? social media 具体指什么以前读过一篇英语文章 神话组合上过英语报纸吗?那个报纸好像叫21世纪报, ugly 我们小区里做活动好像叫世贸幼儿英语什么的,我想让我家宝宝学学英语,但是他三岁,能行不,有去那儿学过的家长没,他家怎么样?孩子去了,能接受不. lady first 的由来以前听过lady first的由来~好像意思是叫女人去死,试炸弹的.不知有没有人能帮一帮忙呢 英文怎么翻译...你平时出门爱打扮自己吗?我以前听过一个好像叫 doll up 这个可用否? 长:常有高猿长啸 巴东三峡巫峡长 .文言文字词,是“长”字!我好像以前没叫翻译过这个字, 请问第一滴血里面史泰龙扎在头上的布条叫什么?英文怎么说?我以前好像见过其英文说法,但忘记了. 关于空中英语的版本.空中英语听说挺好的,以前记得有个辽宁教育台播出过,好像叫空中英语的.是一个男的和两个女的.男的应该是个中国人,用中国话讲解语法,还有个戴眼镜的老头,打扮得和 简历里怎么写以前做过的公司的英文名称?以前做过的公司,他好像没有英文名字,我怎么写?还有 xx中学又是怎么写?