来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/30 14:24:04
Doing Shopping Online
With the help of the Internet, shopping is not a difficult job. Just click your mouse to choose the article you like, and the shopping is finished. You needn't step out of the room. It seems easy and quick. But there's always a trap online. If you are careless, it will bring you some trouble. You may find the color of the article is different from what you want, or the size is either too small or too big. If you want to be different, you'd better not buy clothes online. Once you put on the clothes you bought online and go out, you will find many people wear the same clothes in the street.
Nowadays, an increasing number of college students are doing part-time jobs. People hold different opinions on that.
Some people think that there are many advantages for college students to have part-time jobs. Firstly, part-time jobs offer them opportunities to apply what they have learned in school and demonstrate their abilities. Secondly, it enables them to be more independent of their family and builds up their self-confidence. Thirdly, part-time experiences may be of great help to their future careers. Finally, part-time jobs can broaden their college lives and help them know more of themselves and society.
However, some other people hold that doing part-time jobs has more disadvantages. The main job of college students is to study, not to work. If they have part-time jobs, they may have to reduce their time for sleep, rest, study and activities. Working several hours a day consumes a lot of time and energy and may affect their studies. As a result, they may find it hard to adjust to what the college expects of them as well as their employers expect, and finally, they may fall behind or fail in their studies.
In my opinion, students can choose to take up a part-time job according to their own situation. The most important thing for them is to keep a good balance between part-time jobs and his study.
it happens that i have never thought i can live in such harmony environment -that is my honey dormitry life with five other little happy girls to accompany ,which really makes my colleage life more vivid. i used to suspect if i can go on with them well .such questions as "will we quarrel for something little?" that seems to be the one .the fact is that when we grow up we should learn to be kind,honesty,thoughtful and learn to live with other .i think all of us will feel lucky to meet with each other in the way to confront any other things.
Nowdays,thanks to the benefit caused by the policy of reform and openning up,we can see more and more private cars running outside as the people's livelyhood has improve dramatically,Then,what exactly does the possession of personal cars bring? In my opnion,everything has two sides about which I'm going to clarify my point of view.
On the one hand,I cannot deny the fact that becoming the owner of cars actually has advantage in many ways.The drivers owning their cars don't have to squeeze round in public transportation like buses and subway and to a certain extent ,can keep themselves off storm,heavy snow,strong wind and other awful weather.In addition,they are free from waiting for buses with less time to be wasted.What is more,they can drive their own cars to wherever they want and whenever they like.
On the other hand,there also have disadvantages in owning personal cars.The basic expense for maintaining cars the owners have to afford is oil,insurance service,annual car check-up and the essential cost for a plate which represet the leagal approval for cars to be driven on roads.In addition to these expenditure a car owner have to pay,however, the emission given off out of the increasing cars have greatly contributed to the air polution.
All conditions memtioned above, we should have an objective measurement towards private cars and keep optimism in polution control,hoping the rapid development of clean energy consumed vehicles.