几个英语连线1.fare A.an area of the sky that is used bu plans2.passenger B.the amount of speac between two places or things3.airway C.the price you pay to travel bu bus,plane,etc 4.modern D.time belonging to the present time5.distance E.someone

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/08 00:12:01

几个英语连线1.fare A.an area of the sky that is used bu plans2.passenger B.the amount of speac between two places or things3.airway C.the price you pay to travel bu bus,plane,etc 4.modern D.time belonging to the present time5.distance E.someone
1.fare A.an area of the sky that is used bu plans
2.passenger B.the amount of speac between two places or things
3.airway C.the price you pay to travel bu bus,plane,etc
4.modern D.time belonging to the present time
5.distance E.someone who is traveling in a ship,liane and so on,but is not driving it or working on it

几个英语连线1.fare A.an area of the sky that is used bu plans2.passenger B.the amount of speac between two places or things3.airway C.the price you pay to travel bu bus,plane,etc 4.modern D.time belonging to the present time5.distance E.someone

几个英语连线1.fare A.an area of the sky that is used bu plans2.passenger B.the amount of speac between two places or things3.airway C.the price you pay to travel bu bus,plane,etc 4.modern D.time belonging to the present time5.distance E.someone 一、单词辨音:一( )1.much(ch)2.school(ch)3.French(ch)4.teacher(ch)( )1.spare(ar)2.share(ar)3.fare(ar) 4.are(ar)( )1.thank(a)2.watch(a)3.can(a)4.Paris(a)( )1.easy(ea)2.least(ea)3.teapot(ea)4.idea(ea)( )1.surround(ou)2.count(ou)3.found(ou)4.cur fare fare 英语连线 ar英语怎么发音 问几道英语奥数题1.We know the area of A is four times of B.If the area of B is 6平方厘米 and the perimeter of B is 16cm.the perimeter of A is _____.2.There is a triangle,and it is an isosceles triangle (等腰三角形).We know a and b ar 让某人受折磨用意大利语说应该是fare qualcuno sufrire还是fare sufrire a qualcuno? 几个英语小题1 listening and speaking are important in learning a foreign language,but of at least ( )importance are raeding and writing.A fare B equal C proper D reasonable并翻译一下这句话!2 we each ( )a book.用have还是 has?3 the mor 英语补全单词( )1.p___ch A.ae B.ai C.ea D.ee( )2.monet_____ A.ar B.er C.or D.ur( )3.s__face A.ar B.er C.or D.ur( )4.sin__e A.gl B.sl C.tl D.bl( )5.creat____ A.ar B.er C.or D.ur( )2.monst_______ 英语题:选序号组成字母st( )b( )ry 1.aw,er 2.awr,re 3.rwa,er 4.raw,erP( )d( )n 1.ar,e 2.ra,o 3.ar,o 4.ra,a 英语翻译1.Reserve a good seat.Even within the same class and fare,some seats are far superior to others.Consider an aisle or exit row seat for leg room,or a window if you want to sleep.2.If you plan on trying to sleep,come prepared.Bring a travel 英语:关于a,an, and fare thee well a while的英文释义 英语连线题? 一道英语连线题, 连线英语题 英语连线,(序号)