
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 01:56:28


to check related documents, test reports, and various operating and examination records, to check operation of euipments, environment and system documents on site, approve the conformity and give suggestions of detailed corrective plan to the uncomformity, and limit with time plan, report the corretive result to the audit person.

through testing related files, reports and every operation and analysis records, and checking the facilities, sanitation and system files running conditions, approve those projects that conform to the requires, meanwhile give correcting measures and set deadlines for the other projects.

Through the inspection of documents and relevant test report and record the fuck, test, check equipment, health environment and system of the operation situation of files, with to be sure to put forward according to the actual situation of corrective action and corrective action, the audit report.

The related documents, test reports, and every operating and examination records should be checked, meanwhile the operation of euipments, hygienic conditions and system documents should be checked on...


The related documents, test reports, and every operating and examination records should be checked, meanwhile the operation of euipments, hygienic conditions and system documents should be checked on site,and afterward approvement should be made to the conformity ones while suggestions of detailed corrective plan should be made in a limited time to the uncomformity ones.At last , the corret result should be reported to the audito


英语翻译通过检查相关的文件、检测报告和各项操、化验作记录,现场查看设备、卫生环境和体系文件的运行情况,对符合项予以肯定,对不符合项根据实际情况提出具体的纠正措施并限期整改, 电子烟烟液是什么成分,有没有相关的检测报告? 地下水水质检测我怀疑我们村子里的地下水受到了附近钢厂的污染,想做个检测报告,想问一下相关检测项目和费用, DNA定量细胞学检测报告和宫颈液基细胞学TBS检查报告关于DNA定量细胞学检测报告和宫颈液基TBS检测报告患者性别:女患者年龄:29你好!医生,我是今天在医院拿了一份我自己的妇科检查:一份是 金属材料过烧用什么方法可以检测我们的是有色金属,那块可以提供检测和出示相关报告? 英语翻译是空气交换器的检测报告。这个是报告的最后一段。 检查报告单 检查项目 检查结果 正常参考值 检测方式乙肝DNA 2*10 6 英语翻译附件是检测报告你可以看到检测出的结果是7cm 铁的化合物的制备和检测实验报告 英语翻译手机检测报告中的内容 气体检测仪和气体报警器的区别,不都是检测报告气体的吗? 英语翻译明确顾客的要求并形成文件,通过评审和沟通,满足顾客要求并争取超越顾客期望. 今天我拿到医院检查HC2 HPV DNA 的检测报告,检验结果:阳性;RLU/CO检测值为123.73.临床诊断为ASC-US, 英语翻译和股票相关的 英语翻译敬启者:首先非常感谢贵公司给予广州xxxx建筑设计有限公司机会,参加设施建设工程及相关服务投标.我们根据贵司RFQ文件和上次会议沟通内容,把报告中相关数据更新后发给各位审阅 环境报告和环境检测报告有什么区别 英语翻译译文:在目前的产品设计和制造业环境下,快速成型正迅速地成为一种标准化的方法.通过使用快速成型技术,相关报告说明已经在节约时间和节省费用方面取得很大的效益.然而,这些 英语翻译这件事情正在与大卫协商,请你删除作品中我们的程序及相关文件,以后也禁止使用和移植我和约翰的相关工具和程序.