
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/01 22:15:01


������ From the perspective of the history of ideas, they fortitude to advocate through the press, secret information, so that more and more people the concept of a democratic republic. Sun Yat-sen's Three Principles of the People and the Chinese Revolution as a democratic product of the combination with the Revolution is also the achievements of the next century, repel Tartar Krupp, the restoration of the Chinese, the creation of the Republic of China, the average land ownership, it can guide the national salvation and regeneration, Even from a purely political theory in terms of research, the Three People's Principles also should be acceptable to all parties. After the facts also tell us: When China entered the new democratic revolution in the stage of history, Sun Yat-sen and the Communist Party of China has accepted the help of the international proletariat to establish a joint Russian, the total, the three main policy to help agricultural workers, the old Three People's Principles development for the new Three People's Principles, the performance of the bourgeois democratic revolution, a revolution in the new stage of progress, and become the first KMT-CPC cooperation in political and ideological foundation. Cooperation between the KMT and the CPC, under the banner of the Three Principles of the People, the two parties together to promote the Northern Expedition less than a year has laid a half-Chinese, anti-Japanese activities in common between the two parties dealt a heavy blow to the arrogance of imperialism. This is evidence of iron.\x0d������ From the perspective of economic history, a revolution overthrew the monarchy, the feudal economy has shaken the foundation of a strong impetus to the development of capitalism in China. China has undergone a primitive society, slave society to feudal society developed step by step, in the nineteenth century when the age of 67, the bourgeoisie has appeared in Chinese history, but suffering from imperialism and national oppression of the feudal forces of the growth has been difficult, and Revolution After the revolution, the feudal forces in the country only to remove obstacles, and the Revolution dealt a severe blow to imperialism, as well as the development of the bourgeoisie in China to help\x0d������ But it can not be denied the fruits of the Revolution was the usurpation of Yuan Shikai, it needs to achieve the purpose of the democratic republic is not achieved, ZHANG Yuan Shikai to restore the imperial system was further illustrated by its failure, so many people think that the Revolution is no longer justified, Therefore, a long period of time in the past, the historical status of the Revolution have often been underestimated, but the victory stand today in the top of the hill looking back for the bourgeois-democratic revolution has provided an ideological weapon, call and guidance plays a positive role in revolution . Achievements of the Revolution as a time when winter water in the gravel, and rock out Mizuochi out significant.\x0d���� Evaluation of the Revolution, it must evaluate the Revolution leader Dr. Sun Yat-sen, his life can only keep fighting to describe, Dr. Sun Yat-sen is indeed a remarkable and continuous progress of the indomitable revolutionary. Of course he is a great modern Chinese patriots and revolutionaries. China to fight for his freedom and equality, from the Sino-Japanese war in 1894 to start running before the revolution, until the dying has not forgotten the revolution, but also insist on the north ill. Can be called: devoted, died.\x0d������ Today, we evaluate the Revolution, it is necessary to look at its subsequent history, the New Culture Movement and May 4th Movement reflect the impact of the Revolution, as well as the cooperation between the two parties. The final failure of the Revolution, fully proves that the bourgeoisie in China, the Republic of the program will not work. As a bourgeois-democratic revolution of Dr. Sun Yat-sen at home, and later the communists in China also help to draw lessons from the failure of the Revolution, the courage to embark with the Communist Party, with the workers and peasants, the Soviet Union in cooperation with the socialist countries of the road. In this way the Revolution as a turning point in the tide of history, whether people evaluate it, heroes of the cause of the Revolution, the Chinese people have been under the leadership of the Communist Party of China was completed. Not only do we have completely left behind by Dr. Sun Yat-sen to complete the bourgeois democratic revolution, but also has been made in the basic victory of socialist revolution. New China is a leap forward on the socialist road\x0d�������� Overall, I think that the Revolution was a great democratic revolution of the bourgeois nature, its significance can not be ignored and there is a permanent impact. It was a success!辛亥革命,是中国近代史上一场伟大资产阶级性质的民主革命.一系列史实告诉我们它既成功又失败的革命,失败是它的结果是被袁世凯篡夺了,但究其影响力之大却是成功的\x0d从政治上辛亥革命推翻了腐朽的清王朝,埋葬了统治中国长达两千年之久的封建专制制度,这是中国史上前千千万万农民起义从未实现的梦想,中国封建势力的统治,实在是根深蒂固,中国人民深受封建思想的侵害,人们从幼年起,头脑中就不断被灌输“三纲五常”这一套封建伦理观念,把它看成万古不变的天经地义,所谓君是君,臣是臣,父子君臣,天下之定理,无所逃于天地之间.谁要是敢有一点怀疑,轻则叫做“离经叛道”、“非圣无法”,重则成了“乱臣贼子,人人得而诛之”.无论是老子`孔子还是后来的大学问家,无一不推崇.有“君要臣死臣不得死”,有妇女的“三从四德”,有传颂君王的颂歌,有读不完的四书五经.所以就有了范进和孔乙己.但却没有一个人提出过推翻君主专制制度的主张来,他们把忠君和爱国看作是一回事.直到辛亥革命发生,第一次提出了推翻君主专制制度、建立民主共和国的主张,这是具有划时代的历史意义的,从而成为中国近代史上一次极为重要的历史性转折.\x0d从思想史的角度看,他们坚忍不拔地通过报刊鼓吹、秘密宣传,使民主共和观念越来越深入人心.孙中山的三民主义作为民主主义与中国革命相结合的产物,与辛亥革命同样是跨世纪的成就,“驱除鞑虏,恢复中华,创立民国, 平均地权”它完全可指导救亡图存、振兴中华,即使从纯政治理论方面来研究,三民主义也应该是各方都可接受的.事后的史实也告诉我们:当中国革命历程进入新民主主义阶段时,孙中山接受了中国共产党和国际无产阶级的帮助,确立了联俄、联共、扶助农工的三大政策,把旧三民主义发展为新三民主义,表现了资产阶级革命民主派在新的革命阶段的进步性,并成为第一次国共合作的政治思想基础.国共两党的合作,在三民主义旗帜之下,两党共同推动的北伐不到一年就打下了半个中国,两党共同的抗日活动沉重打击了帝国主义的嚣张气焰.这都是铁的证据.\x0d从经济史的角度看,辛亥革命推翻了帝制,动摇了封建的经济基础,有力推动了中国资本主义的发展.中国经历原始社会,奴隶社会,到封建社会一步步发展起来,在十九世纪六七时年代,资产阶级终于出现在中国史上,但苦于帝国主义和本国的封建势力压迫一直艰难的生长着,辛亥革命后,本国封建势力的阻碍才除去,且辛亥革命大大打击了帝国主义,也为中国资产阶级的发展提供了帮助\x0d但是不可否认,辛亥革命的果实被袁世凯篡夺,它要达到的民主共和目的未实现,后来袁世凯 张勋复辟帝制更说明了它的失败,这样一来,许多人都认为辛亥革命是无意义的,所以过去长时期中,辛亥革命的历史地位常常被过低估计了,但站在今天胜利的山顶上在回头看,为资产阶级民主革命提供了思想武器,起着号召和指导革命的积极作用.辛亥革命的功绩就如秋冬之时潭水中的石子,水落而石出的显了出来.\x0d评价辛亥革命,就一定得评价辛亥革命的领导者孙中山先生,他这一生只能用“屡败屡战”来形容,孙中山先生真不愧为一个卓越的不屈不挠的不断进步的革命家.当然他是近代中国一个伟大的爱国者和革命家.他为了争取中国之自由平等,从1894年中日战争以前就开始奔走革命,直到临死前也不忘革命,还带病坚持北上.可所谓:鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已.\x0d今天我们评价辛亥革命,就要看它的后来的历史,新文化运动及五四运动都反映了辛亥革命的影响,还有国共两党的合作等.辛亥革命的最后失败,完全证明了资产阶级共和国的方案在中国是行不通的.作为资产阶级民主革命家的孙中山先生,后来在中国共产党人的帮助之下也吸取了辛亥革命的失败教训,勇敢地走上了同共产党、同工农、同社会主义国家苏联合作的道路.就这样辛亥革命作为一个转折点出现在历史潮流中,不管人们对它作何评价,辛亥革命英雄们的事业,已经由中国人民在中国共产党的领导下完成了.我们不但已经彻底完成孙中山先生遗留下来的资产阶级民主革命任务,而且已经取得了社会主义革命的基本胜利.新中国正在社会主义道路上飞跃前进\x0d总的来说,我认为辛亥革命是一次伟大的资产阶级性质的民主革命,它的意义不容忽视且有永久影响.它是成功的!