以下5道选择题,回答正确吗?21.- Hi,is Thomas there?- __C _______A.Who are you?B.Sorry,I'll call him.C.Hold on.I'll get him.D.Yes,Thomas is me.22.- Thanks for inviting us to dinner.____D_____- Thank you!It's so good that you like them.A.Best

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 18:55:23

以下5道选择题,回答正确吗?21.- Hi,is Thomas there?- __C _______A.Who are you?B.Sorry,I'll call him.C.Hold on.I'll get him.D.Yes,Thomas is me.22.- Thanks for inviting us to dinner.____D_____- Thank you!It's so good that you like them.A.Best
21.- Hi,is Thomas there?
- __C _______
A.Who are you?B.Sorry,I'll call him.
C.Hold on.I'll get him.D.Yes,Thomas is me.
22.- Thanks for inviting us to dinner.____D_____
- Thank you!It's so good that you like them.
A.Best wishes to you!B.Enjoy yourself!
C.Congratulations!D.Everything tastes great!
23.- What's the matter,John?
- ______A___
A.I failed my French test.B.It doesn't matter.
C.Nothing's wrong with him.D.I don't think I can.
24.- How are you going on with your English?
- _____C____
A.I am very well.
B.I am going to the library.
C I am going to take College English Test Band Four.
D That's a good question.
25.- What's the problem,Ted?
- ____D_____
A.I don't know.B.Thank you for asking.
C.No problem.D.I can't find my keys.

以下5道选择题,回答正确吗?21.- Hi,is Thomas there?- __C _______A.Who are you?B.Sorry,I'll call him.C.Hold on.I'll get him.D.Yes,Thomas is me.22.- Thanks for inviting us to dinner.____D_____- Thank you!It's so good that you like them.A.Best



以下5道选择题,回答正确吗?21.- Hi,is Thomas there?- __C _______A.Who are you?B.Sorry,I'll call him.C.Hold on.I'll get him.D.Yes,Thomas is me.22.- Thanks for inviting us to dinner.____D_____- Thank you!It's so good that you like them.A.Best 请核对下以下5道选择题回答正确吗?21.- Hi,is Thomas there?- __D_______A.Who are you?B.Sorry,I'll call him.C.Hold on.I'll get him.D.Yes,Thomas is me.22.- Thanks for inviting us to dinner.____D_____- Thank you!It's so good that you like th 选择题,回答两道 5财富·【初一数学】请回答以下两道题目(必须写出过程)请回答以下两道题目(必须写出过程) 若回答正确并被提问者采纳后,可以获得5财富. 以下5道选择题,做的正确吗?45.- Could you tell me where the nearest parking lot is?- ___C______A Don't ask me.B Parking is very difficult.C Sorry,I'm a stranger here.D Sorry,you can't park here.46.- What's the date today?- __D_______A.Octobe 帮帮忙回答几道近代史选择题 SPSS关于多项选择题的统计函数!急一组多项选择题,5个答案,回答任意3个正确即算该题回答正确,我要计算回答正确的人数.该用什么函数?请教高手!有些类似于彩票中奖,5个数字只要有3个符合 求以下初一数学三道选择题答案 求解以下两道选择题,一元二次滴 ------高中化学-----关于有机的一堆纠结的选择题...注1:本人好钻牛角尖,请逐一回答每一小问,免得我还得再问..注2:以下均为不定项选择题,0个~全部1.有关简单的饱和烃的叙述,正确的是:①都是 数学概率与数据统计的选择题六个,只要回答正确任何几个就给分. 求新概念英语第二册1—40课书后选择题答案回答正确追加积分 高二的选择题!请求解答!以下是题目: 1.下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是( )A.喋血(dié) 长歌当哭(dāng) 纶巾(guān) 舞榭歌台(xiè)B.暮蔼(ǎi) 訇然中开(hōng) 惩创 哈希表:二次探测再散列给定关键字集合{19,1,23,14,55,68,11,82,36}构造哈希表,设哈希函数为H(key)=key MOD 11,表的长度为11,若采用线性探测再散列,则以下结果正确吗? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 H(key) 5 几道C语言数组的选择题.,一题一分1.若有以下语句,则下面【 】是正确的描述.charx[ ]= “12345”;chary[ ]= {‘1’,’2’,’3’,’4’,’5’};(A) x 数组和 y 数组的长度相同(B) x 数组长度大于 y 数组长 typedef struct S{int g;char h;}T;则下列叙述正确的是B可用T定义结构体变量和T是一个结构体变量有区别吗(39)若有以下语句Typedef struct S{int g; char h;}T;以下叙述中正确的是A)可用S定义结构体变 选择题:(以下各题都有四个选项,其中只有一个选项是正确的,请把正确的选项的代号填在括号内) 1.二次函 what color is the cup?回答 it's yellow正确还是it's a yellow cup正确?这是个选择题这两个回答不都对吗