请帮我对这句话的句子成分进行分析并翻译More Things In Heaven will appeal to anyone who insists on findind the deepest meaning for their existence based on their own experiences

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/10 13:11:09

请帮我对这句话的句子成分进行分析并翻译More Things In Heaven will appeal to anyone who insists on findind the deepest meaning for their existence based on their own experiences
More Things In Heaven will appeal to anyone who insists on findind the deepest meaning for their existence based on their own experiences

请帮我对这句话的句子成分进行分析并翻译More Things In Heaven will appeal to anyone who insists on findind the deepest meaning for their existence based on their own experiences
More Things In Heaven 是主语
will appeal to 是谓语
anyone 是宾语
who insists on findind the deepest meaning for their existence based on their own experiences是定语
更多天堂里的事情 将会吸引那些根据自己的经验坚持为他们的存在找到最深意义的人.

请帮我对这句话的句子成分进行分析并翻译More Things In Heaven will appeal to anyone who insists on findind the deepest meaning for their existence based on their own experiences I found the old man fall off the bike in the street.如题,请对这句话进行翻译,并对句子成分做一个分析.顺便问一下,find sb do/doing的区别 there is something for me to eat谁帮我分析一下这句话的句子成分 electricity is able to do work请帮我分析一下这句话的句子成分,谓语是什么,不定式在这里到底作什么语 帮忙分析一句话,看有没有语病”真正的光明决不是永无黑暗的时间,只不过永不为黑暗的时间所掩蔽罢了 我总觉得不对劲,我需要这句话的出处(这大概不是原句),请帮我分析句子成分,并说 我在家.这句话的句子成分怎么分析 请帮我举几个 同谓语从句 麻烦告诉我什么是同谓语从句并帮我分析句子成分. Ich bin erst zwei monate hier in Deutschland.帮我翻译一些这句话并详细分析一下这句字的结构以及各个句子成分一定要详细哟!不好意思我是初学德语的,所以问这么菜的问题,呵呵!我总觉得这句话的结 I'm not what used to 帮我翻译这句话、英语不好的请绕道. “古之人不余欺也”这句话怎么说是宾语前置,帮我分析一句子成分 to tell you the truth.请帮我分析句子成分 He rans fast .请高手帮我分析句子成分, 请英语高人帮我分析下面这句话的句子成分,下面这句话中哪个是主语和谓语?Bears living in pleaces where is scarce in the winter go through a period of winter sleep,or hibernation. I just don't want give them any more ammunithion than they alreay have.请大家帮我分析一下句子成分/这里为什么要用THAN?这是老友记的一句话.顺便帮我翻译一下. 请帮我分析一下这句句子的句子成分I took some books out of my school bag. 请帮我分析一下这句话的句型!Nothing could have been more annoying.这句话是不是为现在完成进行时啊?我不懂. 请帮我分析一下这句话中的句子成分The book is worth reading中的“worth”是什么成分?“reading”是什么成分?“worth reading”是什么成分? 请帮我分析并翻译下面这句话.谢谢!The individual tasks shall be cadenced appropriately from sourcing to the Valve A event.