
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/25 07:58:24


After a long struggle cause, the human has made brilliant achievements in transforming a natural and social economic development.
Meanwhile, ecological destruction and environmental pollution, they have constitute the real
threat to human survival and development.
Dust storm rages, global warming, acid rain transverse, etc,all these already threaten to the survival of mankind.
The sandstorm in north China is more serious one year then anther year, and the loss is more one year then anther year, even jiangnan where has beautiful view , already start to invaded and attacked by sandstorm.
in the face of such a severe environmental situation, and the increasing rampant sandstorm, we should do something.


Human after a long struggle, in the transform nature and development of social economy has made a brilliant performance. Meanwhile, ecological destruction and environmental pollution, the survival and...


Human after a long struggle, in the transform nature and development of social economy has made a brilliant performance. Meanwhile, ecological destruction and environmental pollution, the survival and development of the human being has constituted the real threat. Dust storm rages, global warming, acid rain transverse etc have threat to the survival of mankind. The sandstorm in north China every year badly, and the loss every year, even the beautiful jiangnan, start by sandstorm's invasion. In the face of such a severe environmental situation, facing the increasingly rampant dust storm, we should have as.


human being has made great prograss in natrual transformation and society and economy development after undergoing a long term of endeavor ,in the meanwhile , eco-degregation and environment pollution...


human being has made great prograss in natrual transformation and society and economy development after undergoing a long term of endeavor ,in the meanwhile , eco-degregation and environment pollution have turned into the realistic threatens to survival and development of people
sandstorm global worming acid rain are plaguing on the planet we are living on ,
sabdstorm in northen china is croping on every signal year ,and the losses are larger by year ,it encroach on our beautiful area of loeer reach of yangtz river ,
we must take action on the severe environment situaion include the increasing problem of sandstorm



After a long striving progress, humankind had made a remarkable achievement at nature remodeling and social economic development. Meanwhile, destroy and pollution to the ecological environment had bec...


After a long striving progress, humankind had made a remarkable achievement at nature remodeling and social economic development. Meanwhile, destroy and pollution to the ecological environment had become a realistic threat. Sandstorm, global warming, acid rain, and etc. are all threatening humankind’s surviving. The sandstorm in the northern region of China has been more and more aggressive each year, causing more and more damages each year. Now it is even attacking the southern region. Facing such serious environmental situation and the increasingly rampant sandstorm, we should start doing something.


英语翻译人类在经过漫长的奋斗历程后,在改造自然和发展社会经济方面取得了辉煌的业绩.与此同时,生态破坏与环境污染,对人类的生存和发展已构成了现实威胁.沙尘暴肆虐,全球变暖,酸雨横 人类的身高在几千年里不断增加,恐龙会不会也是经过漫长进化后达到最终的高度?因为在第四次生物大灭绝后很 在人类起源和发展的漫长历程中,森林古猿下地生活的原因是A.由于其他动物入侵   B.由于地形和气候的变化C.为了扩大领地 D.为了躲避敌害 人类在漫长的进化历程中,进化速度最快的是( )A.鱼类 B.鸟类C.哺乳类 D.爬行类为什么是哺乳类啊?不是鱼类最早吗? 英语翻译1.曼德拉出生在一个大酋长家庭.他为废除南非种族歧视而奋斗.但却因此成为了囚徒.经过了漫长的囚徒生涯.在国内外舆论压力下,曼德拉被无条件释放,成为了南非的总统.也成为了全 在人类漫长的历史进程中,人类主要依靠什么来认识宇宙 在人类漫长的历史进程中,大部分时间人类主要是依靠 在地球漫长的四十亿年的历程中,在现代人类之前是否出现过智能生物?在人类的远古记忆中有很多美丽的神话,不同的民族用不同的语言都讲了几乎如出一辙的神话:人是上帝创造出来的!那么 英语翻译在一个极为漫长.的历史阶段中,人类只能通过音乐表演和口授来传播音乐.当人类发明了乐谱后,音乐便开始脱离表演而演变成“文字”得以记录和传播.然而,人类音乐传播的真正革 在人类漫长的历史进程中,对宇宙的探索经历了哪三个阶段 人类认识地球的艰难历程说出大概经过 人类进化的历程经过哪几个阶段 “小石头”成了卵石后,请你推测一下,这些卵石经过漫长的时间在继续变化,会成什么样?稍微简略些!10-15字 为什么说在八十多年的奋斗历程中,中国共产党的理论与实践中始终贯穿着创新精神? 个类生物化石在地层中按一定顺序经过漫长的地质年代 迩来 在中生代时期,一些_________恐龙经过漫长的演化,变成了______,飞向蓝天. 改病句 1.许多教师今天上午都同他在会议室里热情的交谈.2.居里夫人艰辛地在简陋的工作室里经过漫长的研究发现了镭. “醉握青春年华,抒写奋斗历程”是什么意思?为什么要醉握青春年华?为什么每个书站都有这句话?就连在我朋友的空间也不例外,也有关于这样的内容.郁闷!这是难道是90后笔者的呻吟吗?