请会英文的帮我修改我的句子语法 正在做一个 幼保的 assignment - profile以下是我写的 introduction请帮我修改 我写的introduction 语法如有不顺畅或奇怪的地方的话 请帮帮我适当地帮我删减或增加

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 21:35:49

请会英文的帮我修改我的句子语法 正在做一个 幼保的 assignment - profile以下是我写的 introduction请帮我修改 我写的introduction 语法如有不顺畅或奇怪的地方的话 请帮帮我适当地帮我删减或增加
正在做一个 幼保的 assignment - profile
以下是我写的 introduction
请帮我修改 我写的introduction 语法
如有不顺畅或奇怪的地方的话 请帮帮我适当地帮我删减或增加句子 让我写的更通顺
因为写得有点短 希望可以再帮我增加谢句子
It’s very important for us to understand children’s development,what cause them to group up,and what impact their grow development,what kind of behavior during the different age groups etc.Needs
to get understand their physical or mental world.Being an educator or parent
We really have to know children action and reaction at different age’s group.Especially
from 1 to 2 years old children of this age,there have some different obviously
changes during this period.We can separate five different areas ; emotional,social,
intellectual,physical and interest .Through daily life activities,we can see
the five areas development,understand their specific behavior and attitude.In
order to get more understand children,and to prepare a good learning
environment for them.

请会英文的帮我修改我的句子语法 正在做一个 幼保的 assignment - profile以下是我写的 introduction请帮我修改 我写的introduction 语法如有不顺畅或奇怪的地方的话 请帮帮我适当地帮我删减或增加
It’s very important for us to understand children’s development.What leads them to group up,and what can impact on their grow development,what kind of behavior during the different age groups It is necessary to grisp a good command of their physical or mental world.As educator or parent,We have to pay attention to children performance and various reaction at different age’s group especially from children at the age of 1 or 2 who present a distinct
transition during this period.We can classify into five different areas ; emotional,social,
intellectual,physical and interest .By means of daily life activities,we can observe
the development of the five aspects.Understand their specific behavior and attitude so that we can have a better understanding of children,and prepare a good learning
environment for them.

It’s very important for us to understand children’s development.What leads them to group up, and what can impact on their grow development, what kind of behavior during the different age groups It is...


It’s very important for us to understand children’s development.What leads them to group up, and what can impact on their grow development, what kind of behavior during the different age groups It is necessary to grisp a good command of their physical or mental world. As educator or parent,We have to pay attention to children performance and various reaction at different age’s group especially from children at the age of 1 or 2 who present a distinct
transition during this period. We can classify into five different areas ; emotional, social,
intellectual, physical and interest . By means of daily life activities, we can observe
the development of the five aspects. Understand their specific behavior and attitude so that we can have a better understanding of children, and prepare a good learning
environment for them.


It’s very important for us to understand children’s development, what cause them to group up, and what impact them development, what kind of their behavior during the different age etc. It is necessa...


It’s very important for us to understand children’s development, what cause them to group up, and what impact them development, what kind of their behavior during the different age etc. It is necessary to get understand their physical and mental world. Being an educator or parent, We really have to know the children’s action and reaction at different ages. Especially from 1 to 2 years old children of this age, there are some different changes during this period. We can separate five different areas ; emotional, social,ntellectual, physical and interest . Through daily life activities, we can see the five areas development, understand their specific behavior and attitude. In order to get more about children, and to prepare a good learning environment for them.


It's very important for us to understand children's development. In my opinion, there are several questions about it. For example, what influence their growth(你本身那句子是中国式英语,那是不对的,我照你的意思再造了一句), what imp...


It's very important for us to understand children's development. In my opinion, there are several questions about it. For example, what influence their growth(你本身那句子是中国式英语,那是不对的,我照你的意思再造了一句), what impact their development, and what kind of behavior during the different age grades(年龄阶段)?If you want to solve these questions ,it needs to get understand their physical or spirit(用这更好)world. As an educator or parent we really have to know children's behaviours and reactions at different age grades. Especially from 1 to 2 years old ,children have some different obviously changes during this period. In which we can separate five different areas : emotional, social, intelligence, physical and interest . By way of observing their daily life activities, we can find the development of these five areas, and then to understand their specific behavior and attitude further(进一步地).Besides, In order to get more understanding of children, we should prepare a good learning environment for them.


It's very important for us to understand children's development, what cause them to group up, and what impact their grow development, what kind of behavior during the different age groups etc....


It's very important for us to understand children's development, what cause them to group up, and what impact their grow development, what kind of behavior during the different age groups etc.
[搭配错误] 搭配不当,their grow不规范,建议修改。
[句子错误] 本句语法不规范,请检查!
[低频警示] their grow development 在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语
[低频警示] the different age groups etc 在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语
[搭配统计] 动名搭配 grow...development 在教材中出现过 8 次
Needs to get understand their physical or mental world.
[句子错误] 本句语法不规范,请检查!
[动词错误] 动词连用,请检查get understand。
[搭配统计] 动名搭配 understand...world 在教材中出现过 244 次
[学习提示] 易混词汇: crazy, mad, mental 都表示“发疯的,精神错乱的”之意。
[批改提示] understand的近义表达有appreciate。
Being an educator or parent We really have to know children action and reaction at different age's group.
[学习提示] 易混词汇: act, action, deed, operation, performance 均含“行为,行动”之意。
[批改提示] know近义表达有cognize/ recognize/ realize/ foreknow
[批改提示] 查看have to和must的区别。
Especially from 1 to 2 years old children of this age, there have some different obviously changes during this period.
[句子错误] 本句语法不规范,请检查!
[学习提示] 易混词汇: baby, child, infant, youngster 均有“孩子”之意。
[低频警示] some different 在英语本族语中很少使用
We can separate five different areas ; emotional, social, intellectual, physical and interest .
[标点错误] 标点与其前面的单词之间 不应该有空格,请检查
[学习提示] 易混词汇: district, region, area, section, zone, belt, quarter, neighbourhood 均有“地区”之意。
[批改提示] 批改提示,intellectual注意与intelligent,intelligible的区别。
Through daily life activities, we can see the five areas development, understand their specific behavior and attitude.
[低频警示] the five areas development 在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语
[搭配统计] 动名搭配 see...development 在教材中出现过 287 次
[学习提示] 易混词汇: district, region, area, section, zone, belt, quarter, neighbourhood 均有“地区”之意。
[批改提示] through的近义表达有across,in term of,via。
[批改提示] understand的近义表达有appreciate。
In order to get more understand children, and to prepare a good learning environment for them.
[句子错误] 本句语法不规范,请检查!
[低频警示] prepare...good 在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语
[低频警示] more understand children 在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语
[搭配统计] 动名搭配 learn...environment 在教材中出现过 10 次
[搭配统计] 动名搭配 understand...child 在教材中出现过 25 次


请会英文的帮我修改我的句子语法 正在做一个 幼保的 assignment - profile以下是我写的 introduction请帮我修改 我写的introduction 语法如有不顺畅或奇怪的地方的话 请帮帮我适当地帮我删减或增加 请会英文的帮我修改我的句子语法 紧急> 可以帮我修改以下这两题我写的英文句子语法吗 > 请会英文的帮我修改我的句子语法 谢谢喔 拜托了 紧急 part 2 给100分请帮我修改 我写的文章句子 可以适当地帮我删减或增加句子 让我写的这篇文更通顺拜托了 以下 这是我回答的问题 in the D 请帮我改一下我的句子语法 附上我的中文翻译 希望可以帮我修改的通顺 谢谢请帮我改一下我的英语句子语法 附上我的中文翻译 若有不通顺 奇怪的地方 希望可以帮我修改的通顺 谢谢拜托 请会英文的帮我修改以下我写的这封信 帮我改文法句子什麼的我要写封信给家长 要介绍关於 陌生人的 (我选修的课是育保科 要写封给家长的信)请帮我看看我写的行不行 帮我排版 改错误文 我是韩国人,请帮我修改几个句子.最近日本是大海啸的影响.所以日本的人门是正在大苦难了.咱们是那些都帮吧! 请帮我看看和修改语法我写的小文章 和删减不必要的句子 >< 非常紧急请帮我看看和修改语法我写的小文章 >< 非常紧急以下是我写的essay 第一段是introduction第二段是 body paragraph #1 请帮我看看 请帮我看看和修改语法我写的小文章 和删减不必要的句子 >< 非常紧急请帮我看看和修改语法我写的小文章 >< 非常紧急以下是我写的essay 第一段是introduction第二段是 body paragraph #1 请帮我看看 会英文的帮帮忙 请帮我把以下句子中翻英~禁止翻译软体 > 英语翻译准确的意思 语法有误可以帮我修改 请帮我修改一个句子,急 请帮我修改英文句子的文法 英文高手请进以下句子请帮我修改一下文法 帮我检查我写的对吗 不对的话帮我改过来1.I would feel sad ,because I don’t want leave my friend.我将会感觉难过 因为我不想离 请帮我修改一下 英文句子 语法等等的 也可以帮我加些句子 让这篇小文章读起来更通顺 更好 I think I’ma good listener,because I always pay attention to listen the person who talksto me.I don’t interrupt when that p 我是学汉语的,我学习汉语,帮我修改!我是韩国人,请帮我修改几个句子.我多吃午饭了,现在不饿. 现在谁能在线帮我修改一份英文essay?大约300字.能帮我修改的朋友,请Hi我,然后我把essay发给你 跪求会英语大神帮我修改英文作文请留下邮箱,我会将文章发过去.作文只有初三的英语水平 请帮我修改我的文章.我是外国人我是外国人,请帮我修改我的文章. 这是我写的对于职员做访谈的相关问题.您能帮我改这个问题吗?我觉得会有一些怪怪的文章.请帮我忙!谢谢!1. 您对你的职务