收到一封外国邮件,看不懂帮忙翻译一下Hello I'm Mis Tuma Ahoussou, how are you! hope you are fine andHelloI'm Mis Tuma Ahoussou, how are you! hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health.I went through your profile and i read it

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/09 22:53:46

收到一封外国邮件,看不懂帮忙翻译一下Hello I'm Mis Tuma Ahoussou, how are you! hope you are fine andHelloI'm Mis Tuma Ahoussou, how are you! hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health.I went through your profile and i read it
收到一封外国邮件,看不懂帮忙翻译一下Hello I'm Mis Tuma Ahoussou, how are you! hope you are fine and
I'm Mis Tuma Ahoussou, how are you! hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health.I went through your profile and i read it and took interest in it, if you don't mind i will like you to write me back tthanks i hope to hear from you soon, I will be waiting for your mail because i have something very important to tell you.
Lots of love,
Tuma Ahoussou.

收到一封外国邮件,看不懂帮忙翻译一下Hello I'm Mis Tuma Ahoussou, how are you! hope you are fine andHelloI'm Mis Tuma Ahoussou, how are you! hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health.I went through your profile and i read it
Tuma Ahoussou

你的信她看了, 她对你的(材料,简历)很感兴趣, 希望你回信给她, 她有些有趣的东西准备告诉你.

我是Tuma Ahoussou女士,祝你一切顺利,身体健康!
Tuma Ahoussou.


收到一封外国邮件,看不懂帮忙翻译一下Hello I'm Mis Tuma Ahoussou, how are you! hope you are fine andHelloI'm Mis Tuma Ahoussou, how are you! hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health.I went through your profile and i read it 帮忙翻译一封国外邮件! 我邮箱突然出现一封外国邮件 求翻译 邮件名是Notification of parcel’s delivery 英语翻译我今天收到一封邮件,是全英文的.我什么也看不懂.好像是个什么找朋友?请帮我翻译一下,要准确,Hello Seeking for friendshipMy name is miss mercy ,I am a single girl looking for a man who can shear good relat 英语翻译帮人翻译一封邮件 英语邮件称呼问题最近收到一封外国学者的邮件,他的信息如下:Ayman A. Abu Hammad, Ph.D. CEMDirector, Applied Science Unit for Industry Relations and Research (ASU I-REACH)Civil Engineering DepartmentApplied Science University 英语翻译请大虾帮忙翻译一封邮件,翻译软件的就免了,篇幅很短, 英语翻译今天收到一封奇怪的电子邮件,我英语水平不是很高,大部分都看不懂,请求高手翻译.(这封邮件看起来像是一场骗局)Dear Friend,I got your email address through search in the internet.I hope and pray 今天收到一封英文信 但有好多看不懂!能不能帮我翻译一下SPONSOR LOTERIJ CLAIMS DEPARTMENT.WEST- VARKENOODSWEG 290,3074HN, ROTTERDAM,THE NETHERLANDS.TEL : 0031-630-205-961.FAX : 0031-847-300-430. 帮忙翻译一下一段英文邮件,谢谢!我要用英文回一个客户:说我已经收到了邮件,将会把邮件转发给XXX(我上司的名字),谢谢!麻烦翻译一下,谢谢! 英语翻译收到一封莫名其妙的邮件·但是看不懂··祈求达人告诉我一下大概的意思··谢谢了 From the Desk Of Mr.Wallance David Bright.Assistant Managing Director Western Union.British Finance Monitoring Unit London.Hello 我给你写过一封邮件 你没有收到吗?用英语怎么说 收到一封邮件,开头是:Hope you're doing fine. 回复邮件的时候,如何回复呢? 一封中文邮件翻译成英文(翻译机勿扰)老板让翻译一封邮件.内容大概是: 非常抱歉的通知您,由于我们邮件设置的问题,直到上周我才收到您回复的邮件.但是我们提供的汇款明细说明还是 有没有英语好的网友帮忙啊 有英语文件一封 看不懂 帮忙翻译下... 帮忙看看一封英语邮件尤其是帮忙看看我到底用不用去,是自愿的还是已经定了只是通知一下.…… 麻烦高手们帮忙中译英一段话找代理预定了马尔代夫AV岛酒店5晚的套餐,现在全部款项已交,害怕被无良代理骗钱,所以想自己发邮件和酒店确认一下,麻烦高手帮忙翻译一封邮件,大致内 我每天收到一封电子邮件 翻译英语