
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 03:55:30


Scotland (Scottish Gaelic:Alba) is a nation in northwest Europe and one of the four constituent countries[1] of the United Kingdom.It occupies the northern third of the island of Great Britain and shares a land border to the south with England.It is bounded by the North Sea to the east,the Atlantic Ocean to the north and west,and the North Channel and Irish Sea to the southwest.Apart from the mainland,Scotland consists of over 790 islands.[2]
Edinburgh,the country's capital and second largest city,is one of Europe's largest financial centres.[3] Scotland's largest city is Glasgow,which is the centre of the Greater Glasgow conurbation.Greater Glasgow is home to approximately 40% of Scotland's population.Scottish waters consist of a large sector[4] of the North Atlantic and the North Sea,containing the largest oil reserves in the European Union.
The Kingdom of Scotland was an independent state until 1 May 1707,when the Acts of Union (despite widespread protest across Scotland)[5] resulted in a political union with the Kingdom of England to create the Kingdom of Great Britain.[6][7] Scotland's legal system continues to be separate from those of England,Wales,and Northern Ireland,and Scotland still constitutes a discrete jurisdiction in public and in private international law.[8] The continued independence of Scots law,the Scottish education system,and the Church of Scotland have been three factors contributing to the continuation of Scottish culture and Scottish national identity since the Union.[9][10] However,Scotland is no longer a sovereign state and does not have direct membership of either the United Nations or the European Union.

有关苏格兰和苏格兰人的一些英语简历~ 紧急求高手准确的汉译英,不要机器直译,送上全部身家TAT苏格兰,所属洲欧洲,首都爱丁堡,官方语言英语;苏格兰语;苏格兰约有510万人口,苏格兰人是性格粗犷,友好善良的人民,他们 用英语介绍苏格兰请用英语简单介绍一下苏格兰这个国家,希望能包括地理位置,人口,和一些简单的习俗,不支持使用在线翻译工具,谢谢 为什么苏格兰人长期以来那么痛恨英格兰人?直到今天都还有很多苏格兰人不愿承认是英国人听说苏格兰闹独立不是一天两天了,要脱离大英帝国,苏格兰跟英格兰的争端应该是从中世纪时就开 scottish-born是什么意思是“苏格兰人”?还是“生在苏格兰”? 苏格兰的英语怎么读 有关潘玮柏英语短文不要那种介绍他简历的`~ 英语翻译一篇短文,要手工的,尽量用高一词汇2000多年前,苏格兰和罗马之间爆发了一场战争.由于装备落后,苏格兰人在前期不断的败退.在一场战役过后,指挥官詹姆斯受了很重的伤,于是下令撤 苏格兰折耳猫的一些问题苏格兰折耳猫对主人忠诚吗 有没有英语简历和求职信的范本? 英国议会和苏格兰议会的关系 “英国是由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰组成的联合王国”用英语怎么说? 苏格兰特产有哪些或者说能代表苏格兰风情的,除了苏格兰裙和风笛外还有别的么? 额.有关书虫的苏格兰玛丽女王的简介.英文. 外国的历史名人和简历 梁实秋和林语堂的简历 给一些有关奥运的英语词组和短语, 请问一些英国地名的英语名字1,希恩罗机场.2,特拉法加广场.3,国会大厦.4,伦敦腊像馆 5,苏格兰机场 6,苏格兰酒店.7,茶馆(怎么翻译?) 8,好莱乌环球剧场(美国) 急用~