
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 17:12:48


Dr.Sun Yat-Sen’s Mausoleum
IntroductionCovering an area of 80,000 square meters (about 20 acres),Dr.Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum is located in the Zhong Mountain Scenic Area in the east suburb of Nanjing City,Jiangsu Province.As the mausoleum of Dr.Sun Yat-sen,the father of the Republic of China,it is considered the Holy land of Chinese people both home and abroad.With deep historical significance,magnificent architecture and beautiful scenery,it is a must see when traveling in Nanjing.Dr.Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925) was a great forerunner of the Chinese democratic revolution and led by Dr.Sun the Chinese people brought down the corrupt rule of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) and ended 2000 years of the feudal monarchy system,which led the Chinese peoples in to a new age.
Xuan Wu Lake Park
One of Nanjing's most pleasant and scenic places is the large Xuan Wu Lake Park.It is in the northwest of the city center,just next to one of the main shopping streets.The panorama of modern Nanjing and its beautiful natural surroundings surround the expanse of calm water.Most of the park is covered by a large lake dotted with a cluster of medium size islands,connected by tree lined causeways and bridges.To one side rises the green forested slopes of Zijin Mountain,while bright yellow walls and tall pagoda of a Buddhist temple crown a hill on the southern shore.The giant Ming Dynasty city walls wraps around two sides of the lake,while a forest of modern office towers and apartments glitter in the background.The islands themselves are a mix of groves,gardens,small pavilions,and grassy fields,with the occasional restaurant or tea house.A stroll though the park is a relaxing break from sightseeing and a unique ensemble of the many facets of modern Jiangsu.

有关南京景点——玄武湖,莫愁湖,中山陵的英文介绍,每个景点大约20个词左右的介绍,英文! 南京名胜用英文表示以下几个南京的有名地点,希望能用规范的英文表示下,然后再用英文对每个景点简单描述几句,夫子庙 乌衣巷 玄武湖 中山陵 紫金山 南京一些景点的英文名称例如:中山陵,夫子庙等景点的英文名称. 南京玄武湖-中山陵-夫子庙导游词讲解如何衔接 南京玄武湖的介绍 我想带孩子去南京的玄武湖公园、中山陵、夫子庙、明孝陵、灵谷寺公园、紫金山索道,孩子的票价是多少? 英语翻译 南京的中山陵 英语翻译我爱南京 我的家乡——南京,是一个美丽迷人的地方,她有着悠久的历史,和深厚的文化积淀,从古色古香的夫子庙,到晨钟暮鼓的栖霞寺,从庄重肃穆的中山陵,到风景如画的玄武湖,从历 有关玄武湖的作文 谁有有关南京景点的诗句和描写的是哪个景点的啊 如:旧时王谢堂,飞入寻常百姓家.——刘禹锡《乌衣巷》 描写的景点是(乌衣巷) 参观南京中山陵的感受的文章 南京哪些地方与辛亥革命有关?除了中山陵、总统府、中山路 南京玄武湖在哪儿 关于南京的景点英文 南京玄武湖可以用什么词来形容啊?是指玄武湖公园,不单单指玄武湖。另外在帮我找几篇写南京明城墙的作文。 南京中山陵的铜缸是哪年放置中山陵的,有什么纪念意义 连战访问大陆的第一站是南京,拜谒了中山陵,请问,连战为什么拜谒中山陵 南京中山陵的台阶为什么是392级?[可怜]