一道麻烦的英语题下面的这段话缺少了标点符号,请加上标点符号,并整理成一篇短文is your room messy my room is very messy my books are on the floor my computer game is under the chair my mother is at the door she is angry

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 06:17:10

一道麻烦的英语题下面的这段话缺少了标点符号,请加上标点符号,并整理成一篇短文is your room messy my room is very messy my books are on the floor my computer game is under the chair my mother is at the door she is angry
is your room messy my room is very messy my books are on the floor my computer game is under the chair my mother is at the door she is angry

一道麻烦的英语题下面的这段话缺少了标点符号,请加上标点符号,并整理成一篇短文is your room messy my room is very messy my books are on the floor my computer game is under the chair my mother is at the door she is angry
is your room messy my room is very messy .my books are on the floor ,my computer game is under the chair,my mother is at the .door she is angry.

Is your room messy? My room is very messy.My books are on the floor, my computer game is under the chair. My mother is at the door. She is angry.

一道麻烦的英语题下面的这段话缺少了标点符号,请加上标点符号,并整理成一篇短文is your room messy my room is very messy my books are on the floor my computer game is under the chair my mother is at the door she is angry 英语标点 Mrs am UK这是一道给英语句子加标点的题 Mrs am UK 只有这三个单词 怎么加? 一道英语数学题,麻烦帮看一下,真的麻烦各位了,明天需要用到, “习惯你的习惯,依赖你的依赖,但是你已经不在习惯、不在依赖了”英语怎么说呀?麻烦你准点哦,还有中间有标点的要打个标点哦,要不然我不懂 关于英语标点的用法 加标点(下面的照片里) 下面是一道英语题她的叔叔去世几年了.He uncle ( ) ( )dead ( ) many years. 缺少标点的成语有这么一个谜语难倒了很多人:“一不出头,二不出头,三不出头.不是不出头,是不出头.”打一字.很多人看后不知道如何去理解,事实上,这句话是缺少标点的,请你为她加上标点, 直线方程位置关系.下面的一道也要的。 第一道的答案很好,麻烦补充下第二题~ 英文翻译 麻烦翻译下面一段文字 翻译成英文 谢谢通讯录信息管理系统是生活中不可缺少的部分,编写了一个通讯录信息管理系统是十分必要的.本程序设计具有通讯信息的录入,进行保存、查 给下面的句子加上标点,是表达的意思不同.小丽小华去公园玩了 把下面的句子补充完整,加标点.1.要下雨了,天阴得_______________ 给下面的句子加上标点:快点收拾行装 妈妈说 大部队要出发了 1.人体缺少某种元素就会生病.下面这些病是缺少什么引起的? 最下面的一道题 加标点(用4种标点给下面的句子加标点)下雨天留客天留人不留 一道初中动点方面的数学题,具体如下原题就是这样,是不是缺少条件, 英语句子加标点的问题