谁能帮我找这本书的中文版本?中文名是,换言之:翻译教程 英文名是,in other words:a coursebook on translation 作者叫mona baker 外语教学与研究出版社 这是本英文原版书

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谁能帮我找这本书的中文版本?中文名是,换言之:翻译教程 英文名是,in other words:a coursebook on translation 作者叫mona baker 外语教学与研究出版社 这是本英文原版书
谁能帮我找这本书的中文版本?中文名是,换言之:翻译教程 英文名是,in other words:a coursebook on translation 作者叫mona baker 外语教学与研究出版社 这是本英文原版书

谁能帮我找这本书的中文版本?中文名是,换言之:翻译教程 英文名是,in other words:a coursebook on translation 作者叫mona baker 外语教学与研究出版社 这是本英文原版书
作 者: [英]贝克 著,申雨平 导读
出 版 社: 外语教学与研究出版社
出版时间: 2000-8-1
版 次: 1
页 数: 309
I S B N : 9787560019192
In other Words:A Coursebook on Translation(换言之:翻译教程)编辑推荐和目录
'Essential reading for anyone who teaches translation whether at a theoretical or practical level.' David Harris, Vice President of ITI 'Tborough, very well written in a highy accessible style, and contains material of considerable interest. The varied and excellent examples are a mine of information, the exercises are valuable, and the attitude towards translation is sensibly undogmatic.' Peter Fawcett, University of Bradford 'A remarkable down-to-earth coursebook which is consistently related to real life experience in the translating world.' Lanna Castellano, Translator This book addresses the need for a systematic approach to training in translation studies by drawing on key areas in modem linguistic theory and relating them systematically to a number of translation problems and strategies. The strategies are identified by an examination of authentic examples of translated texts in a variety of languages. No knowledge of linguistics or foreign languages is assumed. Each chapter begins with an explanation of the key linguistic concepts referred to and ends with a series of practical exercises. By striking a balance between theory and practice, the book provides a sound basis for training professional translators.
Mona Baker is a freelance lecturer and consultant on translation. She is an Honorary Research Fellow of UMIST and a member of the advisory panel of the British Centre for Literary Translations.
1 Introduction
2 Equivalence at word level
2.1 The word in different languages
2.2 Lexical meaning
2.3 The Problem of non-equivalence
Suggestions for further reading
3 Equivalence above word level
3.1 Collocation
3.2 Idioms and fixed expressions
Suggestions for further reading
4 Grammatical equivalence
4.1 Grammatical vs lexical categories
4.2 The diversity of grammatical categories across languages
4.3 A brief note on word order
4.4 Introducing text
Suggestions for further reading
5 Textual equivalence:thematic and information structures
5.1 A general overview based on the Hallidayan approach to information flow
5.2 The Prague School position on information flow:functional
Suggestions for further reading
6 Textual equivalence:cohesion
6.1 Reference
6.2 Substitution and ellipsis
6.3 Conjunction
6.4 Lexical Cohesion
Suggestions for further reading
7 Pragmatic equivalence
7.1 Coherence
7.2 Coherence and processes of interpretation:implicature
7.3 coherence,implicature,and translation strategies
Suggestions for further reading
1 A Brief History of Time(Spanish,Greek)
2 Morgan Matroc(German)
3 China's Panda Reserves(Chinese)
4 The Patrick Collection(Japanese)
5 A Study of Shamanistic Practices in Japan(Japanese)
6 Palace and Politics in Prewar Japan(Japanese)
7 The Fix(Japanese)
8 Euralex Conference circular(Russian)
9 Brintons-press release(Arabic)
Author index
Language index
Subject index

谁能帮我找这本书的中文版本?中文名是,换言之:翻译教程 英文名是,in other words:a coursebook on translation 作者叫mona baker 外语教学与研究出版社 这是本英文原版书 Mrs Dalloway求这本书的中文版本:我已有王家湘的版本,现求孙梁、苏美;谷启楠;崔人元、秦可这几个版本,最好是文档型的,实在没有也可以是pdf格式的, 书“Vault Guide to Finance Interviews,6th Edition” 求中文版本一本书:Vault Guide to Finance Interviews,6th Edition 我想要找中文版本的,该怎么找?买也可以!以后要是想找英文书的中文版本应该到哪里找?或者 找一本英语书的中文版本 电子书和实体书都可以书名叫 Automotive technology a system approach 作者是Jack Erjavec ,Martin Restoule ,ALPlayter 最好是最新版本的翻译 感激不尽 请问谁能提供一下secrets,lies,and democracy这本书的中文版本. a brief history of english literature中文版本是啥这本书的中文版本是什么?有谁知道呀? 我想找《新东方中高级口译口试词汇必备》这本书的PDF版本,最好是新版的.是否有人能帮忙提供一下 求本书的电子书或PDF版本:《The Open Empire:A History of China to 1600》 英文中文版本都可以!求本书的电子书或PDF版本:《The Open Empire:A History of China to 1600》 英文中文版本都可以 请传给我或者发链 《the cask of Amontillado》的中文版本中文名《阿芒提拉多的水桶》 怎样把中文名翻译成英文名我的名字叫 唐佳瑞我不要什么mary啊Fiona啊比较俗之类的词我要那种通音词,跟中文读音差不多的请大家尽量帮我找各种版本的~如果没有的话就帮我想一个跟名字差 The Romantic Egotist这本书的中文名是什么? 中文名转英文名 我的中文名叫ZHAO LU 谁能帮我想个好听的女生英文名 最好是独一无二的 谁有“人民出版社”出版的七年级上《思想品德》的教案及习题?这学期我们七年级思想品德换版本了,人民出版社出版的思品很难上,在哪里能有这个版本的教案呢?就是这本书 tuck everlasting这本小说的中文版本 我的书是试用本(1.让我们起航 2.声 3.光 4.运动和力)应该买哪个版本?是像人教版,苏教版这种版本 给我的一对仓鼠起英文名吧一对附中文是中文名是奶什么的 请大家帮我找一下高等数学与基础化学有什么知识点是有联系的.(要详细说明)因为是课程需要.什么版本的都可以.只要是高等数学与基础化学这两本书里面的就可以了.我不想第一年就挂科 美国最高的山是什么山?我要的是中文 山的中文名.