
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 13:29:49


In recent years,the athletics game sponsor as a kind of newly arisen marketing sharp weapon,has been attached great importance by more and more business enterprises.The business enterprise sponsors athletics game,which is influenced by their own,features,in addition,it also rests with the scale size,and the possession form of the business enterprises.After the analysis of the behavior present condition of the business enterprise participating in the sponsor of athletics game,this thesis arrived at some The general standard of business enterprises’ recognition of the athletics game sponsors is somewhat low; the motives of the business enterprises’ sponsoring are manifold,but the main motive of these business enterprises is to increase the distribution,and enhance their market shares; The business enterprise always participates in sponsoring an athletics game with insufficient ex- information,they lack of active action to acquire the sponsor information of the athletics game; The business enterprises have higher necessity in sponsoring the athletics game,but the depth and the degree of the participation are still to be strengthened; the total evaluation after the business enterprises have sponsored an athletics game is lower.

In recent years, the athletics game sponsor is a kind of newly arisen marketing sharp weapon, being subjected to the value of more and more business enterprises.The business enterprise sponsors athlet...


In recent years, the athletics game sponsor is a kind of newly arisen marketing sharp weapon, being subjected to the value of more and more business enterprises.The business enterprise sponsors athletics game in addition to also be decided by the scale size, business enterprise of business enterprise under the influence of its profession characteristic and outside of the havings make form etc..At to the business enterprise participate an athletics game the behavior present condition of the sponsor to carry on analysis after, this text get:Business enterprise to the athletics game sponsors of cognize total level low;The business enterprise sponsors the motive of athletics game varied, but main motive is for the sake of the sale accomplishment of increment business enterprise, exaltation market share;The business enterprise participates an athletics game a sponsor ex- information preparation shortage, obtaining the aggressive of[with] the sponsor information of the athletics game actively not high;The business enterprise is higher to the total need of the athletics game sponsor, but participates of the depth still needs to be strengthened;The business enterprise sponsors an athletics game a sponsor behind of total evaluation lower.


In recent years, new sports competitions as a marketing tool by the attention of more and more enterprises. In addition to the sponsorship of sports events by enterprises in their own characteristic e...


In recent years, new sports competitions as a marketing tool by the attention of more and more enterprises. In addition to the sponsorship of sports events by enterprises in their own characteristic effects, it also depends on the size, forms of enterprise ownership. Sponsored enterprises to participate in sports events on the situation analysis, this paper : Cognitive sports events sponsored enterprises to lower the overall level; The motive varied corporate sponsors sporting events, But the main motivation is to increase their sales performance and increase market share; sponsored enterprises to participate in sports events before the information prepared and take the initiative to obtain information on sports events sponsored initiative is not high; the overall demand for sports events sponsored enterprises better, but still needs strengthening in depth; corporate sponsorship for sports events sponsored by the lower overall assessment.


英语翻译近年来,体育赛事赞助作为一种新兴的营销利器,受到了越来越多企业的重视.企业对体育赛事的赞助除了受到其行业特征的影响外,还取决于企业的规模大小、企业的所有制形式等.在 英语翻译乡村旅游作为一种新兴的旅游消费方式,是农业生产与旅游活动的有机结合.近年来,我国乡村旅游发展迅速,并成为农村发展中的一个重要内容,乡村旅游既是农业发展的新途径,也是旅 英语翻译文化是一种社会现象,是人类物质文明和精神文明有机结合的产物,同时又是一种历史现象,是社会的历史沉积.当今世界,随着经济全球化进程的加快,近年来,我国旅游业作为一门新兴的 英语翻译求以下摘要的英文,拜托各路神仙了~近年来,随着中国改革开放进程的不断加深,中小企业作为新兴的经济力量,开始对我国国民经济发挥重要作用,成为国民经济的支柱之一.而与此同时 英语翻译中小型酒店作为国内新兴酒店行业,近年来在国内的发展飞速.已形成品牌林立的发展现状,同时竞争愈发激烈.中小型酒店在国内已经迎来一个全新的转型期,是脱颖而出还是遭到市场 用英语翻译内容摘要 伴随互联网的发展,网络营销作为一种新兴的营销方式进入图书发行业,并得到快速发展. 英语翻译翻译原文如下:国际电子商务是一个新兴的概念,其含义就是运用电子化手段作为交易方式的国际贸易业务.作为一种全新的经济模式,国际电子商务显示出强大的生命力,在全球呈现竞 英语翻译O2O模式作为一股新兴的电子商务模式在中国的互联网技术及其商务模式探索发展中越来越受欢迎,是一种将供应商和网站销售方联合起来共同获益的新发展趋势.O2O模式作为一个新兴 英语翻译三维建筑模型是指使用电脑软件制作出的立体虚拟影像,运用主要的是3DSmax软件,是近年来随着计算机技术的迅猛发展而产生的一项新兴技术.通常称作为计算机图像学(Computer Graphics,简 英语翻译瑜伽作为当今世上新兴潮流,已发展为世界范围内最热门的健身健心方式,近年来也在我国风靡起来.本文采用文献研究法,通过作者本人的亲身体验,探讨了瑜伽历史的演变、瑜伽的各 英语翻译当互联网成为媒体主流的今天,网络广告作为依托互联网的一种新兴的广告形式.互联网是有史以来发展最快的媒体,以方便、快捷、交互性强等优势为人们所喜爱,在此基础上发展起来 英语翻译中文摘要随着互联网技术的日益发展,电子商务作为一种新兴商务模式在各行各业广泛应用并迅速发展。保险电子商务成为现今保险公司提升网络竞争力的必不可少的手段。欧美等 英语翻译摘要媒介的发展与人类社会的演变紧密地交织在一起.媒介作为信息传递、交流的工具和手段,对现代社会的各个方面都有着极其深刻的影响.近年来,“网络红人”作为一种普遍而特殊 英语翻译近年来,连锁超市作为零售业的一种新型业态,采用“顾客自我服务、一次购齐”的销售方式,以经营食品和日常服务器等中低档商品为主,实行高周转率、低利润率、价廉物美的销售方 英语翻译作为一种新兴的组织类型,非政府组织是社会公共部门的一部分,其作为社会治理的主体之一,正扮演着越来重要的角色.随着市场经济和政治文明的发展,我国的非政府组织也得到了前 汉译英: 绿色贸易壁垒作为一种限制进出口贸易的门槛应运而生,由于绿色壁垒是一种新兴的非关税壁垒,它因 英语翻译特许经营作为一种新兴而独特的经营方式,具有极大的市场渗透力,是一种较传统经营更为安全、迅速的市场拓展策略和21世纪最主要的商业经营模式.但是,由于跨国特许经营风险的存 加关联词:激光作为一种新兴的人造光源,()可用于科研、军事、医学方面,()可用于通讯、教育、宣传等方面.