英语-请问这两句话在语气上有区别吗?We may [might] as well start at once.=We had better start at once.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/02 18:11:03

英语-请问这两句话在语气上有区别吗?We may [might] as well start at once.=We had better start at once.
We may [might] as well start at once.=We had better start at once.

英语-请问这两句话在语气上有区别吗?We may [might] as well start at once.=We had better start at once.
第二句是我们最好马上开始(had better是个词组,表示最好……的意思),语气比第一句强烈一点.


had better通常是上级对下级或者是长辈对晚辈 语气中带有命令。而may则语气稍弱。

英语-请问这两句话在语气上有区别吗?We may [might] as well start at once.=We had better start at once. 关于条件状语和虚拟语气的问题,请问下面两句话有什么区别If it rains tomorrow ,we will not go out.If it were to rain tomorrow ,we would not go out.我知道第二句是虚拟语气,但不知道在表达上有什么差别,什么 请问“we can balance of our expenses.”和“we can balance our expenses.”这两句话有什么区别吗?特别是of,在这里是什么用途? 请问这两句话在语气和意义上有什么差别呢?MJ sings (降调)happilyMJ (降调)sings (停顿)(降调)happily 求助英语达人:goddamn和damn两个词有什么区别?意思应该一样吧,主要在语气和程度上有什么区别?还有请问下这两个词算文明用语吗? 英语-请问这3句话在语意上有区别吗Do you agree?Would you agree?Will you agree? 英语we felt the house shake和we felt the house shaking两句话有什么区别吗? 请问,下面两组在语气和意思上有什么区别呢?we talk (fall) naturally.we talk(停顿) (fall) naturally.My female (fall-rise)colleague(停顿) who teaches (fall-rise)English(停顿) lost all her (fall)keysMy female colleague who teac 英语中have school和 have class的区别We don't have school tomorrow.和We don't have any classes.这两句话有何区别? 这两句话在表达语气上有什么不同今天‘‘二妙’‘相聚,可谓千载难逢,岂能虚度!今天‘‘二妙’‘相聚,可谓千载难逢,岂能虚度? 《新概念英语2》第8课有一句话:He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool请问,这句话能改成He makes neat paths and builds a wooden bridge over a pool陈述语气吗?区别在哪里?我就是想问用一般现 天下的事情有困难和容易的区别吗 这句话表示的语气是什么? Could/couldn't you try it again在语气上有什么区别吗? “仁以为己任,不亦重乎?死而后已,不亦远乎”这两句话语气上有什么特点“仁以为己任,不亦重乎?死而后已,不亦远乎”这两句话语气上有什么特点 比较 你活了!你牺牲了.这两句话在表达意思上及语气上的区别有位退役老兵,有段不甚“光彩”的历史。他曾是位空军伞兵,训练了半年,上机试跳时,面对机下万丈深渊,他一屁股坐在机 文言文中判断语气和肯定语气有什么区别?例如“假舆马者,非利足也”,这句话是判断语气还是肯定语气? We must be well prepared.We must prepare.请问两句话有什么区别,和We must prepare well.会不会只是更有感情色彩一些? 初三英语句型转换及语法应用.What will she do if she has a lot of money?(改为虚拟语气)What (would) she do if she (had) a lot of money?我知道是这么填的,这两者有什么区别吗?在语气表达上或者是在语法上.如