
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/24 08:27:14

日本一家纸品公司还开发出一种夜光纸.它以合成树脂为基材,将磷光粉、荧光粉等发光物质附着在纸上.用这种纸印刷的地图、画册或书刊,在没有灯光的夜晚也能看清楚.日本还推出一种发热纸,这种纸两头有电极,只要把1 2V直流电源跟两头的电极接通,纸表温度即达80 ℃左右.它用玻璃纤维和碳纤维制成,与普通纸一样可以折 叠、卷曲、裁剪;还可以贴在墙上通电取暖.这种纸深受用户青睐.
加拿大一家公司新近研制成功一种具有防止泄密功能的新型白纸.这种白纸的表面经过了特殊的处理,需要保密的地方如句子、个别段落、数字等,只要用配套的专用笔———划线器划分出来即可.这种笔所用的书写液为透明色,当和纸面接触后便会产生一条复杂的花纹,这种花纹不会妨碍对文字的阅读,却可以破坏复印机敏感元件的正常工作,使 复印后的文章中所需保密的地方出现一条黑带,用以达到对资料保密的目的.

The rapid development of today's technology, the paper advances, there have been a variety of features unique high-tech paper published.
In recent years, the growing popularity of fax machines for the home in Japan, developed a heat-resistant thermal paper, even at 110 ℃, print the word is not eliminated, this paper has generally become the preferred fax machines and barcode records.
A Japanese paper company has also developed a luminous paper. It is the synthetic resin to the substrate, the phosphor powder, such as light-emitting phosphor material attached to the paper. This kind of paper printed with a map, pictures or books, in the absence of light at night can see clearly. Japan also introduced a hot paper, this paper has two electrodes, as long as 1 2V DC power supply connected with two electrodes, the paper surface temperature, which amounts to about 80 ℃. It is made of glass fiber and carbon fiber, will not burn, and as plain paper can be folded, curled, cut; has been attached to the wall heating power. This paper is favored by the users.
Canadian company has recently developed a new white paper to prevent the disclosure function. This white paper through a special surface treatment, such as sentences where the need for confidentiality of individual paragraphs, figures, etc., as long as necessary --- a special pen to scribe delineated. The pen used to write color transparent liquid, and the paper when in contact would produce a complicated pattern, this pattern does not prevent the reading of the text, it can damage the sensitive components of the copier to work, so after copying required to secure place the article appeared a black belt, used to achieve the purpose of confidentiality.
Not long ago, U.S. researchers have developed a new type of solar thermal collectors can be paper, which is a light energy into heat energy can be a special paper, the same as solar collectors. If it is packaged food with a light shines on the place, it will continue to heat, the food can be heated, insulation

英语翻译当今科技飞速发展,纸品日新月异,不断有各种功能独特的高科技纸问世.近年来,日本针对家用传真机日益普及,研制开发出耐热的热敏纸,即使在110℃下,打印字亦不消除,这种纸已普遍 英语翻译,地道点!以下内容:当今社会科技飞速发展,日新月异,愈来愈来电子产品出现. 当今中国经济飞速发展用英语怎么说 ()社会在不断进步,科技在飞速发展()我们()通过有选择的读书来不断扩大自己的知识面,()适应这个日新月异的社会 科技从什么时候开始飞速发展工业革命? 用英语翻译:生活在科技飞速发展的时代是一种幸运 求日新月异的近义词形容科技发展 “科技日新月异的发展”是病句吗?我觉得应该是“科技发展日新月异”,哪个对?还是都对? 青少年在科技飞速发展的今天能做些什么? 翻译 21世纪见证了科技的飞速发展 发明创造.科技的飞速进步和发展,是不是一种危害? 英语翻译现在是一个科学技术飞速发展、知识更替日新月异的世纪.计算机已深入到各个领域,并且形成了功能强大、覆盖全球的信息传输网络.各个领域都向系统化、规范化、自动化的方向发 在当今科学技术和经济飞速发展的社会英语怎么说 当今,以()和信息技术为代表的科学技术正在飞速发展,成为现代高科技的() 当今社会飞速发展,变化很大,不由得让人感叹,这真是……例:今非昔比、日新月异、__________. 六年级卷子上的第五单元b卷,作文要求:科技在飞速发展,我们的祖国日新月异,你和你的同学也在不断成长.那么,30年后,这一切将发生怎样的变化?将是一种怎样的风貌?请你以“30年后的相会” 英语翻译中国经济结构的调整,科技的飞速发展,和经济全球化进程的加快,为我国注册会计师提供了巨大的发展空间,但同时也对我国注册会计师行业提出了严峻的挑战.注册会计师在我国发展 写具体 随着科技的发展,人类的交通工具也日新月异