求文档: 21世纪大学实用英语练习册第三册unit5答案

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求文档: 21世纪大学实用英语练习册第三册unit5答案
求文档: 21世纪大学实用英语练习册第三册unit5答案

求文档: 21世纪大学实用英语练习册第三册unit5答案
1.To offer an entertaining look at why America can seem so strange to visitors from abroad.
2.So the reader understands the point of view from which the essay has been written; so people will realize that many of the things listed are just as strange for Americans as they are for foreigners.
3.He seems to admire what he lists under dreams, gadgets, lines and quiet — perhaps hardware stores as well.
4.Owning credit cards and gadgets, using first names, taking advantage of sales, watching too much TV.
5.He defines it as a vision that people can become anything they want to become.
6.Because the French don't share the same fascination and see it as a kind of obsessive game or competition.
7.He jokes that the American use of first names leaves Europeans unable to distinguish friends from acquaintances.
8.He says that unless a family has been wealthy for many generations, people suspect that their money was acquired dishonestly.
9.The writer emphasizes the European view that many things should be kept private, not shown off in public, and this might well be their view of religious beliefs as well.
9.He means that the American emphasis on work leads to excessive stress, which causes ulcers.
10.Because the questions are silly: No terrorist or criminal would confess on a questionnaire like this.
11.There are doubtless many possible interpretations of this, but one could be: No matter what you may like or dislike about America, it's undeniable that Americans have — for better or worse — high ambitio
1.legislation 2.compiled 3.assumptions 4.emigrate 5.acquaintances 6.renowned,ambition
7.confusion,orderly 8.amused 9.impressive(amusing would also work) 10.supplement
3.a visa,questionnaire
4.preach(to me,to others)
1.The practice of taking a cold shower every morning is catching on in some parts of the country.
2.It isn't always wise to take it for granted that foreigners understand no Chinese.
3.The workers refused to sign the contract on the grounds that it didn't satisfy their demands.
4.I'd better hurry. I've only rewritten three sentences so far and I have to finish before midnight.
5.I'm in [full] agreement with the author's opinion of Oliver North.
6.If you're smart, you'll take advantage of this opportunity.
7.Some teachers take pride in being on a first-name basis with all their students.
8.What do the stars in the American flag stand for?
These are open-ended discussion questions with no “correct” or “incorrect” answers — anything grammatical that shows understanding of the target vocabulary is excellent. Please make sure the students understand that this exercise is an opportunity for them to practice their English as they feel is appropriate and useful for them. Their answers can be whole paragraphs, or just single sentences; and/or they can produce several different short answers to each question — it's up to them. The only requirement is that they use at least one of the vocabulary items in each sentence they write (and that the sentences make some kind of sense!).
VII 1.femisism 2.hereoism 3.idealism 4.extremism 5.patniotism
VIII 1.electrician 2.mathematician 3.musician 4.politicians 5.librarian
6.historian 7.stechnician
1.We drove all night to [get to]Amy's place, only to discover that she was away for the weekend.
2.He spent ages negotiating a pay increase, only to resign from his job soon after he'd received it.
3.He spent four years getting a degree, only to learn that there were no jobs in his field for graduates.
4.I hurried to the shop only to find it was closed.
5.Scott arrived at the South Pole on January 18th, only to find that Amudsen had got there before him.
6.I raced home to tell my family the good news, only to fall down the stairs and break my leg.
1.To help foreign investors get a better understanding of Shanghai, they've compiled this little guide from the various sources they could find.
2.He's the sort of person who prefers to keep his plans to himself until they're realized.
3.I came to New York from far away to see him, only to find he had gone abroad two days before.
4.It is difficult to imagine now how we've survived for so long without electricity, television or telephone.
5.The new policy encourages people to become wealthy if the money has been acquired honestly.
6.If I were in charge of the project, I'd make better use of the money that's available.
7.He was refused an entry permit on the grounds that he was a dangerous person.
8.It didn't take the teacher long to catch on that Tom always had an excuse for turning in late assignments.
Some Differences between Families in China and America
There are some very striking differences between families in China and America.One difference is that Chinese children always take care of their old parents. If they don't take care of them, friends and colleagues will gossip about them. Chinese society condemns this kind of behavior, and sometimes newspapers even write about children who neglect their old parents. But in the United States, adult children often put their parents in nursing homes, and this is seen as an acceptable (if not entirely desirable) thing to do.Another difference is that Chinese parents sacrifice everything for their children, and they are very stern with them. Parents put a lot of pressure on their children to study hard. They think that studying will make the children successful. In fact, many teenagers study long hours a day and are not allowed to date. But in the United States, parents think their own lives are as important as their children's lives. They have more freedom, and they give their children more freedom too. Parents let their children stay alone or relax after school, and they think it's natural for their teenagers to date. (189 words)
1.barn牲口棚: farm animals
2.cage笼子: zoo animals
3.cell监狱: prisoners
4.dormitory (集体)宿舍: students
5.inn小旅馆: travellers, especially pre-20th-century travellers
6.nest巢: birds
7.shell壳: shellfish, turtles, etc.
8.cellar地窖: potatoes? wine?
9.cemetery墓地: ghosts? (or no one: everyone’s dead!)
10.mansion公馆: millionaires
11.motel汽车旅馆: people travelling by car in the US
12.web网: spiders
1.display 2.destinies 3.self-centered 4.external 5.desirable 6.elsewhere
7.independence 8.associated 9.intended 10.privacy 11.objective 12.likewise
1.so much so that 2.make your own way in life 3.be taken seriously 4.growing up