10个英语单项选择 1.sharon sold most of her belongings.she has scarcely ( ) left in house.A.everything B.nothing C.anything D.something 2.The goy over there is( ) the great artist,Charlie Chaplin himself.A.no other but B.none other than C.no ot

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/09 06:01:49

10个英语单项选择 1.sharon sold most of her belongings.she has scarcely ( ) left in house.A.everything B.nothing C.anything D.something 2.The goy over there is( ) the great artist,Charlie Chaplin himself.A.no other but B.none other than C.no ot
1.sharon sold most of her belongings.she has scarcely ( ) left in house.
A.everything B.nothing C.anything D.something
2.The goy over there is( ) the great artist,Charlie Chaplin himself.
A.no other but B.none other than C.no other than D.no one but
3.My father asked ( )
A.Tom and me to help B.me and Tom to help C.I and Tom to help D.Tom and I to help
4.Their decision to leave was entirely( )
A.by them B.their own C.themselves D.of their self-doing
5.---Does the museum have any old paintings?
----Yes,it has two( )
A.old German ones B.German old ones C.old Germans D.old German
6.He is( ) of a musician
A.anybody B.anyone C.somebody D.something
7.It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music,but it is quite( ) to perform skillfully yourself.
A.other B.another.C.some body.D.any
8.Few people know the answer except( )
A.you and I B.you and mine C.you and me D.yourself and myself
9.The lifeguard has already warned( )
A.we swimmers B.us swimmers C.our swimmers D.ours swimmers
10.One should always be careful of ( ) health.
A.his B.their C.her D.one’s

10个英语单项选择 1.sharon sold most of her belongings.she has scarcely ( ) left in house.A.everything B.nothing C.anything D.something 2.The goy over there is( ) the great artist,Charlie Chaplin himself.A.no other but B.none other than C.no ot
1.Sharon sold most of her belongings.She has scarcely ( ) left in house.
1)anything 用于否定,和scarcely(几乎不)用在一起表示“所剩无几”,恰好符合上文sold most of her belongings (卖掉大多数财产);
2)scarcely everything 表示几乎不是所有的,即还剩下一半左右;scarcely nothing 双重复定,否定之否定意思成了简直不是没有,即几乎都有;something 只能用于肯定,与 scarcely 放在一起不符合语法.
2.The guy over there is ( ) the great artist,Charlie Chaplin himself.
答案:A.no other but
A.no other but 不是其他任何人而是…,也就是“正是”
B.none other than不是别的东西而是…
C.no other than 同 B,不是别的东西而是…
D.no one but .除...外没人;只不过是
3.My father asked ( )
答案:A.Tom and me to help
1)人称代词用作宾语必须用宾格,I 是主格,me 是宾格;
2)英语中列举人的时候必须把第一人称的 I/me 或者 we/us放在最后.
4.Their decision to leave was entirely ( )
答案:D.of their self-doing
A.by them 用于介绍行为的实施者,意思是“被他们”
B.their own 放在名词前表示“他们自己的某物”
C.themselves 反身代词,用作宾语或同位语指上文提到的某些人自己
D.of their self-doing:其实是 the decision of their self-doing(他们个人行为的决定),由于上文已经提到 decision,为了避免重复而省略.
5.---Does the museum have any old paintings?
---Yes,it has two ( )
答案:A.old German ones
2)ones 指代上文提到的同类东西的复数,
6.He is ( ) of a musician
解析:something of 意思是“在某种程度上、多多少少、有几分”;本题的意思是“它在某种程度上是个音乐家”.
7.It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music,but it is quite ( ) to perform skillfully yourself.
解析:quite another完全不同/另外一回事.本题意思是“听优美的音乐是一回事,但是自己熟练的表演却是另一回事”.
8.Few people know the answer except ( )
答案:C.you and me
1) except 是介词,介词宾语要用宾格;
9.The lifeguard has already warned ( )
答案:B.us swimmers
1)人称代词是动词warned 的宾语.如果用宾格 us,说明包括自己在内;如果用 our (我们的)就把自己排除在外.
2)swimmers 是 us 的同位语,进一步说明 us 的身份.
10.One should always be careful of ( ) health.
解析:不定代词 one 只能视作单数,因此要用单数的物主代词 his 指代.

第一题c 个人愚见 不是十分确定 但可以确定不是C就是D, A和B是不可能的
第二题d 没有一个人但是除了那个艺术家
第三题a ask动词 动宾结构 C和d 都错 因为TOM要放前面 所以是A
第四题B 凭经验和语感 不是十分确定 不好意思啊
第五题C 原则问题 old 要放在国家前
第六题 不知道
第七题 不知道
第八题c 同第三题


第一题c 个人愚见 不是十分确定 但可以确定不是C就是D, A和B是不可能的
第二题d 没有一个人但是除了那个艺术家
第三题a ask动词 动宾结构 C和d 都错 因为TOM要放前面 所以是A
第四题B 凭经验和语感 不是十分确定 不好意思啊
第五题C 原则问题 old 要放在国家前
第六题 不知道
第七题 不知道
第八题c 同第三题
第九题A 原则问题
第十题B 虽然one是单数 由于不明性别 所以用B项


C 几乎没有,半否定用any
C 固定搭配no other than
A me放在后面
D something of表示一定程度上
B 同位
D 男女不定