帮我纠正下错误的语法,Fifth,I participated in the 14th Annual China International Fair for Investment and Trade and met a lot of foreigners there.I seek every chance to communicate English with them.I learn that as an English major we must c

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/08 13:11:49

帮我纠正下错误的语法,Fifth,I participated in the 14th Annual China International Fair for Investment and Trade and met a lot of foreigners there.I seek every chance to communicate English with them.I learn that as an English major we must c
Fifth,I participated in the 14th Annual China International Fair for Investment and Trade and met a lot of foreigners there.I seek every chance to communicate English with them.I learn that as an English major we must cherish every chance to practice English every time and every where.Sixth,Desperate Housewives is a popular teleplay among the America even among china.I watch it everyday and write down the key words and the important sentences.I speak them aloud every morning over and over again.I can learn many new words and English proverbs in this way.Seventh,singing the English songs not only I can relax myself but also I can learn many new words.Eighth,I am used to listening to the news every night,which I can learn some news in this way and I always talk them with my friends the next mornings.Ninth,sometimes we have role playing with my English.We play in turn and ask others advices on pronunciation,intonation and action in order to do well the next time.Tenth,we will have hot-spot debate at the weekend.We talk about the recent issue or problem together in English.It can help me speak English fluently.And I can know about the important event happened recently.

帮我纠正下错误的语法,Fifth,I participated in the 14th Annual China International Fair for Investment and Trade and met a lot of foreigners there.I seek every chance to communicate English with them.I learn that as an English major we must c
All are following the order of ur short paragraph.
- a lot of - an informal word but it is okay.
- seek - sought
- communicate with them in English
- I have learned that,as an English major person,I must cherish every chance to practice English every time and everywhere.
- both in America and in China.(really popular?I don't think so)
- Listening to English songs is not only a way to relax myself but also a way to assist me with memorizing new words.
- happened to occurred
(pay more attention to ur sentence structures,past tense and logical thoughts.In addition,u need some translation words.)

帮我纠正下错误的语法,Fifth,I participated in the 14th Annual China International Fair for Investment and Trade and met a lot of foreigners there.I seek every chance to communicate English with them.I learn that as an English major we must c 帮我纠正拼写和语法、时态错误在这里~我写的日志纠正一下.记得把评论写我的 BLOG上哦~ 帮我纠正下错误的语法,,What did I learn about my oral English skill?I will say that I did learn a lot by these activities.First,it is very interesting to attend the English Garden from which I can learn some foreign customs.I can understand 帮我纠正下错误的语法,As a matter of fact,I consider myself have made a great progress in oral English by these activities.But there are still some aspects I need to improve on.First of all,I need to be more confident.I am too shy to speak E 帮我查看下语法有错误么?I mostly to go to there 帮我看下以下句子语法有错误吗?有的话帮我纠正下.I prefer Demi Lovato's version,because it was my 1st impressions for this song,but Idina Menzel's version also pretty good,her voice mature and pleasant... 帮我看看我写的对不对 错误的帮我纠正打钩的题 麻烦帮我纠正下这些英语口语.以下我这些口语,我不知道是不是有表达上的错误或不合适.请高手纠正,非常之感谢啊~!1. 请问厕所在哪,我很急. I ask where the toilet, I am in a hurry.PS:这句是在你很急 worry about和be worry about有什么区别?如果我的提问有语法上的问题那也一起帮我纠正下 帮我看下我写的英语,纠正下我的错误,我英语很差,when i leave you every time and i don't know what do you feel but i miss you every night and you don't know what i think aboutwhen i lost you every time It's a strange feelingi don't h 翻译语法有错误,帮我修改下 i am sorry for any inconvenience that bring to you. 帮我看看下面的作文有什么语法方面的错误并纠正,如果20分的作文这篇可以给多少分?I just came back Beijing last week.It is a very beautiful city that I visited it on July22th to July26th with 15 students from different s 怎样纠正我的普通话错误读法? 麻烦大家帮我把错误的语法纠正一下,my petI remember the first day you came to my home,stanger person and stanger place makes you feel scared.I gently hold you up and you are curious about looking at me.That expression was so cute.I'll g 请各位大虾看下我做得对不对,如果错了,并我帮纠正错误,感激不尽 英语高手进.请纠正这句话语法上的错误..I dont want to be the frog which is placed in cold water that not perceive the danger and cooked to death at last.请纠正。语法上的错误。句子原意想表达:我不想成为那只在 广大高手们—帮我检查纠正一下地理作业错误,全都只是单项选择哦,八下 求英语达人纠正下小文章里的错误第一次写英语日志,语法,表达都不是很准确,希望英语达人给与正确的改正,MaybeNot only I hate English,but also I tried writing my first English log.虽然讨厌英语,但是我还