This is the shopping list of my family.接下去写(品名,价格...)不少于60个单词好的追.分快

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 14:12:31

This is the shopping list of my family.接下去写(品名,价格...)不少于60个单词好的追.分快
This is the shopping list of my family.接下去写(品名,价格...)不少于60个单词

This is the shopping list of my family.接下去写(品名,价格...)不少于60个单词好的追.分快
This is the shopping list of my family:
apple 苹果
pear 梨
apricot 杏
peach 桃
grape 葡萄
banana 香蕉
pineapple 菠萝
plum 李子
watermelon 西瓜
orange 橙
lemon 柠檬
mango 芒果
strawberry 草莓
medlar 枇杷,欧查果
mulberry 桑椹
nectarine 油桃
cherry 樱桃
pomegranate 石榴
fig 无花果
tangerine 柑子
persimmon 柿子
walnut 胡桃
hazelnut 榛子
peanut 花生
date 枣
chestnut 粟
currant 醋粟
coconut,cocoanut 可可
bilberry 越桔
blackberry,blueberry 黑莓
avocado 鳄梨
black currant 红醋栗
blood orange 红橙
citron,grapefruit 香橼
damson 大马士革李
almond 巴旦杏
nutmeg 肉豆蔻
papaya,papaw 番木瓜
guava 番石榴
pistachio 阿月浑子
prickly pear 仙人掌果
raspberry 覆盆子
soursop 刺果番荔枝
Daily Use Stuff:
toilet articles 盥洗用品
towel 毛巾
handkerchief 手帕
toilet soap 香皂
shampoo 洗发香波
soap 肥皂
laundry soap 洗衣皂
soap powder 肥皂粉
soap flakes 皂片
medicated soap 药皂
detergent 洗衣粉
cleanser 去污粉
tooth paste 牙膏
tooth brush 牙刷
toilet mirror 梳妆镜
hair brush 发刷
hair vaseline 发蜡
cosmetics 化妆品
lipstic 口红,唇膏
face powder 粉
compact 粉盒
powder puff 粉扑
cold cream 香脂
vanishing cream 雪花膏
perfume,scent 香水
perfume spray 香水喷子
coat hanger 挂衣架
clothes-peg,clothes pin 晒衣夹
string bag,net bag 网兜
thermos bottle 热水瓶
cap,cork 热水瓶瓶盖
travellers' water bottle,water flask,canteen 旅行水壶
lunch box,canteen 饭盒
thread 线
needle 针
button 钮扣
zipper 拉链
key-ring 钥匙圈
torch,flashlight 手电
bulb 灯泡
battery 电池
lock 锁
watch,wrist watch 表,手表
watch band 表带
watch chain 表链
clock 钟
alarm clock 闹钟
electric clock 电钟
umbrella 雨伞
parasol,sun umbrella 阳伞
knapsack 背包
handbag 女手提包
briefcase,portfolio 公事包
travelling bag 旅行包
suitcase 手提箱
trunk 大衣箱
magnifying glass 放大镜
binoculares 望远镜
hot-water bottle 热水袋
smoking set 烟具
lighter 打火机
jewelry,jewels 首饰,珠宝
jewel case 首饰盒
antique,curio 古玩
ornaments 装饰品
ring,finger ring 戒指
signet ring 印章戒指
necklace 项链
brooch 胸针
pendant 坠子
bracelet 镯子
chain bracelet 手链
ear ring 耳环
trinket 小饰物
safety-pin 别针
cuff-link 袖扣
diamond 钻石
gold jeweleries 金饰
silver jeweleries 银饰
pearl 珍珠
imitation 仿制品
genuine 真的
fake 假的
baby's cot,crib 婴儿床
cradle 摇篮
diaper,napkin 尿布
feeding bottle,feeder 奶瓶
teat,nipple 橡皮奶嘴
dummy,comforter 假奶嘴
perambulator 儿童车
go-cart,walker,babywalker 儿童学步车
rocking-horse 摇马
scooter 踏板车
child's tricycle 儿童三轮车
razor 剃刀
safety razor 保险剃须刀
electric razor 电剃刀
razor blade 刀片
shaving brush 剃须刷
shaving cream 剃须膏
comb 梳子
hair-brush 发刷
hair-net 发网
hair pin 发夹
hair oil,brilliantine 发油
hair lotion 生发水
pomade 发膏
hair drier 吹风机
hair-curler 卷发夹
electric clippers,electric shears 电推子
nail scissors 指甲剪
nail clipper 指甲夹
nail file 指甲锉
nail varnish,nail polish 指甲油

this shopping mill is full of .the weekend.写一个单词是shopping mall 英语连词成句going,she,to,is,shopping,the,afternoon,this写中文 The shopping mall____at this time of the day.A open B close C is closed D is opened 语法? he____in the mall 填is shopping 还是goes shopping ____last year ,this shopping mall is one of the biggest in our city为什么是opened而不是being opening 3.It’s so late.Where is the e_________ of this shopping mall?Let’s go home. 1have classmates l new some year this 2list the is here shopping 连词成句 there 's a new mall down the street.MrWhite is the owner of this shopping mall.请问第二个句子也能像第一个句子那样没有shopping 直接就是this mall. Mom is going to do some shopping this afternoon.对do some shopping提问 The shopping centre is behind my house.同义句 My house is ---- ----- ----- the shopping centre. i ____(go) the shopping mall this afternoon the things in this shopping mall are _ expensive there isn't any bookstop in this shopping mall.能否写成there is no bookstops in this shopping. 英语翻译SEATTLE sun Oct 27(reuters)-Emloyers beware:Fruitless weekend shopping trips into stores this shortened holiday shopping season may mean less is getting done back at the office as many workers flock to the Web in search of bargainsAnalyst Go along this street,and then turn left at the third crossing.The shopping centre is on your right.中文写 英语翻译New York is one of the most exciting cities in the world.You might want to do some shopping in New York.Fifth Avenue is probably New York’s most famous shopping street,but if you go,be prepared to “window shop”only.This is shopping 英语翻译New York is one of the most exciting cities in the world.You might want to do some shopping in New York.Fifth Avenue is probably New York’s most famous shopping street,but if you go,be prepared to “window shop”only.This is shopping Between the buildings____the shopping mall are is the /